Some of my more unusual reasons... - No Smoking Day

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Some of my more unusual reasons...

nsd_user663_33894 profile image
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My reasons for quitting list is a long, long one. I thought I'd share some of my less obvious ones. Some of these are a bit daft and might make you laugh; some of them just look at things from a different angle. All of them are true, for me anyway.

•Bad for the environment pt.1 – 85% of the toxic smoke from a cigarette is going straight into the air (I always smoked outside). Even though one person’s smoking probably wouldn’t do much, it’s a bit like recycling – if everyone thinks ‘mine doesn’t matter’, then we end up living in a landfill.

•Bad for the environment pt. 2 – forests are chopped down and fields originally used to grow food are converted to tobacco fields. Tobacco requires a lot of artificial fertiliser and pesticides to be most profitable. A lot of the time they don’t even bother to move the workers out of the way when spraying these.:eek:

•I’m a vegetarian. Cigarettes aren’t.

•I have some anti-capitalist leanings. Smoking is basically pledging a weekly amount to a huge evil corporation.

•If I quit, I get to be smug. I’m a Guardian reader; I like being smug.:cool:

•Smoking really isn’t cool anymore. At one point, smoking was associated with James Dean and Holly Golightly. Now it’s more like Jim Royle and Waynetta Slob.

•Career. I’ve noticed that none of the Exec level people at my work smoke (or if they do, I certainly never see or smell it). Not sure if there is a straight correlation, but I think there is something in it.

•No more hiding at work in case someone sees me, especially when I’m already late but need a ciggie, no more standing in the rain & cold, no more dreading going outside at night because there might be spiders out there (I really don’t like spiders).

•Smoking seems to make every known health condition/symptom even worse, including – hypoglycaemia, depression, IBS, anxiety, bad circulation, eczema, dry mouth and insomnia. Of which I have all, to some degree. Definitely a correlation there!

•I already have to spend a lot of my waking hours in work – why would I want to waste any more time? Quitting also means I get a longer lunch break, as I don’t have to spend 2 x 5 minutes shoving a white stick in my mouth.

•I started smoking to try and throw off my geeky image and get the bullies to leave me alone. Now I am Queen of Geek, and proud. (And guess what, smoking didn’t make the bullies leave me alone anyway)

•My shopping list full of lovely, nutritious foods is no longer ruined by having ‘Fags’ scrawled halfway down.:D

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