This is going to be hard :(: Hi all, Well i... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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This is going to be hard :(

nsd_user663_17966 profile image
12 Replies

Hi all,

Well i've reached day 3, last night I had a couple of wobbly moments but managed to get through them.

Today I hear day 3 is known to be hard but what is going to make today even harder is knowing my hubby has just left for 10 days working in Slovakia, this is the 1st time we've been apart more than a day in over 4 years so today is really going to be a struggle.

He only left for the airport like 35 mins ago but already I am missing him :(

Don't blame me if I am on here all day posting away.

Woo x

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nsd_user663_17966 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_3607 profile image

Stay Strong

Hey Woo,

Just think how proud he will be when he comes back and your still free!!! :-) I know it will be hard - but use this to your advantage - when you come through the other side - it means you know that you have conquered a big challenge.

That said - lets focus on the next hour and not too far steps! :-)


nsd_user663_27963 profile image

Keep it together there, I will be joining you on day three very soon..:D

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

THanks guys :)

I keep on thinking, do I really need a smoke - NO

Will I enjoy the smoke - NO

Will I die if I don't smoke - NO (well maybe in 50 yrs from old age heh!)

Am I missing anything by not smoking - NO

That is getting me through so far, I mean the craves are little and easy to pass so far, last night was a different matter, I had a dull ache in my head, felt sick the works :( but just kept on thinking that if I lit up I would feel even more sick and get soaked as it was raining.

I've smoked for 20 years, started when I was 12 :eek: so I know it's going to be hard to be a none smoker but well i'll get there with all the support of you lovely people and my family/friends.

Woo x

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

Ok so mid-afternoon update....

I am starting to feel like cr@p. I have a throbbing dull ache in my head, I feel sick, it feels like I have something lodged in my throat and I can't hack it up.

Isn't it funny how no-one tells you about feeling this way when you mention quitting? I'm guessing they don't so that you don't feel scared about quitting but man, I never felt like this when I ws smoking.

I knew today was going to be bad and it is getting worse by the hour :(

Sorry folks but really starting to feel sorry for myself here and having a 1 person pity family.

Woo x

nsd_user663_3607 profile image

The healing has began

Hey Woo,

You did feel like this when you were smoking - ok - maybe not in one go - but remember cramming in as many fags as you could when you knew you would have a long time without them (plane journeys etc) - remember when you felt sick after smoking too many.

Woo - if you give in to this now - you know you will regret it - you know you will be annoyed with yourself.

You also know that you can beat these cravings - don't bargain with yourself.....remember - the only way to beat this - NOPE.

Hugs (I don't want you hubby coming back from Bratislava to hit me tho ;-))


nsd_user663_34855 profile image

Hi Woo

If it's any help, I suffered from man flu in Week 2 (amazing considering I'm female)

I seem to remember going mad about it on the forum as I expected to feel wonderful and just didn't. It did take me a couple of weeks to feel any benefits but they do come. As people said to me, you can't expect to clear years of damage from your body in a matter of days, but I suppose we just want to feel rewarded for our hard work.

You are doing brilliantly so far, don't let the next day or two put you off, it will pass I promise :)


nsd_user663_17966 profile image

Hey Woo,

You did feel like this when you were smoking - ok - maybe not in one go - but remember cramming in as many fags as you could when you knew you would have a long time without them (plane journeys etc) - remember when you felt sick after smoking too many.

Woo - if you give in to this now - you know you will regret it - you know you will be annoyed with yourself.

You also know that you can beat these cravings - don't bargain with yourself.....remember - the only way to beat this - NOPE.

Hugs (I don't want you hubby coming back from Bratislava to hit me tho ;-))


Thanks Chris,

I think i'm just gonig through a rocky bit so the reasurance helps lots :)

I know i'd be really p!ssed if I did smoke one and really don't fancy gonig through this all over again so I doubt I would, I think I'm just venting hahaha


also thanks for the hug they are always apreciated :) hubby is now in Amsterdam awaiting his connecting flight, I think he is better out they way of me at the moment it's dafer for him hahahaa

P.s HAPPY 3RD DAY Chris!!! :)

Shaz x

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

Hi Woo

If it's any help, I suffered from man flu in Week 2 (amazing considering I'm female)

I seem to remember going mad about it on the forum as I expected to feel wonderful and just didn't. It did take me a couple of weeks to feel any benefits but they do come. As people said to me, you can't expect to clear years of damage from your body in a matter of days, but I suppose we just want to feel rewarded for our hard work.

You are doing brilliantly so far, don't let the next day or two put you off, it will pass I promise :)


THanks Pip,

I know I can't expect miracles as I have been smoking 20 years but yes it's like you said, you expect to feel something for all the trouble and when you just feel worse it's like a kick in the head really :(

WE'll i'll get through it but will rpob be on here all night as no hubby at home hahahaha

Shaz x

nsd_user663_3607 profile image

Man Flu!

Hi Woo

If it's any help, I suffered from man flu in Week 2 (amazing considering I'm female)

I seem to remember going mad about it on the forum as I expected to feel wonderful and just didn't. It did take me a couple of weeks to feel any benefits but they do come. As people said to me, you can't expect to clear years of damage from your body in a matter of days, but I suppose we just want to feel rewarded for our hard work.

You are doing brilliantly so far, don't let the next day or two put you off, it will pass I promise :)


Pip - How on earth did you get throught it with Man Flu!!! I am not worthy to be in your virtual presense!! Now you know how devasting Man Flu is....:D

nsd_user663_3607 profile image

hubby is now in Amsterdam awaiting his connecting flight, I think he is better out they way of me at the moment it's dafer for him hahahaa

P.s HAPPY 3RD DAY Chris!!! :)

Shaz x

Could he not fly directly to Vienna? Sorry - being nosey - just that I have been to Bratislava about 9 times with work - love the place.

- Is my distracting ploy working?? :-)


nsd_user663_34855 profile image

Pip - How on earth did you get throught it with Man Flu!!! I am not worthy to be in your virtual presense!! Now you know how devasting Man Flu is....:D

Heehee....I had to take advice from my OH Chris, he is an "expert" on man flu symptoms :D

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

Could he not fly directly to Vienna? Sorry - being nosey - just that I have been to Bratislava about 9 times with work - love the place.

- Is my distracting ploy working?? :-)


No Idea Chris, he just got the E-ticket from work that said Uk-Amsterdam, Amsterdam - Vienna so wont get there till still o'clock tonight

Also yes! hahahaha

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