Allen Carr's Easy way to Stop Smoking - No Smoking Day

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Allen Carr's Easy way to Stop Smoking

nsd_user663_42145 profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone,

I'm so excited to have found Allen Carr's Easy way to Stop Smoking online, Printable. I just printed it out 111 pages. Here's the link

It goes directly into the begining of the book intro in PDF Format



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nsd_user663_42145 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_40384 profile image

hope you find it really helpful. I know he's sometimes talked about on here as "the church of alan carr" but if he does it for you ( and he does it for me) then go for it! I still find i really need this forum though, even more than alan carr!

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Definetly :)

The more tools the better. I'll try the badger bum next. lol

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Yeah its working for me too. I am not at the end of the book yet. I know I had already stopped by time I read this (I ordered myself a kindle when I quit it was the first book I downloaded) and he says to keep on smoking til the end, but still I reckon its worked for me and changed my ideas about smoking, which is a good thing. I knew it was the nicotine that was addicted, but naivly thought it was the habit and the taste I'd grew to love!! Silly of me!! Now I know, they were illusions, and it was nothing more than an addiction to nicotine. Why the hell have I smoked for 9 years eh? What bloody damage have I done to myself :(

Oh and I got the one for women. Which I'm finding really good. It learns you not to feel deprived. We are not deprived. When we were smoking, we were deprived of freedom. We arnt deprived of anything now we don't need to smoke, and we don't need anything in its place. Oh and the fact he explains that the brain craving nicotine is the same as your body needing food is the same feeling, no wonder I've found it hard to diet in the past! Daft cow I am lol I am actually eating better and not snacking as much now that I have stopped!! Its a proper revelation. Ill tell you how I feel when I've read the last couple of chapters

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

I am enjoying this read. It will give me the boost I need in my brain retraining. :D


nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Yeah, I think it can only be a good thing if you 'get' it. Which I think I have, its just clicked.

I know its working for me as I havnt found the quit hard. I am seeing the addiction for what it really is and I think its the best feeling in the world to be free. I know I've done it not the right way, by being on patches lol but you know what, I know I get it and its made me feel great about stopping. I don't think ill ever want to breathe in all those chemicals and poisons into my lungs ever again. I never want to be trapped again.

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

It gives me a good dose of truth on how silly I have gotten in the past about feeling deprived and feeling like nothing is enjoyable without a ciggie. What a big sac of lies we all swallowed with this addiction. The truth sets you free.... your right, you do have to "get it" though. This forum is a form of it, but it all starts in your own head. If that voice starts up again, sayin' all that old cigarette BS, I'm gonna laugh at it

I get it too :D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Lol yeah, just laugh at it. I'm into week 3 on friday :) i will not fail this quit as I do not want to go through the whole quit process again, so yeah I will join in with the laughing :)

I do worry about passive smoking now though !! Its amazing how much smoke you breathe in in town, loads of people smoke in my town I never really noticed when I was one of them!! Poor buggers, wish I could convince everyone to try quitting cos I have found it that easy so far

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Im in week three as of yesterday. I just got out of a funk this last week. Rollercoaster of emotions, but hopefully that is past now. I'm feeling like my old self, again but with new prespective and better breath. lol

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Lol yeah fresh breath is a massive thing for me!! Was always hammering the chewing gum and mints to get rid lol just reinforces how much I hated the smell and taste even when I was smoking.

I've not had emotions yet, well not bad ones anyway.

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Yeah the smell thing is big for me. I used to have a whole routine I would do in the car before I went into any building, hand sanitizer, body mist, gum. Now, It a mist at home and I can smell it on myself during the day. Sooo much better :)

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Yeah the smell thing is big for me. I used to have a whole routine I would do in the car before I went into any building, hand sanitizer, body mist, gum. Now, It a mist at home and I can smell it on myself during the day. Sooo much better :)

Oh god yeah!! I love smelling sweeeeet lol I really make an effort with body spray and perfume now so I am seeing how much better I do smell! Its great isn't it

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Among many benefits... its little things like, catching a whiff of a shampoo smell at my desk and then realizing it's my own hair. or hugging my OH (who quit ct new years)after I get home from work and smelling his shave cream from the morning. ;)

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Rochelle I hope you don't mind me asking you this but if Alan Carr has changed your way of thinking why do you use NRT?

How can you be sure it his him and not the NRT that is working for you?

No I don't mind. Well I havnt finished the book yet like I said. And he does state that people have been to him wanting to free of the addiction to patches and gums so, I guess I'm one of those at the min.

I'm not saying its gonna work forever, I havnt got a crystal ball, all I'm saying is that in my mind his book is educating me and making me realise things that I never thought of when I was smoking. I was already using patches and had stopped when I started reading, but its helped me believe I am not deprived of my 'pleasure', it was never a pleasure in the first place, but a hindrance. Also, the illusion that I enjoyed it, that's gone away too.

