Hello a newbie here: Hello everyone I joined... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hello a newbie here

nsd_user663_34224 profile image
11 Replies

Hello everyone

I joined this site tonight after coming across it whilst looking for some inspiration. I had my last cigarette on August 1 at 07.50 (so 6 weeks ago). I had until then smoked on average 23 cigs a day for 31 years.

I am using Nicotine patches, the first 4 weeks was 21 mg and I am now onto Step 2 and have reduced down to 14 mg. I am also using the inhalator if I get any desperate urges. I don't think I could have got this far if I had gone 'cold turkey'.

Unfortunately, I have put on around 101bs in weight but as long as it doesn't get any worse I shall start worrying about losing the added weight in a few weeks. At least it will be winter so I can cover up until it's gone :D

On the plus side, I am already feeling the health benefits of not smoking, cough easing, breathing easier and walking has got easier. My bank balance has also improved. On the downside, I feel quite tired all the time and wonder if it's a side effect of using the patches.

I have downloaded the quit keeper widget which gives me real time stats and look at it every morning before I leave for work. Can't believe I have got this far even though it's only 6 weeks.

Great site and wish everyone good luck with their endeavours.


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nsd_user663_34224 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_30954 profile image

Hello Maxine ..

6 weeks is brilliant !!

i use the patch's and inhalator too

i doubt i would of got very far without them :)

i took it very slowly and im still on the 7mg patch's

even tho its been 3 months

your energy levels should improve in the long run

its a big change for your body to go thro

31 years of a regular dose of nicotene

to 6 weeks of change

i smoked for 29 years ... almost a chain smoker at the end

im still feeling the benefits emerging at 3 months

its hard work to change a habit ... exhausting in itself

look after yourself xx :)

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Hi Maxine

Welcome to the site, and well done for getting through your first six weeks. I am about a week ahead of you, and like you, still feel tired, and I have put on a stone. Hey ho. Things will get better, and I like your idea about covering up!

nsd_user663_12625 profile image

Hey maxine

Hey maxine i was born in 1967 and started smoking when i was 13 . Good luck with your quit .

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

Hi Maxine, well done on getting to 6weeks, what a fabulous achievement I bet you feel proud. I am at 4weeks and 1 day at the moment. So good luck for the next week. Jacqui:D

nsd_user663_34224 profile image

Thanks for the welcome

the replies and encouragement. Yes, I was 13 when I started smoking. I thought I knew best whilst my mum and dad were furious.

I managed to work out how to add my signature and location so that's another start!!

I have been having a look around this site on and off since last night and have noticed some familiar themes since quitting. For example, I have had a smoking dream twice since I packed up and very vivid it was too, both times. Don't remember where I was but definitely remember the affects on me of smoking again, the inhaling, smell and feeling guilty for going back on it and was extremely relieved when I woke up and realised all was well.

I hope I have similar dreams when I concentrate on losing the extra pounds I have put on! :)

I am not big on exercising (excuse the pun) - but I do enjoy swimming so will start going more often soon. I do have a 15 minute walk to and from the station to work but that's the extent of it.

I have taken on board the threads about constantly being reminded of smoking but I don't think I am going to get past that stage until I am nicotine free and I don't think that's going to be any time soon but I am looking forward to that day.

The best things for me about not smoking are my flat smelling lovely. My clothes, hair and breath smelling fresh and the money I am saving. I noticed someone mention about the Government not getting another fiver out of them and I think that's a fantastic incentive not to smoke ever again!!

My quit stats tonight tell me I have not smoked for 42 days or 1 month, 1 week, 4 days, 12 hours, 38 minutes and 42 seconds, have not smoked 978 ciggies, have saved £273.35 and saved 3 days, 9 hours and 30 mins of my life.

You would think with all the benefits it would be easy but of course we all know it's not.

Good luck to you all and thanks again.


nsd_user663_32978 profile image

Well done Maxine on getting through 6 weeks and welcome to the forum.

I am a few weeks behind you but its lovely to see how people are feeling a bit further down the line.

I have quit with Champix and that was the best option for me. Will say I still miss the habit and I still get the odd craving but feel so much better which keeps me going and I know I will have cracked it when I think of myself as a non smoker rather than an ex smoker.

I have now started on the weight issue by doing some exercise and will look at my diet :eek:.

Good Luck


nsd_user663_32559 profile image

You're doing so well Maxine! You've definitely made the right choice coming to the forum! You can do this!!

nsd_user663_35009 profile image

How many lbs

10 or 101 just kidding I put on 10 lbs too and Im proud of it that will give me something to work on next

nsd_user663_35758 profile image

I smoked for nearly pass 5 years the habit i got due to my friends they all were snookers and was the one who just never smoke but one day one of my friend just had me one cigaret to inhale and that was the first time i smoked and from there o got this bad habit of smoking and which lasted for 5 years.

I have stopped smoking and it is full 3 months i have not smoked a single cigaret i got my senses back after seen a programmer on tv that how this smoking is killing me slowly and that i promised my self i will be leaving this habit for sure.

nsd_user663_34721 profile image


Wow truly amazing that you made it soo far without a support structure around you !

To me it sounds like you are well and truly on the road to recovery well done!

and Stay Strong

nsd_user663_32559 profile image

I smoked for nearly pass 5 years the habit i got due to my friends they all were snookers and was the one who just never smoke but one day one of my friend just had me one cigaret to inhale and that was the first time i smoked and from there o got this bad habit of smoking and which lasted for 5 years.

I have stopped smoking and it is full 3 months i have not smoked a single cigaret i got my senses back after seen a programmer on tv that how this smoking is killing me slowly and that i promised my self i will be leaving this habit for sure.

So glad that you are doing so well :) you've made the right choice!

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