Day 6 Tmw and i feel the same as the 1st day.. - No Smoking Day

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Day 6 Tmw and i feel the same as the 1st day..

Si22 profile image
86 Replies

Hi folks, firstly thanks for reading, im on day six tmw of a c/t run and im finding stopping smoking really hard. the evenings are really getting to me. IM so so close to calling it all a day and starting again. i dont want to start again but then i do and every where i look theres people enjoying a cigarette, even on coronation street on the tv. will i ever ever be free of these terrible feelings. i would have thought things would have strated to ease by now. im not looking for sympathy just help....

i have tried before using patches and the likes, they havent worked hence the trying to stop again. i so miss the cigarettes id even walk out side now and its -10. if i had some that is. GRRRRRR. this is bad!!!!

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Si22 profile image
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86 Replies
nsd_user663_40832 profile image

Its not that easy, but the right thing to do. Im into month 2 tomorrow cant believe it time flies but honest it gets easier keep the the faith and NOPE

Si22 profile image

i wish i was in to the 2 month stage, and felt better than i do now. the stage that your at seems so so far away.

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

I understand and it does get easier. My last Crazzzyyyy craving was 2 days ago, it was screaming sooo loud to buy a pack, smoke one and throw away the rest. I resisted and walked around the store for over an hour, i was so mad. even when I left, but I didn't smoke. I'm not gonna get punked buy an addiction and neither are you. That is why it's screaming so loud right now.... because you are winning. It's a fact!!! Hang in there :)

nsd_user663_40832 profile image

Just keep doing what you r doing and you are doing ok.My only advise believe in NOPE and change your routine started jogging and run up hills swearing f**k u nic all the way, weird but works for me

Si22 profile image

Ha ha I've started walking on an evening after my tea. For about half an hour. And I find this really helpfully. Then when I stop 20 mins it so later the pangs start. I feel totally irratable and wish I could hide away for ever. I just need to get away from every known noise person or thing as every slightest thing makes me swear it feel like throwing it across the the room. I've been a smoker for nearly 20 years.

Si22 profile image

Thanks Jubilee for putting it in plain English.because that is what's happening the addiction is screaming so bloody loud. I could scream. I feel like walking and walking and forest jump.ha ha.

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Si22- your post makes me laugh. I too have to steer clear of annoying and loud people or get incredibly irriatated. I am now having to pay my kids 50 cents each time they catch me swearing :eek:, and I'm normally very cool headed. lol

nsd_user663_41933 profile image

U will have to quit one day right? If u stop trying now and start smoking again then u will have to do the first few days all over again. keep at it hun- keep writing on here, there is loads of support. IT WILL GET EASIER!! Keep positive n use the awesome things that people have said on here xx xx xx xx

Si22 profile image

Thanks guys this really does help talking on here I mean. Just the knowing there are people fighting the same thing at the very same time. The evil addictive cancer causeing drug that makes us all so happy. But has such a very very tight grip on our lives. This site and the people on it are great.I only hope one day I can offer advice to someone who is going through the same grief I am now. Thanks everyone for the support.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I'm on day 9 tomorrow Si, not too far ahead of you.

I've smoked for 31 years.

I've had 2 really bad wobbles so far, the first at dinnertime on day 4 and the second today (day 8) at around 11.15.

I'm a college tutor and on both occasions the students were being particularly difficult.

I refuse to be beaten by a bunch of chemicals or students!

Let's help each other through this as we are at about the same stage.

Are you competitive? I hate to lose and if you are the same we can get each other through it :)

Si22 profile image

Ha thanks Capitan. That sounds like a challenge. I'm game. Thanks. I never knew I was a drug addict until recently. Terrible terrible addiction.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

You're on!

I'm finding that by trying to offer advice to others is strengthening my own resolve.

I'd feel pretty stupid if I offered loads of advice and then caved in myself.

Me and you, all the way to the penthouse this time next year?


Si22 profile image

Thanks guys this really does help talking on here I mean. Just the knowing there are people fighting the same thing at the very same time. The evil addictive cancer causeing drug that makes us all so happy. But has such a very very tight grip on our lives. This site and the people on it are great.I only hope one day I can offer advice to someone who is going through the same grief I am now. Thanks everyone for the support.

