Miserable and struggling.....: Ugh I'm really... - No Smoking Day

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Miserable and struggling.....

nsd_user663_38091 profile image
12 Replies

Ugh I'm really struggling... I've just completed day 14..... Had to remove my patch today as I had a bad skin reaction...... Have felt terrible all day.... Struggling to continue and I know I want too....but my motivation has gone :-(


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nsd_user663_38091 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_37795 profile image

Youve just completed 2 whole weeks and you should be really proud of that. You are 4 days ahead of me so im chasing you ;) you cant let me catch you up.

I now what you mean about bad days as I have had a few and really thought i wouldnt make it too the next day but the next day always seems a better day.

Keep going i'm sure you can do this

nsd_user663_38091 profile image

Yo Moony,

Thanks for that....wish I could sleep for a month lol :-)

nsd_user663_37795 profile image

Yes ive thought the same myself ;) but no pain no gain, or so they say.

N.O.P.E :D

nsd_user663_35439 profile image

Day 57 for me...The first two weeks are hideous but you can get through them...week three is no picnic but easier then week 2...look at all the posts from people in the same position (e.g. google 'stop smoking day nn' [nn is the number of days you've succeeded]) you'll find strength in their and your suffering but believe us when we say...it gets easier...its still not easy (two fingers to francnob), but after the first few weeks it is not all emcompassing and the support from this little site is brilliant!!! join a group from the month you stopped and you've got plenty of people in the same boat...they will help you in your dark moments, and you will help them in theirs!!! :)

nsd_user663_34721 profile image


Firstly WD for making two weeks!

I see you are not using the paych anymore,if that is the case you are going two have a HARD three days but there after ALL the nicotene WILL be out your system and the withdrawels WILL be OVER.

Due to the fact that you have not held a ciggie for two weeks makes it even better!!!!!

Hang in there you got this licked!!!

Stay Strong

nsd_user663_37295 profile image

I had to ditch the patches at about the end of week two as they were burning my skin and I couldn't cope anymore! (I still have one place on my right arm which still itches like mad at times from the patches).

The good news is that yes I had a nightmare 2 or 3 days, but after that I've been ok - I do still have cravings but they aren't too bad.

I use an inhalator when they get too much, or the mouthspray.

Hang on in there, it really DOES get easier.


nsd_user663_6358 profile image

Listen up girl, I am struggling as well, got up this morning with bad cravings just want a cig so bad, but I AM NOT GOING TO SMOKE!!! This is the deal girl you and I just one more day, come on we can do this together ONE MORE DAY.


nsd_user663_33545 profile image

I remember how I felt and excatly posting the same. I want to sleep for a month and when I wake up the cravings gone.

You can do it ! Done give up ! Make it till tomorrow and see how you feel and keep posting , we are here for you. (((( hugs ))))

And what an achievemant " 2 weeks " yayyyyyyyyyy , well done

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

well done Michellopy i am also 2 weeks today you should be proud of yourself i am. Just hang in their fight that demon you dont want to go back their. Think of a breath of fresh air and that you dont feel out of breath and you smell like freshly picked flowers. Jacqui

nsd_user663_37330 profile image

2 weeks is amazing and it will get easier i promise, i still have bad days but they getting fewer and positive effects of not smoking are now out weighing the negative.

my teeth have never been so white, my skin has improved and even my age spots on hands are so feint they not noticable, no 5 week long chest infection for me this year!!

the best bit is i can actually afford to buy my hubby and kids xmas pressies this year cause i can afford it, before hand hubby always bought the kids for me (they not his kids).

keep up the good work

never quit quitting


nsd_user663_36288 profile image

Hi Michelle - the two week mark was horrendous for me too (I'm now on day 24) - I just got through it by saying I won't smoke TODAY. And hoping tomorrow would be better. And keeping as busy as possible. And being horrible and grumpy. And posting on here.... And it DID get better. Still have bad moments, but the thought of going backwards is even worse. Hang on in there, do whatever it takes, and keep posting. We all know what you're going through and willing you to succeed -



nsd_user663_38091 profile image

yo guys

thank you thank you thank you.......I needed that support soooooooooo much....today has been far more manageable.....

I have popped the odd mini lozenger and NOT killed anyone ha ha so that is always a bonus :0)

How nice to say I DON'T SMOKE.....whoooooopeeeeeeee


Jonny you hanging in there?!?!!? Come on now.......another step nearer the Penthouse :)


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