Champix: Hi people! So I have a few questions... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_33150 profile image
41 Replies

Hi people! So I have a few questions about Champix. What side affects did you get and what ways did you deal with it? I have just been prescribed the drug and just need to pick it up this week.I have a phobia of feeling and being sick so how did you deal with the sicky feeling? xx :confused:

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nsd_user663_33150 profile image
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41 Replies
nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Hi Anna

I get the impression that everyone reacts differently to Champix, so it isn't guaranteed that you will feel sick. I have been taking it for over a month now, and still feel pretty crappy, although it can be hard to say what is down to the Champix and what is related to stopping smoking. The worst thing I have had is sleep disturbance. I get to sleep ok, but wake up several times a night, every night.

When you pick up your prescription, you will see a leaflet inside the pack which gives a very detailed list of the possible side effects, along with an indication of what proportion of users have reported it. The most worrying side effects listed are psychological rather than physical, so I took the view that as long as I stayed fine mentally (which I have) then I would put up with any physical discomfort for the sake of the benefits of stopping smoking.

On the positive side, Champix is brilliant at taking away the raw pain of quitting. For everyone, I think, it is a personal choice on whether the benefits outwiegh the costs.

Good luck

nsd_user663_33150 profile image

Thanks.. I will deffo be having a good read of the leaflet when i get it. I will just keep a close eye on myself mentally whilst I am taking it! and if i feel odd ill stop, it sounds so positive though for quiting smoking! :) Ill keep everyone posted once i start them eeeekkk! xx

nsd_user663_32978 profile image

Hi Anna,

I have been on Champix now for just over two weeks. At first I had headaches (could have just been stress though) and when starting and increasing the dose I didn't feel brilliant but not too uncomfortable. Ill feeling lasted about 15/20 mins but I have found that eating a good breakfast and taking the pill in between really helped.

The worst thing for me is that I feel really bloated but I know that will go.

I will say though that they are really worth giving them a try. It has made my time easier than if I went cold turkey. A good tip is that you will find that naturally you will start to cut down. I found it beneficial to start leaving more time between each cigarette and then cutting out cigarettes before the date I quit. By the time I was ready to quit I was on minimal cigarettes and found it easier. My partner didn't do that (naturally cutting happened) and he has suffered a little bit more than I have because he had the thinking process 'I don't want one yet but I will have one when I do' and has had trouble kicking out that thought pattern. Must say though he is a bit better today (Day 3).

Good Luck


nsd_user663_33150 profile image

I have my appointment for tomorrow, So I have another day to not worry about the pills. I am going to enjoy this one last smoking day! I am just going make sure I eat a good breakfast before I take the tablet and lots of water. I will post on here again once im on them xx:o

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Not your last smoking day. You will have some more of those yet. Usually, you stop 8-14 days after you have started to take the tablets. Although, as Lingy says, it is a good idea to start cutting down before your quit date.

nsd_user663_32978 profile image

Hi Anna,

Another little tip that has helped me is to use a water bottle with a spout because you have to suck the water out. It really helps when you get a craving. Sounds a bit stupid but has worked for me :)

nsd_user663_33150 profile image

Im gunna go shopping tomorrow and get some water, mints, chewy an crackers for when i feel sick. Im gunna carry on smoking up until the quit date, see how this drug works xx

nsd_user663_32978 profile image

Trust me it works :D

nsd_user663_33150 profile image

I start uni in september, im worried I will be feeling too ill.. do the symptoms get worse or does your body get used to it? I will have to come off it if im falling asleep on my first day or being sick everywhere lol :p xx

nsd_user663_27854 profile image

Hi Anna,

I have quit using Champix (so my sister has). I have been smoke free for 3months.

Please watch out your mood swings - I nearly became suicidal.

Good luck,

LA x

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

I start uni in september, im worried I will be feeling too ill.. do the symptoms get worse or does your body get used to it? I will have to come off it if im falling asleep on my first day or being sick everywhere lol :p xx

You seem more worried about the Champix than giving up smoking! I would advise you to try to take it in a positive frame of mind rather than an anxious one. No-one can really say how you will react to it, but if it doesn't suit you, come off it. My guess is that you will know this before you start uni, so if it's not right for you, you can develop an alternative strategy for quitting. Good luck.

nsd_user663_32978 profile image

Hi Anna,

I know how you feel. When you see the list of side effects then it is scary stuff :eek:

However, fortunate as I am I have a nurse next door and asked her advice. She said that they list everything that has been reported to cover themselves but that different people have different reactions however if she was a smoker she would take Champix because in her eyes it is brilliant. The main thing as Mrs T says is the mood swings and if you start feeling lower than normal I would go back to the nurse and have a talk.