Deal mate. Deal. Thanks for helping me through my latest wobble. I've not had one as bad as I've just had. I feel lots better than I did an hour ago.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Great stuff.

I'll check in at least once everyday so we can keep each other, and others, motivated.

We can do this and once I got past my first big wobble I knew I had it in me.

I know that just one drag will get me started again so it's a forever deal for me.

I never want to go through the first 3-4 days again!

Si22 profile image

Me too if I'm brutally honest with myself. Its just do bloody hard. We all know we don't want to smoke and we'ed hate ourselves if we did. But hell it doesn't make it any easier when the voice if addiction starts on you. Thanks for getting me through this one. Tmw is day 7. Keep it up mate we are strong and can beat the chemicals.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

No problem.

Over the coming months all of us will be grateful for the moral support and help from others on here.

We can all help each other succeed.

If only people helped each other as much in the real world it would be a much happier and safer place :)

Si22 profile image

It would mate your right. Thanks for your help tonight. I feel ok now. That was a pretty good wobble I just had there. Its nice to know there a friends on here to help. Going to try get some sleep now. Hopefully speask tmw. Be strong and tthanks I owe you one. Si

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Im witness to your bet :)

Education is the way forward

Stopping is the easy part its the staying stopped that is harder

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

And i will buy your drinks in the penthouse all night :D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

True Carol (are you really 62? :D)

Start saving, me and Si are on our way and will be very thirsty when we get there!

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

No thats the year i was born :) i willbe celebrating my 50 th in may

Its just a number at the end of the day

Pssssst ive got a secret to share that when you reach the penthouse the drinks are free

So shhhhhhhhhh dont tell anyone :eek:

Si22 profile image

Were on our way. Night all. Thanks again. Speak soon. Si

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Night Si hope you manage to sleep ok :)

Si22 profile image

Me too its genrally around 3 when i wake. Maybe I see you then. Hope you have a good night too. Remember in the words of Rhett Butler " tmw is but another day". Good night.

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Night all. Sweet Dreams


nsd_user663_41857 profile image

My cravings were virtually non exisntent by day 6, hang on in there hun, u will get there. You can beat it !

Si22 profile image

i wish mine were, i must admit they are getting easier, last nights was bad but thanks to the ever so helpfull people on here i was able to talk through it. each day at a time eh.:)

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

i wish mine were, i must admit they are getting easier, last nights was bad but thanks to the ever so helpfull people on here i was able to talk through it. each day at a time eh.:)

I think that helps too, talking through it. The craves really do go away. I'm not saying I think ill never have one again but I havnt had one for 3 days :) so who knows.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

How you doing Si, still hanging in there?

Not long to go and yet another day without smoking ticked off :)

Rochelle, you really SHOULD be saying and thinking that you won't smoke again.

Half the battle is changing your mindset as the addiction wears off.

I actually prefer to say that I don't smoke rather than I've given up smoking.

It's a subtle difference but it's working for me.

Si22 profile image

Hi Capitan, yep another day of being a non smoker, had a good day today, not two many cravings. one of two but nothing major. fingers crossed they maybe be easing a little.

How you doing? have you had an ok day?:)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

All good today Si :)

I'm anticipating that every now and again (every few days or so) I may have a strong craving/wobble.

If it doesn't happen then great, but if it does then I'm not going to be surprised or feel down about it.

I smoked for 31 years so I don't expect to get rid of the craving or the habit in a few months.

I've got past the worst (the first 3-4 days) and I've survived 2 serious wobbles.

In my mind I'm a non smoker and that's how I want it to stay.

Si22 profile image

Yeah i think im over the worst too, with the biggest wobble being last night.

with regards to keeping the mind of a non smoker, i think im still to cross that threshold yet. i dont fully feel like im out of the woods yet, i can see the light and im doing a slow but direct walk towards it.

I smoked for 26 years and always knew i was going to be a long hard road, just never knew it would be this tough. day by day mate, day by day.

Where abouts are you btw, im in a small town called Sowerby Bridge near Halifax, in the UK.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I'm in a place called Streetly, which is near Sutton Coldfield and Birmingham.

