Day 2... Take 1...: Hi all... Yesterday went... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 2... Take 1...

nsd_user663_37039 profile image
14 Replies

Hi all...

Yesterday went fine and I was full of confidence and motivation... Today has so far not been bad, only reached for the inhalator once this afternoon... Things are different now... And no, its not fun anymore... Two voices running through my mind, one screaming "go one, just a small pack of ten for the weekend" and the other, sweet, quiet and timidly whispering "you'll regret it, its just the addiction talking, stay strong" I know other here may smoke more and may have smoked for longer, but I now fully empathise with those that have succumbed... I'm here on day two doubting myself... I know I'll feel better after the first week and i have convinced myself that i really do want to stop... So much so that I've spent a fortune this afternoon on a new pair of trainers, t-shirts and a squash racket. I want to get fit, to play squash and go scuba diving again and i know i can't if i continue to smoke, but dammit i really would love a smoke right now... It is really making me wonder now how selling cigarettes is legal, lol... Time for a coffee and another cartridge I'm the inhalator... My thoughts are with all those stopping too...

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nsd_user663_37039 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_38422 profile image

Chris, you can do it mate.

That voice shouting "just one little pack of ten to last you the weekend" is the greedy shopkeeper on a megaphone! He's tryin to con you out of your money to send cameron out for another swanky meal in a posh resturant!!!

Well.... thats how i look at it anyways..

On a more seriouse note, i know what you mean mate i really do, my second day was the hardest one i have faced, i did it cold turkey as my patch (damned thing) came off in the shower, i didnt know if i could wear another and tbh, i cant afford fags and im too skint to buy my patches any sooner than needed.

Dont do it, distract yourself... tidy a room of your house.. or do what i did, declutter THE WHOLE HOUSE :o You will be surprised at how much crap you mounts up... really you will

Failing that, post up some subjects in the general section and get us all debating/talking.

Just keep sayin to yourself, ill have one in a bit.. or "just one more day"... then keep saying it the next day.. and the next day.

You will get through it

nsd_user663_37039 profile image

Hiya Cherry, I've complete and absolute admiration for you getting through day 2 CT. I read your thread and probably shouldn't say it, but the image of the patch sliding down to your foot did make me smile *hugs* Thank you for that... How far down the road are you? Not that much to clean here, am living in staff residence and only have two rooms, both of which are now immaculate... well -ish... I've not had any problems with my patches in the shower. I put one on yesterday morning after my shower and made sure it was well and truly stuck on, had a shower in the evening and it was fine. Odd dream last night and took it off just before my shower this morning. Cycle repeats.

Well done on getting through the day without reverting to an extra patch, that's freakin' awesome... Kudos to you... I'm sure I read somewhere that you can get patches and inhalator on NHS prescription via your GP? Can anyone else confirm this? I would be lost without my inhalator, it may be different for different people, but it has definately taken the edge off the cravings... Might be worth looking into?

Anyway, good luck with tomorrow :-D

nsd_user663_38422 profile image

Hi hun,

Im well and truely into day 5, comming up to day 6 (i quit at 7:30pm on monday.. so i count my days rather weird lol)

Yeah im not too bad tbh, i dont get cravings anymore, i just get the habit twitch's as i call them.. Take today, i came in from work and OH had made an amazing pork roast, he did me a coffee for afters and my next reaction was to go to the draw where i kept my fags, then i realised "oops i dont smoke anymore!" :o

Im really not finding it hard, wich scares me if im honest, cause the last time i tried, i failed on day 2, i gave up and went the sho for some smokes. This time, i just know i cannot afford the habit, i wasnt "enjoying" smoking anymore, i just saw it as a cost i couldnt afford, kept puttin it off an putting it off.... then working out my finances i realised it was either cut out the smokes or drop my driving lessons to 1hr per week.... wich simply wouldnt do!

Im glad my little "shower rant" made you smile :) Im proud of myself for being able to go cold turkey that day, it was a stress filled day wich could have made me crack.

I dont wear my patches 24hrs, i take them off before i go to bed so that i can avoid the weird dreams.

