Brand new here . . just survived day 4! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Brand new here . . just survived day 4!

nsd_user663_42642 profile image
24 Replies


Hello everyone . . brand new here and just saying hello . . . quit on Sunday 5th Feb so today has been my 4th day.

One thing that stands out to me as a newly quit ex smoker is how much we seem to expect from ourselves. It's a big deal to quit the evil weed and yet we try to do it without changing very much about our daily routine . . no one would be able to quit drinking or other drugs without drastically changing their routines.

I want to give this the best chance I possible can . . going cold turkey . . no nicotine replacement of any kind and laying low for a bit until the first few really tough early days are over. Be kind to myself . . sleep a little more . . eat a little more . . take long baths . . and keep away from any kind of stress if at all possible . . Avoid annoying people who almost goad you into lighting up.

It's a big big deal to me quitting this time . . I did it last in 1997 and stayed quit for 3 whole years then one silly puff on a cigarette at a time of stress and bam! Over the next three weeks I REALLY NEEDED that one cigarette a night . . then after three weeks I was back on a pack a day!

I now know that 1) I can quit 2) Nicotine replacement only prolongs the agony for me and 3) If I want to stay quit I have to stay quit! No exceptions to this rule . . I either smoke or I don't and I am doing it one day at a time . . moment by moment sometimes it seems . . letting the cravings ride over me like waves . . this is easier to do if I'm being kind to myself and going having a lie down or off for a walk etc when it hits me bad.

Anyhow . . that's me for now . . really proud I've done these four days without many crutches (apart from drinking fizzy water and chomping on chewing gum) Oooh and crunching on ice really helps . . and sucking on frozen grapes . . be kind to yourselves fellow non smokers :-) Jo

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nsd_user663_42642 profile image
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24 Replies
Si22 profile image

Hi Jo firstly welcome to the forum. youve done the right thing in becoming a member, theres some top solid people on here who can help you to be non smoker.

I too have quit before just like you , only to fall foul of the monster again. this time ive done the cold turkey, after reading the allen carr book, which if you havent read then you should itll help you see smoking for what it really is theres a link on here for it.

im on day 11, ive had two massive wobbles, but got through them with the help of fellow forumites on here, this place is the place to be if you dont feel 100% and the world is closing in. 24/7 someone will answer your call.

Walking is how i get over my cravings, and hopefully keep the weight down.

Good luck Jo where here to help oh and we have been known to have a laugh too its not all doom and gloom.


bananaskin_ profile image

Hiya Jo and welcome.

Yes I've been there... quitting then on one a day, I went a few months on one a day then it was 2 then it was back to 'normal' at 10 -15-20+ a day.

Good luck love, if you need support here we are.

Never give up giving up :)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Welcome to the forum Jo.

It's scary isn't it, how even really long term quitters can succumb to the demon. I know - I really do know - that one sneaky puff of a rollie and I'd be right back where I started. And it's so easy to be complacent when you've been quit a long time.

Well done for quitting again. You are doing fantastically well to get to day 4 cold turkey. And you know you have it in you to quit for good. This time it's NOPE - Not One Puff Ever - and a lifetime of freedom awaits!

Hang in there!


nsd_user663_41061 profile image

Yes Welcome! I am like you, 1 puff and its back to smoking...I am

like an alcholic, 1 drink and its OVER! Now that I know this, I will NEVER

EVER take even 1 puff! Today is day 30 for me and I use nothing but

a 1/2 lozenge if necessary...and if I do, its now just 2 x's a day..which

equates to 1 whole lozenge. I and a host of others here will be your

support!! God Bless! :D:D:D

nsd_user663_42642 profile image

Thanks everyone . . I kept it to myself that I was quitting (easy to do as I live alone) but felt a buzz of pride that I had gone 4 day's and seen myself through the dreaded day 3 . . that wall of pain that I remembered so well from quitting before.