My name is Gary for the record.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm out of the woods yet by a long stretch but deciding to consider myself a non smoker, rather than a smoker who has quit, is definitely helping from a psychological point of view.

I've decided that with new people I meet, should it come up, I'm going to say I don't smoke rather than I've given up. That way I'll avoid the inevitable conversations about the quit process.

Is it nice and rural where you are?

Si22 profile image

Now that sounds like a good idea mate to say you arent a smoker, and probably a good way of looking at it too, rather than thinking im an ex smoker. We can now say we arent smokers!!! full stop end of!!!!.

People at work still smoke, i have been watching them this week not with a view to wanting a quick drag but with a why did i ever do that. But being a non smoker who once was a smoker, you have to be aware that you dont try and preach to smokers because we all know that theres nothing worst that a reformed smoker giving it large to you. But the true thing is you really do want to shout from the roof tops and tell people youve managed to wean yourself from the habit that held you so tight from morning to night 24/7 and that you actually feel better for not smoking.

They will see the light one day and we will be here for them.

Yeah Halifax is high up on the west of the pennines, some really nice countyside on our door step. Very hilly though. :eek:

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Yeh, I'm not going to preach to anyone who smokes - hell it took me 31 years to give up!

Besides, as a teacher, someone once gave me an invaluable piece of advice which was...

"Remember to teach and not preach or lecture. Preaching and lecturing is something you end up doing in somebody else's sleep"

It amused me and it is so true.

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

struggling day 6


Im thinking that the withdrawal symptoms are never going to get better, day 6 and still as strong!.The posts on this forum have been giving me encouragement all week but really struggling today First time I have posted so hope im doing it right.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I'm nearly on day 10 and I had a wobble on day 8.

I don't know how long you smoked for but it isn't going to just disappear in a couple of weeks.

You have years of addiction and habit to break.

It will get better and you just need to win one tiny battle at a time.

Eventually you will win the whole war. :)

Si22 profile image

Hi Dolly, they do get that little bit easier, we all wobble, each time with each on we seem to get stronger. This is the right place to be because we can help each other.

Ive been drug free since last sunday, 6 days now. God knows how, im still here, god knows how, its not an easy ride. But we grow ever stronger together.

Treat this place like warm cuddle when things get tough. Si:)

Si22 profile image

Btw my mate Mr Capitan help me last night when i wobbled....

We are all going through the same. :cool:

nsd_user663_42283 profile image


Thanks for your reply, Ive been smoking for nearly 40 years with a few breaks when pregnant gave up Monday morning so is a big change for me, I know it will take time just having a bad day hopefully tomorrow will be easier. Thanks for your support and congrats for quitting.

Si22 profile image

just think that when you wake up tmw Dolly you can be proud that although today was a bad day you managed to get through it without a cigarette.

As tough as it gets dont reach for them. reach for this place we will help.

Si22 profile image

i gave up last monday too so we are at the same stage. come on be that little bit strong i need you too you know.

ive had wobbles,weve all had them. you just need to do something, anything, go for a walk, talk to a neighbour, put the washing on anything. but most of all come on here.... we need all the help we can get.. ;)

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

day 7!!!!!

Hi Capitan and Si22 thanks for your support last night so very nearly gave in, but the feeling when I got to bed and hadn't was great now just got to get through today. I am using patches spray and have a fake cigarette couldn't do it cold turkey. Hope your day is a good one, thank goodness for the support of others.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Well done Dolly! :D

You've been smoking for nearly 40 years so you have to expect it will take time to break that habit.

Look back. By the end of today you will have made 1 week without a cigarette!

I know you have done it before when you were pregnant, but that was one hell of a big incentive.

This time you have done it because you really want to and through sheer will power.

Turn around and give yourself a massive pat on the back :D

Just think, you have just survived a massive wobble and made it through the other side unscathed.

Every time you get another wobble, think about that.

You made it without reaching for a cigarette.

If you can do it once, you can do it again.

Your new habit is not smoking! HURRAH!!!!!