My experience has been feeling slightly ill when taking the tablet in the morning. I usually leave it until a bit later and not first thing (not really able to eat breakfast too early as that makes me feel ill anyway). Recently I have felt quite bloated but that could be down to other things. I slept well for the first couple of weeks but since stopping I have found I wake in the middle of the night but I do manage to go back to sleep again and feel quite rested in the morning. My OH is also on it and he has been fine.

I suppose the main thing is you don't know whether it is suitable until you try it. For me I am pleased I took the option. The minor symptoms I have (and they are minor) are far outweighed by the benefits I am reaping from not having the white stick and poisoning my body. It may have taken my OH to have a serious health scare to push us into stopping but although I could have done without the worry regarding my OH it has had a positive effect.

Good Luck and remember people here are supportive.


nsd_user663_7318 profile image


As above I'd try to see the symptoms of taking Champix as a positive as opposed to a negative.

I can't help on the side effect side of things through as I've personally never taken it; as previously mentioned I think the effects are variable person to person.

A bit of a naff response really so I'll bugger off! Good luck with your quit!

nsd_user663_33150 profile image

I think I am more worried because I often get panic attacks and bad anxiety. But I am looking forward to quiting smoking, my chest is awful so its time to take action! I will keep you posted on how I go :) Thanks for all the support, at least I know I can come here with any smoking or champix problems :) xx

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Oh you're definitely doing the right thing! I've suffered pretty major panic and anxiety dissorders for the past 5 years. Quitting seems to have helped me generally be calmer. It's also nice not needing a handle when you're going through those bad times.

We used to get our shoppind delivered as I didn't like (and sometimes just couldn't) go to a supermaket. For the past 2 weeks (since my quit started) I've been going to the local town and getting fruit and veg from the market.

It's like a new life!

nsd_user663_33150 profile image

Yeah I found that when I quit last time I was a much calmer person too! I think smoking is the blame for some my mood swings and even the anxiety. You sound just like me, i panic in shops! I was awful in the winter would never leave the house. Im hoping I get given a panic free life too :) xx:D

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

oh it can be crippling. I barely left the house other than to go to work for 2 years. Hated (and still do to an extent) crowds and step is going to the theatre in a few weeks time :S

nsd_user663_33150 profile image

I know, I struggle in cars do you? I feel so trapped in them and make the person stop! Im not a very good passenger!! :/ I have travelled in a car around 4 times recently for 35 mins which was hard but I did do it, just hope the champix doesnt put straight back wer i was in the winter. Also I have a trip in october to london which is a 5 hour drive for me :/ I dunno how that will work! I can't wait to be a none smoker though! :eek: xxx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image


Hi, I am a new member as of today and would love to stop smoking. I have not heard of Champix but it sounds good. Can I get it on NHS and does it help?

Please advise,

Zoe :)

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Panic Attacks

Oh and I get really bad panic attacks too and think smoking makes them worse?? Any advice much appreciated.

Zoe :)

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Hi, I am a new member as of today and would love to stop smoking. I have not heard of Champix but it sounds good. Can I get it on NHS and does it help?

Please advise,

Zoe :)

Hi Zoe

Champix is the new "miracle" drug to help you stop smoking. It is available on the NHS. It gets mixed reviews because although it can be very effective, a lot of people suffer unpleasant (and sometimes serious) side effects. If you are interested (and not coping with cold turkey) it might be worth discussing it with your doctor.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Zoe

Champix is the new "miracle" drug to help you stop smoking. It is available on the NHS. It gets mixed reviews because although it can be very effective, a lot of people suffer unpleasant (and sometimes serious) side effects. If you are interested (and not coping with cold turkey) it might be worth discussing it with your doctor.

Hi Mrs T, are doctors difficult about prescribing this? Cos I don't want a big row with my doc while doing something as difficult as giving up smoking. The NHS are not cool about giving up medicines to give up smoking these days, even though it is cheaper than treating the consequente diseases lol a government fault here I believe.

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_33150 profile image

I am the third day of champix and im still smoking but its starting to taste funny now. I think it takes at least a week to properly work. Ill keep you posted xx

nsd_user663_33150 profile image

and Zoe I get panic attacks too! and so far it hasnt caused one but i will let you know. What causes your panic attacks? xx

nsd_user663_33150 profile image

My doctor couldnt wait to prescribe it! He was happy I asked for it, think because its so effective xx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Anna, glad the Champix is starting to work for you :) I bought patches and an inhalator today and am eight hours into my quit. If it doesn't work I will ask my doctor for Champix next time I see him.

I'm like you with panic attacks, I don't like being in cars or on trains, and I have a fear of flying as well and have never flown. And yet its safer than smoking!!

