Stopping. Again.: Hey hey hey its coming up... - No Smoking Day

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Stopping. Again.

nsd_user663_2931 profile image
11 Replies

Hey hey hey its coming up to doomsday.

Just failed a 36 hr quit, awesome! Oh well, what can ya do? Fret over it or get on with it?

I plan on stopping AGAIN but this time a bit more prepared. Need to dig my books out and begin this wicked journey that I seem to love so much.

Don't know what day to quit but it has to be no later than Monday 30 th. Promised the kids I'd stop by then. One of them was well upset at the sight of me with a fag in my gob again! Must improve my no smoking chant.

Good luck and well done to those already stopped. You got the power!


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nsd_user663_2931 profile image
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11 Replies
austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

..and what sort of time do you call this?

You said you were just popping out for milk and that was the last we ever saw of you.

Let's see if we can help you make this the one huh? :)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Must improve my no smoking chant.

Sure you'll get the hang of it toot sweet

Welcome back, Maddy :)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Ah Cheers big ears! I'm assuming you've both got big ears :rolleyes:

As for the milk, what can I bad. I'll try not to take so long with the milk next time :D

I trust ur both still off the evil weed? If not, drop & give me ten!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I trust ur both still off the evil weed? If not, drop & give me ten!

Four plus years man and boy, Sah!

Bought Dictatorship in small South American country with contents of fag money saved jar, Sah!

Book stalled at second chapter Sah!


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

4 have done better than me, I've only done 4 minutes haha I'm rubbish. Good job you tho, I'm not jealous. Much.

Soooooooo, I was thinking (ignore me), I have set my quit date for Monday 30th Jan. However, I was going to quit this friday but I told my kids I'd stop on or by next Monday. My brain is telling me to quit Monday because that way I get to smoke for an extra couple of days, even tho I kinda want to stop sooner before I lose any incentive I do have :eek:

But! No Smoking Day is coming up in March...another part of me is saying to stay smoking and quit on that date! lol It's a constant battle in my darn head! I'll find any excuse and that be the truth. Come No Smoking Day, I might be having a night out the following week so quitting smoking should be postponed (again) as it would be risky going out whilst being so fresh in to the quit. Then, I might fall over and break a nail and such instances require a cigarette to rectify things :rolleyes:

Ok I'm done.

I'm stopping Monday and that's it.

Got a job today and due to start in Feb so that might help keep me busy innit :)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Jeez...mad as a box of frogs still, I see/read.

Monday it is and we're gonna hold you to it :p

Congrats on the job :cool:

nsd_user663_37330 profile image

hi Maddy,

its not easy is it lol, however your attitude says everything you CAN DO THIS, its simple (cough).

i have to say ive found it difficult but this was my first attempt in years and just needed to do it, its been hell if im honest but im still here and everyday brings new hope, new benefits, new money, new smells and tastes and a brand new improved me!!!!!! im loving it:).

just remember to take each day as it comes and never look back always look forward and no matter how much of a bad day you have tears and all think of the tears of dissapointment you will endure if light a ciggie :(.

so that said good luck use this site to its entirity as i have

never quit quitting

jenni x

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

aww thanks jenni. It can be hard and its the thought that I will never smoke again that does me in. However, I do try not to see it that way but thoughts like that do creep into my head no matter how hard I try to push them away. What do you do with the money you have saved? Thing is, no matter how much you would like to put up all the money you would have spent on cigarettes in to a jar, there are always other things that take up the money isn't there?! I have put up a measly £12 so far lol (from my 36 hr quit ha!) but in a months time there should be a fair bit more. Mind, my car tax is coming up ggrrr I'd like to see myself leave that non smoking jar alone when I'm trying to find the funds :rolleyes: man I love these smileys! Best ones I have found so far lol

And Cav, if you had kids like mine, it surely wouldn't be long till their worrying behaviour rubbed off on you. They're plain nuts, what can I say. I taught 'em well haha

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

And Cav, if you had kids like mine, it surely wouldn't be long till their worrying behaviour rubbed off on you. They're plain nuts, what can I say. I taught 'em well haha

Rock on, Maddy ;)

Yesterday's post was one of those occasions when this medium of discussion didn't come across as well as I may have intended. Was mentally exhausted from work and coupled that with some sad news received.

Do you still have that crazy dog too?

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Sorry to hear that, I hope the news wasn't too sad. Doesn't sound good. What work do you do if you don't mind me asking? Sounds pretty hard going!

Yeah I still got my stoopid dog. Maybe its her that is sending us all doolally, who knows? I do know that she ain't right tho. I mean, what other dog do you know that can sit in a corner for 20 minutes staring at a shadow that disappeared 18 minutes ago? :rolleyes: crazy.

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Yeah I still got my stoopid dog. Maybe its her that is sending us all doolally, who knows? I do know that she ain't right tho. I mean, what other dog do you know that can sit in a corner for 20 minutes staring at a shadow that disappeared 18 minutes ago? crazy.

LOL crack me right up, Maddy...nothing changed there then :p

Other than = the good and the bad times, but not in equal measures and happily the good weighs heavier. Thanks for your comments :)

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