Keep on keeping off...the cigarettes!

nsd_user663_38091 profile image

well done to all you's no mean feat getting to this point......and that bloomin nicodemon will do ANYTHING to make you give in again........sometimes you have to take it minute by minute....but that's okay........cliche alert............:rolleyes:


Don't look far becomes demoralizing.......just deal with the here and now....and then suddenly you are far ahead.......:)

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Thanks capitan

Feeling a lot better today would have been so easy to smoke yesterday and would have been sitting outside in the snow today catching cold and stinking of smoke, feeling like a total failure!. So am keeping that thought in my head and carrying on. How are you today?

nsd_user663_40384 profile image

Dolly, that's fantastic. Do whatever you need to do to get you through. I'm on day 13 and it does seem to get easier after day 10. This forum has probably got me this far, because when i was strongly craving I could come on here and read and post, and by the time i'd done that the cravings had calmed down a lot.

You are doing the most amazing thing for yourself, keep going x

Si22 profile image

Thats so true Hilary, this place has help me through my first week. so glad i found it. Heres to week 2. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Thanks Hillary

Had a much better day today visited my daughter and grandchildren without having to sneak out for a crafty smoke am starting to feel free from the evil weed although still had moments today feel more positive. I agree it is this forum which has kept me going this week knowing others are in the same position and are managing gives encouragement. Well done for getting to day 13 hope I can say the same in a weeks time.

nsd_user663_40384 profile image

You will Dolly x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks capitan

Feeling a lot better today would have been so easy to smoke yesterday and would have been sitting outside in the snow today catching cold and stinking of smoke, feeling like a total failure!. So am keeping that thought in my head and carrying on. How are you today?

Had a much better day today visited my daughter and grandchildren without having to sneak out for a crafty smoke am starting to feel free from the evil weed although still had moments today feel more positive. I agree it is this forum which has kept me going this week knowing others are in the same position and are managing gives encouragement.

Feeling good Dolly, thanks for asking.

It was my nieces birthday today and, like you, it was nice to visit and not even think about going out in the snow to have a smoke.

What does your daughter think of you as a non smoker?

Does she know? Is she proud? I bet she is!

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

day 7

Hi Capitan

Great to hear you are doing well, isn't it a lovely feeling not to be trapped by the need for a "fix" I am constantly being nagged by my family to give up and they are really pleased. I am giving up with one of my daughters who is on champix and has sailed through it making it hard for me to say how hard I have found it (I cannot take it due to a health problem) so no one smokes now in my family. How about you are you getting support from family and friends? thanks for your help we should be really proud of ourselves for our achievement.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I have decided not to tell my wife.

Strangely, she doesn't appear to have noticed or, if she has, is saying nothing.

Her mom died of cancer some 10 years ago and at the time she begged me to quit but I didn't think I had it in me.

I want to quit on my own terms without being constantly asked by her how I'm doing.

I don't mind people on here asking as they know what you go through, but she has never smoked and seems to think it is easy.

To be fair, I have always been a very strong willed person and I could kick myself now for not quitting years ago.

It was the one thing I thought I'd struggle with and yet, touch wood, hasn't been as difficult (so far) as I thought.

Don't get me wrong, I've had 2 big wobbles, but after a 31 year habit they were not half as bad as I expected.

I'm not kidding myself though and I know there will be further "tests" to come, but with a strong will and the help of this forum I know that on 26th January 2013 at 11.30pm I will be unlocking the door to the penthouse and throwing one hell of a party!

You are, of course, all invited!

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

You have to do it the best way for yourself, Im sure your wife would have noticed and is secretly proud of you, it is early days but you are doing so well and your positivity is helping others on here, you have been smoking a long time like myself so it is a total life change but "life" being the operative word thats what we are doing it for to have a life and be healthy so I'm sure with that in mind will make the bad days easier. I have also lost my father, father in law and mother in law early from smoking related illnesses and it has still taken years since to get to the stage that I want to quit. Keep strong and see you in the penthouse in 1 year!

Si22 profile image

God evening Capitan. hope youve had a good day. another day under our belts. This is my first weekend as a non smoker in 26 years. its been extremely tough, as i always smoked more on a saturday and sundays. ive tried to keep busy and ive found myself checking on here every 30 mins or so.

ive chosen to tell my wife as im pretty sure she would have realised anyway, as ive never smoked in the house since we had kids 13 years ago. and also i was pretty sure i was going to become moody, fed up and down right shitty to live with until i'd beaten this addiction. She has never smoked but trys to understand and probably does more than i give her credit for.