So this buzz of pride lead me some where I wish I'd not gone . . I told someone . . someone close to me who I hoped would be proud and supportive . . who instead came back with "Oh don't fool yourself you'll be smoking again soon!" . . . Then the unexpected pang that immediately came over me on hearing those words . . a massive feeling of weakness and fear that this person knew me so much that they saw nothing but weakness and saw me as caving in . . it felt like there was no point even trying any longer . . then straight after this feeling came over me of "No! . . I won't let that be true!" . . But since then I've felt quite upset that this was said to me . . disappointed in myself that I reached out only to get my hand slapped as it were . . and I've had this yo-you feeling of defiance and determination to succeed one minute then this feeling of total vulnerability and hoping they're not right the next . . anyone know how to handle the doubting Thomas's? . . . The upset has brought on some uncomfortable cravings it has to be said . . and I'm rather angry that this was the response from someone who I care about and who 'cares' about me! . . What do smokers do when they're angry? . . Well that's not an option so I'm franticly chewing my gum and sipping my fizzy water!

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Well I would ignore the doubting thomas. Is he a smoker? If he is, then he's just jealous you're breaking free and he's still scared. My nana is a bit like that with me. I just ignore her. :)

You're doing real well so keep it up x

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Hi Jo,

Welcome to the Forum.

I understand... I had no support at work, instead, they poked fun at me for acting different and when I would show any happiness about how long I had gone, they said, "yeah tell me when you've made it a year without screwin up", this person who said these things is an ex smoker. An ex smoker who still feels deprived of a cigarette. Please read Allen Carr's Easy way to quit smoking, look under my posts and you'll find the link.

Don't let anyone steel your joy. Nicotine Addiction has already done that to you and now your taking it back. Sometimes getting free takes some fighting Come on here and get your encouragement and you'll see, your strength will build and next time you hear discouragement, you easily ignore or rebuke that person.

Reading your first post, you are doing really good, don't give up :)

nsd_user663_38091 profile image

Hi Jo welcome to a mad mad mad world lol you're going to encounter all sorts of people who are good bad or indifferent to you quitting.....

However ....we know how bloody hard it hop on......we're en route to The Penthouse :rolleyes:

Michelle :D

nsd_user663_36288 profile image

Hi Jo - I've had one or two people who've behaved in a similar way - doubting my ability to quit - and understand the mix of emotions it can prompt. Once I got past the immediate, resultant cravings, I realised that I was going to have to deal with any number of triggers - big, small, expected, out of the blue, etc - and I had the choice at all times to react to each trigger by smoking, IF I WISHED. Of all the triggers I could use as an excuse to return to smoking, it was definitely NOT going to be the one from somebody who thought I didn't have it in me to quit! The cheek of them! Even now, it actually only serves to strengthen my resolve. Though it hasn't done much for my relationship with them!

Keep going - you'll show them!



nsd_user663_40680 profile image

Excellent advice.

Hi Jo,

Just to say read Sue's response to your post and thought great solid advice. I think everyone's told someone that they were quitting ..only to be met with half hearted encouragement which really makes your blood boil. My advice would be use this to your advantage to strengthen your quit and your resolve to succeed. You can do it Jo. Best of luck with your quit.



nsd_user663_42642 profile image

Thanks everyone . . I really do appreciate your comments and support . . it means a lot.

I had a rough night last night . . the cravings were getting a grip of me because of how stressed I felt and couldn't respond/react how I would have done a week ago and sat up drinking tea and smoking . . so a night gritting my teeth and thumping my pillow had to do instead.