Zoe :)

nsd_user663_33150 profile image

well today I am the 7th day, thought i was doing well but im smoking :/ but i got onto the stronger pills tomorrow so i imagine then it will bring back the dislike for smoking. What kind of things do you do on long journeys to help you in cars? xxx

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

I beep my hooter :D

nsd_user663_33740 profile image

Hi everyone

I'm trying to quit using champix too, day 9 today. Feeling quite rough, very upset stomach all day and heartburn. Plan to quit on Monday morning so next couple of days will be trying to cut down. Any tips?:confused:

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi everyone

I'm trying to quit using champix too, day 9 today. Feeling quite rough, very upset stomach all day and heartburn. Plan to quit on Monday morning so next couple of days will be trying to cut down. Any tips?:confused:

Welcome Elaine

Congrats on taking the first step with stopping smoking. I too quit with champix back in Oct last year and like you i wanted to stop before i was 40 which i did. I was 40 in June. The only advice i can give is to take the champix with food, take the 2nd one of the day at teatime and no later than 6pm as it messes with your sleep. Apart from that read read and read somemore, you can do this. Keep posting on here and we will help you through.

Good luck

nsd_user663_32978 profile image

Hi Elaine,

I suffered badly with heartburn as well, my doc recommended Zantac (might check with your nurse first) and it was such a relief. Dont wait give them a call the relief is wonderful.

Good luck


nsd_user663_33740 profile image

Thanks guys.

I do have tummy tablets that I routinely take for hiatus hernia and associated heartburn. I took two and eventually felt better. This morning I only took half a Champix, with food, and plan on taking the other half with lunch.

Have decided to bring forward quit day to today...will finish the pack and then I'm done!

Wish me luck!!!!:)

nsd_user663_32978 profile image

Good Luck Elaine,

Just remember it will be the best thing you have done for you.


nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Hope it goes well for you Elaine. It will all be worth it in the end.

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Ooohhhh there's nothing like a spare of tHe moment quit! Go you! Enjoy it :0)

nsd_user663_33740 profile image

26 hours and feeling relatively good. Still inclined to want to head for the back door but not weakening.

Thanks for the support!:)

nsd_user663_32559 profile image

Hi Elaine,

I suffered badly with heartburn as well, my doc recommended Zantac (might check with your nurse first) and it was such a relief. Dont wait give them a call the relief is wonderful.

Good luck


I find that Gaviscon and Rennie do the trick. The chewable tablets are so convenient and they work really well (especially Gaviscon :))

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

I think the habit is harder to break thank the addiction personally. It's too easy to do things without thinking.

nsd_user663_33740 profile image

Yes, I found myself standing on the back step yesterday like an eejit. Have no fags or ashtrays anymore so just took a couple of deep breaths of fresh air and left it at that. I cleaned the inside of the car to take my mind off it and nearly vomited when I emptied the ashtray, Yuk!

With the help of Champix I only have to do three things, make the decision, stick to it and break my smoking habits - not too onerous!;)

nsd_user663_33832 profile image

I'm on day 12 of the Champix. When I got to week 2 I found the morning tablet was making me feel really sick but it is just a wave of sickness and it passes after 5 or 10 minutes I find. The evening tablet I take about 4 pm and I don't feel so sick with that one. I do wake during the night a couple of times but nothing serious, I can get back to sleep instantly.

With the tablets every day I was finding I wasn't so bothered about having a cigarette and today was supposed to be my stop date but yesterday I was busy tidying the flat and by 5 pm I hadn't had a cigarette yet so decided to carry on and this morning wasn't too bad, just weird on the way to work knowing that normally I would light up. It's just getting out of the habit I think. So far it has been pretty easy so the tablets have been brilliant as I couldn't do it without them. So the sick feeling is worth it I think.

Cyprien profile image


Good luck to everyonewho's starting out. I quit with the help of Champix nearly two years ago. It is a 'wonder drug' in terms of taking away the craving but it doesn't do all the work for you. Few pointers:

1. You need to not light a cigarette. It sounds odd but Champix will take away the craving but you've got to break the habit, so don't force yourself to smoke out of habit when you don't really want one.

2. In terms of nausea, I too found it helped to take the pill after having eaten.

3. My side effects were feeling a bit sick and very vivid dreams (wierd)

4. I cut down on the doseage and came off them early, which helped a lot with the side effects, so you might feel that you can manage with a lower dose, once you've got into the swing of quitting

5. Don't under-estimate how important it is to understand what is happening. Read everything you can and ask questions here.

6. Some people have reported very unpleasant side effects in terms of mood swings. Research shows this tends to effect people who have had a history of similar problems eg depression. Your doctor should be aware of this and my be more reluctant to prescribe if there is a history of any mental issues. But in any case be aware of possible mood swings and seek medical advice if concerned.

7. Post here: let us know how you're doing, ask for support when you need it and give support to others when they need it.

Good luck


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