I think that when times of need you gain more from people who are going through just the very same, as they can relate to your feelings, the pressure of the craving, the total low depressing urge to put the last days of stopping as far from you mind as possible and light up.

For those that ive spoken too over the last 7 nights my worse time is now, the evenings, after 7 days and nights they are not yet any easier, i'm sat here wanting to go to work tmw as i know i will be busy and the chance of a wobble will be far less and a damn sight easier to manage.

In fact if i could go to work until 5, then climb into a box until 8 the next day i'd be a lot happier.

im still focused and will hopefully continue to be, week 2 starts tmw i never thought this time last week i'd be sat here with 7 days under my belt. but hey ho i am. im proud of myself and its thanks to bloody hard work on my part, and hard work,sympathy and understanding from my new found friends on here. thanks guys.

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Hi Si22

Isn't it great we have made a week, this forum has helped me more than any nicotine replacement, I could have given in so many times but the help here has been invaluable. I am hoping that now the first week is over the cravings will subside and be easier to deal with, they were pretty bad especially day 6!. Its nice to talk to people who know exactly what I was going through, congratulations on being a non smoker for a whole week.

Si22 profile image

And congratulations to you Dolly. i agree ive tried before with patches and other nrt but after a certain amount of time i was always back on them. This place has made me realise there are people here to help me when i need help, and that i can now look at the posts for day one and two etc and offer advice to them when they need it. its a good place to be, to be able to help, but the feeling that some one is there to hold your hand when you need help too. its a lovely warmy cuddly place. it keeps us motivated even when the forum is quiet.

Im so glad i joined, this is the palce to be if you want to rid the demon from your body.

45 mins and ill be in day 8 :eek:

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Greetings Dolly & Si :)

Don't shout it too loud, but my name is Gary if you prefer to use that, although if you prefer to continue to use Capitan then that's fine too. :)

Liking the new tag under your name Si, part of the quit is a change in mindset and the way you look at it.

Have you quit/given up smoking or are you a non smoker.

I prefer to look at it using the positive angle. I haven't quit or given up anything, I've chosen to be a non smoker.

Subtle maybe, but it's working for me.

I think we are all going to make it, I just have that feeling for some reason.

Wouldn't it be great to actually meet up a year from now to celebrate.

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

I hope your evenings start to get better, I have noticed a big change today and am feeling more positive, I know there will be difficult times ahead but am ready for them, I find late afternoons the worst but have started clearing out cupboards and drawers upstairs that keeps me out of the way of temptation and is getting my house spring cleaned! I'm hoping by the time it is all done I will have got over that difficult time. Well done for getting through the weekend it can only get better from here.

Si22 profile image

Good evening Gary. How are you? Have you had a good day? I'm up for a meet definetly. See are a fair way off. But yeah I can feel it. I've just got over my mile stone. My first week. So looking forward is a good idea.

Positive thinking. Doesn't life feel strangely good day by day. When you look back and think yes I've beaten it again. Come on guys were going it.....

Si22 profile image

As you can propably tell I'm back on the not so smart phone hence stupid words popping up mid sentence.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hi, this has been my best day so far (Day 10).

Not one crave and to be honest I've not thought about smoking at all.

This may well be due to it being my niece's birthday and we have been busy all day but none the less I'm chuffed.

Everybody is in a positive mood at present and given that it has been a weekend, which could have been tricky, I think we've all done brilliantly! :D

I wonder where Dolly lives? A meet to celebrate a full year would be great.

Si22 profile image

We will have to arrange. Especially with us all being so close together stopping date wise . I'm off to bed now guys. Catch you all tmw. Over and out.

Be strong.


nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Catch you tomorrow Si - with another day almost under the belt :)

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Your doing so well

Si and Capt,

Your both doing so well!!! and I can hear the positivity in both of your posts. good job and Keep it up ;)

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Hi Gary and Sii22 nice to hear everyone so positive long may it last! Gary I live in Reading, Berkshire. Just think this time last week we were non smokers today we are non smokers so I guess we are now officially non smokers sounds good doesn't it. Well done guys and everyone on here.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Good to see a thread of ongoing mutual support!