I've never understood how bitter people can be when faced with someone who is succeeding . . I find I feel naturally happy for others and it inspires me to try to achieve things for myself . . not try and steal their thunder . . It was a shocker . .as I said, this is someone close to me, but I've gotten through day 5 unscathed and smoke free so Blaaaah to them! ;-D

nsd_user663_42642 profile image

Hi Jubilee . . I looked for the Allan Carr link but it wouldn't re direct me to it . . I have trouble with PDF files on this old jalopy of a computer anyway . . I'm going to try and find it to buy this weekend I think . . thanks again . . Jo

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Hi Jo,

Glad to hear your pushin through. Good Job! Here's the link to the Allen Carr book,In case you want to dabble in it until you can get one. Keep it up Jo, you can do it :)

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Hi Jubilee . . I looked for the Allan Carr link but it wouldn't re direct me to it . . I have trouble with PDF files on this old jalopy of a computer anyway . . I'm going to try and find it to buy this weekend I think . . thanks again . . Jo

one of my work mates, we were the only two that smoked at work, really wants to stop and after seeing me getting along fine she wanted to read this book so i ordered her it think it was about 6.50 on amazon. not too expensive really!! i got the how to stop smoking for women, dont know how much different it is to the other books but its helped me any how. x

bananaskin_ profile image

Alan Carr

Sorry if I'm hijacking your thread Jo, but I hope it's for a good cause (stopping smoking always is... anyhow I'll not ramble. I get comfy and start rambling :D)

Is this book still going to be useful for someone who is past a week or so? I mean, for me?

nsd_user663_42642 profile image

I can't get on the link at all . . . it keeps coming up saying google couldn't find it . . I didn't get around to buying it today either (I think I've been a bit complacent today) . . sort of flying on a bit of a 6th day high . . I must wind myself back in and go and buy the book . .

I can only assume that it's good for anyone to read it no matter what stage of the quit they're at Bananaskin.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Sorry if I'm hijacking your thread Jo, but I hope it's for a good cause (stopping smoking always is... anyhow I'll not ramble. I get comfy and start rambling :D)

Is this book still going to be useful for someone who is past a week or so? I mean, for me?

Yeah, I started it a couple of days in. He does say at the end for people to end the slavery and have their last cig but then he says about us that have already stopped aswell. Its all about reversing the brainwashing and making you happy to be free of it. So I would still give it a go if I was you

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

That link is now broken Jo, try this one...

As for people not supporting you or trying to belittle your achievements, here are two cracking quotes I use in college...

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."

- Mark Twain

"Take control of your destiny. Believe in yourself. Ignore those who try to discourage you. Avoid negative sources, people, places, thoughts and habits. Don't ever give up and don't ever give in."

- Unknown

bananaskin_ profile image

Re Allen Carr

Thanks Rochelle, Capitan :)

nsd_user663_42642 profile image

Thanks Capitan . . I had a look at that link but it's a pdf document and my very old computer doesn't let me open pdf files. I will have to buy it on Amazon I think.

Thank you also for the quotes . . really appreciated . . I can cope with comments of small minded people . . I found it hard to take from this particular person . . it was who said it more than what was said that rattled me and almost had me relapsing . . glad I didn't and thanks for the support . . Jo

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Then whoever it is who said it IS a small minded person!

Onwards and upwards, to the moon and beyond! :D

nsd_user663_42841 profile image

hi Joe,

had the same from my mum in law, who has said i wont do two weeks, funny people, it hurt and made me think, and nearly wobble, but i will be an ex smoker and so will you,

i keep thinking its for me not any one else, and i am stronger than she thinks, i am doing this for me not her

day 6 here i come

good luck think tall xxx

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

I don't really give a sh*t what other people think about my quit. Except what I think about myself, and this forum's advice! :D

nsd_user663_42642 profile image

hi Joe,

had the same from my mum in law, who has said i wont do two weeks, funny people, it hurt and made me think, and nearly wobble, but i will be an ex smoker and so will you,

i keep thinking its for me not any one else, and i am stronger than she thinks, i am doing this for me not her

day 6 here i come

good luck think tall xxx

Thanks Marierose . . It's terrible when people can't be happy or supportive but this site proves that we're all celebrating each other's triumphs . . Jo

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