I know i could probably get them on the NHS, but i dont have time to keep going back to the gp or to a supermarket and breath down a pipe for them to tell me something i already know.. them :"congratulations, you havnt smoked for a week and your lung capacity blah blah" Me: "no sh*t sherlock, i thought i was doin it in me sleep!! Move over Einstein" :rolleyes:

I dont plan on useing patches for the recomended length either 3 weeks max :)

nsd_user663_37254 profile image


Congrats on another day....... Just remember if there is one thing you can do perfect today, it is to not smoke! All the benefits and rewards that you know will come true if you just don't pick up today!

Good luck!

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

:) Hi ChrisM, I can only say that we are all different in our journey to quit, this is my 7th attempt and my last. I found the first day a bit hard, but after that I was ok, I only use the 1mg Lozenge, but I enjoy an Extra strong mint most of the time.

I havent actually had any cravings for a fag, but I do get rather irritable and have the temper of a rhinocerous, and my OH says i am spikey, but then he hasnt quit because he is not ready to quit.

Fight that demon off your shoulder ChrisM and listen to the sweet sensation. You can do this keep on track and keep strongwilled, don't let the nicodemon get on your shoulder.

Good luck in your quit, you can do this ChrisM.


Proud member of the November N.O.P.E group

Quit: 14/11/11 at 19.30pm

Live long and prosper.

nsd_user663_35711 profile image

Hiya Chris

I remember that voice well and how the evil little git used to try and entice me. I remember, and I wrote a post about it, that I used to sing at the top of my lungs to block him out, I sang nursery rhymes, anything that came into my head. And the best bit was it worked.

So sing anything, get caught up in something, concentrate hard on a book, read aloud just drown it out.

And remember one day at a time.

Good luck



nsd_user663_37039 profile image

Thank you thank you :-) made it through the day and the next, now into day 4! Your words of encouragement are greatly appreciated and a huge moral booster :-D.

{Group hug for us all doing so well}

nsd_user663_33894 profile image

Hi Chris and well done for getting through 2 days!

You can get patches on prescription - they'll usually give you 2 weeks at a time. But you do have to sit through a useless discussion with a stop smoking nurse :rolleyes: (actually I'm sure there are some good ones around, mine wasn't).

Jen x

nsd_user663_37039 profile image

Hiya Jen,

Many thanks... Coming to the end of day4 and still going. I thought you could get the patches on prescription but wasn't too sure. Will have to make some enquiries about that tomorrow :-)

How are you doing? Are you into month 3 or 4?

nsd_user663_33894 profile image

Hiya, I'm at the start of month 4 now. It's a lot easier now than it used to be, I have to say, just a matter of getting used to it :)

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Hiya Chris...sorry for not getting back to you....well done on day 4, must be getting to the end of day 5 now. So well done and congrat.

My doctor gave me two weeks worth of patches for one prescription price, so that saves a hell of a lot but you have to keep going back every two weeks. If you attend a no smoking group (mine was run at my G.P.s) you pay a one off prescription charge for the whole course of patches (saving loads!)...but you have to suffer an hour of your life every week to sit in a group and tell people who are in the same boat as you how you feel etc. You have your carbon monoxide tested (so you haven't cheated) and then given a new stock of patches if you need some. They'll also toss in free nicotine lozenges, gum etc if you need em.

You can also attend a course run by your chemist where you get the patches for free (well I did, I dunno if it's changed now but the same rules apply as the no smoking group but obviously minus the group).

Hope this helps...I've tried patches a few times so this is how I know.

Lisa x

nsd_user663_11805 profile image

Nice post Lisa. I didn't realise all those things were available to quitters in the UK. Good stuff, sounds like a great help. I remember when nicotine gum came out it used to cost as much as cigarettes. Nice to hear about the help available now.

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

. Two voices running through my mind, one screaming "go one, just a small pack of ten for the weekend" and the other, sweet, quiet and timidly whispering "you'll regret it, its just the addiction talking, stay strong" I know other here may smoke more and may have smoked for longer, but I now fully empathise with those that have succumbed... I'm here on day two doubting myself... .

The trick is to excercise the second timid little voice. the more it says no the stronger and more dominant it becomes.. sorry ihavnt done this quote properly iv forgotten how to do it can anyone remind me?

mash x

nsd_user663_37039 profile image

Hi Mash,

You are absolutely right. That timid quiet sweet little voice is no more, it is much strong and more confident... It is becoming easier to say "no, actually I really want one at all..."

Not what you're looking for?