Weak: Come on people, suck it up. I'm all... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_37212 profile image
16 Replies

Come on people, suck it up. I'm all alone in month 3. Seems everyone is dropping out. I'm at 80 days, over $1000 (cdn) saved, running again, feel healthy, not coughing, the wife says I smell "good". Yet, I would LOVE to smoke again.

Quit giving up!

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nsd_user663_37212 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_37295 profile image

I'm still here in month 3. Day 70 for me today.

I know what you mean about still wanting a smoke, but I definitely won't be going back there. I have just managed to get the cravings manageable, really don't want to have to start doing battle from the beginning again especially when it is still so vivid!

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


You are doing so well and i know you still get cravings but they arnt as often or as strong now they will get weaker and less often

What benefits have you been experiencing since you quit?

Im sure the newbies just setting out on there quit wilbe interested to read them

Onwards and upwards


nsd_user663_36877 profile image

I'm on about 78 days :eek: and still plodding on!!

Must admit that today I could easily try a puff (I wont!!!) but I have a stinking cold and dont want to make this cough any worse. Feeling really down today :( It was my "Big 50" birthday yesterday, which ended up being pretty uneventful, probably due to me feeling so crap and hubby has had to go to work today, so I'm feeling like Cinderella on my own doing the housework. So much for a special weekend :mad:

I KNOW a fag wont make me feel anybetter, infact I would then have to deal with the feeling angry with myself.......BUT that little bugger of a demon is whispering in my ear :(

nsd_user663_35121 profile image

I've checked my quit counter and today would have been day 90...

I failed on Christmas eve, and yes I'm still smoking.

Does it make me feel better? Ok I'll be honest...I love having that nicotine straight into my brain...BUT, BUT I'm obsessed about stopping again. I don't want to be a smoker.

My cough has come back, yep in 2 weeks! My chest is tightening. I smell horrible. I hate my weakness, I hate this addiction.

I was doing so well and I f**ked up.

Don't let this happen to you. Please.


I've thought about this some more. Do I really "love" nicotine? It's not an exciting/stimulating drug. I'm just addicted. There is no love there.

nsd_user663_38422 profile image

I've checked my quit counter and today would have been day 90...

I failed on Christmas eve, and yes I'm still smoking.

My cough has come back, yep in 2 weeks! My chest is tightening. I smell horrible. I hate my weakness, I hate this addiction.

Then quit.

Simple as that.

Yes you got to day 90, but surely after being on this forum for so long you would have read other peoples experiences?

Im not sayin people dont fail, im not sayin i might not fail.. but i have to agree with the OP Suck it up an get on with it.

So far, its not been that hard for me... iv had the odd cringe crave every now an again... so what? I ignored it!

Christmas day i tollerated not 1, but 2 heavey smokers in my house for a little under 12hrs. Id only been quit 28, days i could have easily have had one of theirs.. i could have easily got more... instead i took the easy option of reaching for my inhalator... my partner took the even better option.. he took that from me! Why? cause i dont need a crutch.. Why did i let him without caving his skull in? Cuase i know i didnt need that crutch!

Im on day 42 now... and if reaching for my inhalator is as low as ill get.... Great i can deal with that. What i wouldnt be able to deal with is reaching for a pack of fags, because i know once i do that, there isnt going to be anything turning me away from them.

nsd_user663_35121 profile image

well Dawn, that's really helpful....

duh..just quit....why didn't I think of that???

nsd_user663_34377 profile image

Elizabeth you done brilliant to get as far as you did and you will do it again its not easy to get into the quit again but once you do you will get past day 90 and will be sitting in the penthouse. Dont be hard on yourself, come back when your ready and join us.;)

nsd_user663_17077 profile image

Elizabeth, I am sorry you are struggling.

I quit in Oct 2010, and started again around Feb 2011. I was so convinced I was there, and my last quit was pretty easy, up until I was no longer quit! It has taken me until now to be ready to quit again. The sooner the better, but also make sure you are in the right place. I had to figure out why I started again, how I would avoid the same triggers.

You are strong, and it is easy to say in the early days that this is it! I think it is after the first few months, when you get a little complacent and forget the hell of the first week that you are in the most danger of relapse. So, I am thinking of you and wishing you well, most people have false starts, I am sorry!

nsd_user663_38422 profile image

No, it really is that simple.

If its something you want so bad, then you will quit. Its EASY to sit there sayin "yeah well i really want to quit *inhale from ciggy* but you know *exhale* its reallllllllly harrrrd"

If its something you want so bad you will fight it.

Yes you may have so many more days under your belt than me... but why did you give in? What were you doing that you hadnt done in them other 90 days?

Like i said, iv had twinge cravings, and week three was a crap week, but i didnt give in when i could have. Iv drank with smokers, iv gone out around smokers.... iv even gone out at breaktimes with smokers.. yet iv not felt the need to bumm a smoke off anyone, iv had the stress of hospital, work and other things. The worst i got was gettin my inhalator, why not keep something like that at hand... at least this way the fail isnt so bad in your own eyes.

I dont mean my post to sound nasty harsh or belittleing, i just agree with the OP. Giving up an addiction is hard, if it was so easy for everyone then there wouldnt be the need for forums like these.

nsd_user663_35121 profile image

I've posted my reasons for my failure on this forum somewhere, if you want to check them out.

Let's remember that apt quote;

" be nice to people on the way up because you never know, you might need them on the way down"

Anyway I don't want to get into an argument. I wish you all the luck with your quit. You're doing really well.

Thank you everyone else for your understanding.


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hey Lizzie,

You done great and don't you forget it ;)

And you WILL again, just give yourself a bit of time, 75 days is better than I did, my best was only 50 days.

I got faith in you :)


Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_36877 profile image

No, it really is that simple.

I dont mean my post to sound nasty harsh or belittleing, i just agree with the OP. Giving up an addiction is hard, if it was so easy for everyone then there wouldnt be the need for forums like these.

Excuse me for butting in here.......but I think you are contradicting yourself :confused:

Is it simple or is it hard to give up this addiction????

I agree with Lizzie about being nice to people.....you never know when the nico demon will strike you.

Tempers seem to be very frayed at the moment. I do understand that the Xmas and New Year has been very difficult to a lot of people, smokers and non smokers alike but what has happened to all you lovely people on this forum. Too much back stabbing and name calling at the moment. Dont think it gives out postive vibes for all the newbies behind us.

Perhaps we all need a group hug LOL. XX

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Oops, sorry Lizzie, I meant 90 days. Even better you :) Bit tired this time of night. Take care and have faith in yourself.


Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_35121 profile image

You were right the first time Zoe...75 days!

Hope all's good with you.

Love, LizzieX

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hey Lizzie

I agree with Chickendoodle :)

Tempers seem to be very frayed at the moment. I do understand that the Xmas and New Year has been very difficult to a lot of people, smokers and non smokers alike but what has happened to all you lovely people on this forum. Too much back stabbing and name calling at the moment. Dont think it gives out postive vibes for all the newbies behind us.

Perhaps we all need a group hug LOL. XX

Well said Chicken and group hug from me to all ((((xxxx))))

And hey Lizzie, remember what you were like before you started your first quit? And how far you came from then? So you have really proved how strong you are, and you know you can do it again. Just give yourself a bit of head space before you try again, you will know when you are ready. And you will do it cos you are strong.

Loves ya,

Zoe xxxx


nsd_user663_40590 profile image

Very hard avoiding smoking but I am without smoke for 2 months. I want to avoid it for life time. Thanks!

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