I won't ever say I stopped using allen carrs method, that's why I havnt got it in my signature. All I'm saying is the book has removed the illusions I had and the belief that stopping is hard, it isn't hard!! And its stopped me replacing fags with food. I havnt been over eating. So in my eyes, its a good thing.

If I ever mess up in life, which I believe I'm strong enough not to, I will obviously do his method in the way he tells you to. Because of course I havnt done it exactly as he says. I just read the book thinking it would give me extra help.

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

Rochelle I hope you don't mind me asking you this but if Alan Carr has changed your way of thinking why do you use NRT?

How can you be sure it his him and not the NRT that is working for you?

i used NRT and alan carr and truely believe both contributed towards my quit to get to where i am today NRT gave me the guts to start my quit and make me mentally stronger and i read allen carr 3 weeks in and reading his book made me understand how trapped i was and why i didnt need to smoke anymore i know allen carr doesnt like NRT being used but i used the rest of the information in the book to my full advantage

you just have to do what is best for you personally and me i was desparate to quit and stay quit and i used any method i felt i needed to


nsd_user663_41857 profile image

i used NRT and alan carr and truely believe both contributed towards my quit to get to where i am today NRT gave me the guts to start my quit and make me mentally stronger and i read allen carr 3 weeks in and reading his book made me understand how trapped i was and why i didnt need to smoke anymore i know allen carr doesnt like NRT being used but i used the rest of the information in the book to my full advantage

you just have to do what is best for you personally and me i was desparate to quit and stay quit and i used any method i felt i needed to


I feel the same way right now. But still can't wait to be off the patches.

Thanks Rochelle for replying. I was a bit worried you would think I was criticising the book or even you.

Having read yours and Boos posts I might give him another go. I asked really because after a lot of thought I am starting off with patches. I wasn't really sure if the book would help me but it worked for you two while using NRT so why not.

Sorry, I'm really inquisitive of late. It's a bit annoying but the responses from you both have really helped. I may have been at this point a few times before but this time round I want to be really prepared.

No I didn't think you were critiscising :) that's what I did before the quit day, researched everything I wanted to know, was gonna do it myself but then made a appointment with the nurse at the last min just for that extra support.

But I feel I'm winning the battle, it may only be 2 weeks gone but I havnt struggled, so I feel guilty when people on here are saying they're really struggling in that first few weeks. I hope my mindset continues!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

... I know he's sometimes talked about on here as "the church of alan carr" but if he does it for you ( and he does it for me) then go for it!...

I think that's because like a religion you have to have faith.

If his supporters let his words into their souls it can make quitting a breeze.

I'll be the first to admit that it was AC who first showed me the light and made me ask remarkably simple questions of myself that I could have easily (but didn't) ask in 25 years of smoking.

Armed with the answers it becomes almost impossible to carry on smoking yet somehow people do. I'd love to have a nice discussion with someone as to how they still justify smoking having read the book.

Unfortunately (for me) I started asking the questions Allen had forgotten to and got myself into a whole new heap of information that turned me from a satisfied quitter to a non-smoking activist.

Luckily, despite getting some things very wrong, AC was also very close to being right. SO close in fact that his method still works perfectly and is worshipped by many.

It should be in every quitters library for sure. :)

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

I think that's because like a religion you have to have faith.

If his supporters let his words into their souls it can make quitting a breeze.

I'll be the first to admit that it was AC who first showed me the light and made me ask remarkably simple questions of myself that I could have easily (but didn't) ask in 25 years of smoking.

Armed with the answers it becomes almost impossible to carry on smoking yet somehow people do. I'd love to have a nice discussion with someone as to how they still justify smoking having read the book.

Unfortunately (for me) I started asking the questions Allen had forgotten to and got myself into a whole new heap of information that turned me from a satisfied quitter to a non-smoking activist.

Luckily, despite getting some things very wrong, AC was also very close to being right. SO close in fact that his method still works perfectly and is worshipped by many.

It should be in every quitters library for sure. :)

i think everybody should give it a go. and like you say, its just the things he says that youve never even thought of before that make you think. education really has been key for me. i havnt struggled quitting one bit. if i was to have a blip or give in completely now i would absolutely despise myself!! and deffo couldnt justify me smoking after ive read all of this book!

i think him being such a heavy smoker himself in the past helps too, as you know that if he can do it, anybody probably can. i know hes dead now, which is such a shame, but all that intake over the years and then the passive smoking during his sessions, its no wonder it caught up with him. but he had years of being free of the addiction, and lived happily ever after til the end of his days so its a lesson forn us all

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