Well done Si and Capitan - you're both doing fabulously well.

And speaking from the perspective of one who had a few months of wobbles at the start but is now waving at you from the penthouse, I can absolutely promise you that IT DOES GET BETTER.

Keep on facing down those craves, beat the bad days one day at a time, enjoy the good moments when they come. What you are doing is hard, but SO worth the pain.

Have a good day guys,

H x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Jubilee, you aint doing to bad yourself on Day 19!

Thanks Helsbelles, keep keeping those seats warm and that champagne cold. Me, Si and Dolly will be there in 51 weeks :)

Hi Dolly, you're doing really well girl (I hope you don't think that's too familiar).

You're in Reading, I'm in Birmingham and Si is in Halifax.

Are you up for a celebratory meet in 51 weeks? I'm sure we can work something out :)

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Too right gary looking forward too it!

Im at my difficult time of the day at the moment, hav'nt had a crave all day but at the moment having a wobble, not as bad as it has been it is going off now. We seem to be scattered all over the country but it is great to think that a year from now we could all meet up and celebrate. Has your wife said anything yet? My husband has been supportive even though hes never smoked and hates it he's trying his best to understand.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hi Dolly, do you remember those little toys called "Weebles"?

Do you remember the song and catch phrase...

"Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down"?

We all have to pretend we are Weebles. We might wobble but we won't fall down :D

My wife hasn't said a word or even hinted that she has noticed but she knows me well (we have been partners since we were 12 & 13 at school) so she may be leaving me to it.

It would be awesome to meet up as successful non smokers and I'm convinced that we will triumph.

Heck, with all the money we will have saved we could have a right blow out - the first couple of bottles of champagne are on me!

G :D

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

You made me laugh about the weebles if I keep on eating the way I have been this last week Im going to look like one!. I have also been with my husband since we were young I was 14 and he was 17. Hope your having a good day.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Not doing bad at all Dolly.

I'm not having any wobbles, more like occasional waves or pangs if that makes sense.

Don't worry about the eating for now, it's better than the smoking.

Here's a nice little story regarding putting on a bit of weight due to stopping smoking...

Jill had been a heavy smoker since she was a teenager, but to her surprise was able to quit "cold turkey." However, her weight shot up and she felt very self-conscious. When a friend congratulated her on giving up cigarettes, she exclaimed, "But look at all these added pounds!"

The friend's reply was one Jill wil always treasure. "Oh, my dear, don't worry about that!" the friend said. "Just think of all the extra years you will have in which to lose them."

Think about the positives Dolly, not the negatives :)

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Thanks Gary that is so true, I am going to deal with one thing at a time!. Iv'e only had one wobble today it has passed now, so its getting better. What day are you on now, and have you spoke to Sii today?

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Day 11 for me today :)

Not seen Si on the forum today but no doubt he will be here later.

The Three Musketeers eh! :D

Si22 profile image

Hi folks, Im here. how we all doing. week two. EKKK

Luckily for me ive been very busy at work today so suprisingly no probs at all, i even felt like pushing myself at lunch today and went out side for a bit of fresh air, where all the smelly smokers were, i had no problems what so ever, didnt have a sudden urge to grab a fag from anyone. i think im winning??? Just the evening to get through yet though.Ive been on my walk tonight. i find if i have my tea then straight after do a little 30 mins walk i dont wobble, and stress about a fag after my meal.

Gary it sounds like your in for a tough day tmw. Just think we are all there with you, willing you on. standing beside you keeping you strong. We will be thinking of you, and if you feel low just "think what good will a cigarette do"? undoing all the very hard work youve put in, and keeping us motivated. Mate i feel for you, we will of course spare you a well deserved thought.what times the funeral mate?

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Glad to hear you are doing well Si :)

It would be cigars with me not cigarettes, but no, I refuse to succumb tomorrow however I feel.

I appreciate everyone's help on here and it means a lot that you and others are in my corner.

The funeral starts at 1pm with the wake afterwards.

I'm glad you, me and Dolly have hooked up, it is comforting to know there are "go to" people available if you are feeling low or vulnerable.

We WILL make it and as I said in an earlier post, when we meet up in 51 weeks, the champagne, or other tipple of your choice, is on me :D

Si22 profile image

already looking forward to it mate, sounds like a plan.

So are you doing ok today, like i said ive been busy today with staff Appraisals. which has done me good really. not that ive totally forgotten about my addiction, far from it, but what i am finding and i dont know if this is the same for you? that my cravings are getting easier to over come, they are still strong and they are still happening, but because im now changing my life to that of a non smoker ie not constantly going out side, not constantly checking my watch for the next fag break, my days seem a lot more relaxed. and the walk i have after my tea seems to do the trick too. im actually training my mind to think totally differently to the way i thought only two weeks ago.

Its strange how smoking changed my life without me even realising. :o

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

A good day today and yes, I have noticed the same about the cravings.

The first few, particularly the big wobbles, really hit hard and at first I seriously doubted if I could get through them.

Having had a few, I now know what to expect and, more importantly, I know I can get through them.

They are getting less and less but let's see what tomorrow brings.

I won't crack, I'm not that type of person, but if anything is going to cause a strong trigger then a funeral must be high up the list.

After the nicotine has gone out of your system it really is about mindset and positive mental attitude.

Si22 profile image

It is mate, it appears its all in our minds.

Tommorow is going to be your first real test, like you say up there quite high, but remember you have taught your mind over the last few days to think like a non smoker.

The family of your friend will appreciate you showing your support by taking the time to attend the funeral service. Little will they know that you also need support with your life at the moment, you will of course never ever mention it to them. But you must to us on here, thats why we log in to here to support the people we care for, because we all know that we need support too. Be strong my new mate i will be thinking of you.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks Buddy, it's appreciated.

I'm probably going to cut and run early tonight, tomorrow will be a long day.

Si22 profile image

ok mate, have a decent day, make the most of it remember the good times with your friend. we will talk tmw.

Catchya then. Si

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Hi Gary and Sii how you both doing? hope today went ok for you Gary and you gave your friend a nice send off. How are you managing Sii I'm having a strange day today can't seem to get the thought of smoking out of my mind, been out and walked passed the cigarette kiosk (slowly) but walked passed all the same! hopefully just a bad day and I will feel better later. Its great you have sussed out how to deal with the craving after dinner, its funny thats the one I thought I would miss the most but it hasn't bothered me, its still late afternoon when its at its worst. Great to have support from you both and all on this forum speak to you later.

Si22 profile image

Hi Dolly, yep each day is a new day of not smoking, but the cravings are still there, we just have to learn to get over them. the evening are still bad for me, possibly because i used to smoke more then.

I sometimes get up from the sofa probably by habbit to go for a fag, then remember when ive stood up that i dont smoke no more. i then get a bit sulky with myself. have a little cry in side then come on here.

For some strange reason ive started with a totally chesty cough today. a right cough that i can seem to budge. might be all the badness coming out.

Well done for walking past the shop, youve earned yourself a pat on the back, its hard isnt it, i didnt realise how such a state my insides were until i deceided to quit.

We can do it, but only if we stick together..

Wonder how our mate is doing?

nsd_user663_42283 profile image

Yes I've been thinking about him today, hope he got through it ok. I was looking through the old posts earlier it makes you realise how far we have come, when I first came on here I was about ready to give up, so glad I didn't. Your cough is probably the lungs getting rid of all the bad stuff at least it is a constructive cough, different from the bouts of bronchitus that smokers always seem to get in the winter that is damaging the lungs, Hope it gets better soon. Hope your evening is ok, my difficult time is just coming on so think i will go upstairs and do some more sorting out. One thing to say for not smoking is all the jobs that have needed doing are now getting done!

nsd_user663_13779 profile image

You're on!

I'd feel pretty stupid if I offered loads of advice and then caved in myself.

I've done that a few times myself Capitan - your right - It does feel stupid

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts guys :)

It went really well and we totally celebrated his life rather than mourn his passing.

Standing with the smokers was no problem, not a single desire to smoke at all.

Part of that is down to you guys and the feeling of strength in numbers.

Thanks :)

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