New here... Day 6 :): Hi all, im new here... - No Smoking Day

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New here... Day 6 :)

nsd_user663_31296 profile image
5 Replies

Hi all, im new here, nice to find a place with active members finally!

I am Anna, 31 married with an 11 yr old and a 7 month old. I want to quit smoking for health reasons and to make sure im hete as long as possible for my children :)

Ive only had a couple of attempts before, the most being a week on patches. I was smoking for 20 years on 25 per day for the last 10 or so.

I eventually bit the bullet and asked the doc for some helpnin giving up. I started champix and am now on day 6 of bo smoking. So far ive found it ok, a few cravings here and there and lotsnof nausea from the tablets.

Today has probably been my hardest day so far, I guess because its the weekend, I like to spend time sitting inthe garden at the weekend with a coffee and a cig! So have kind of avoided the back garden today!

I also read allen carrs book and thatnis helpjng me no end to think my way through each craving :)

My husband and son are sonproud of me and I am feeling very proud of myself :) lookjng forward to 9pm tomorrow when I hit the 7 days without a cig mark.

Anyway look forward to meeting and sharing with you all

Anna :)

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nsd_user663_31296 profile image
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5 Replies
nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Hello Anna welcome to the forum. You will be so glad that you quit at your age, wish I had, but with me better late than never. You are doing so well a week soon. Allen Carr was good for me too, he really says how smoking is, just a sad addiction, read the links on the signatures here they really help.

They are all brilliant here, we will all help you if you need us, without them I would not be quit 5 months!

Good luck. Maria. x

nsd_user663_31133 profile image

So you should be!!!!

Proud of yourself.

I'm on champix too and have completed my DAY ONE [SAT} I'VE STOPPED!!! and really mean to do the same each day.

Spent most of Sat pm reading Allen Carr's book which makes a lot of sense and challenges you to get to grips with your own mind games, I like that, I'm doing this for me 'cos I want to not because I should.

Keep it up and looking forward to your next post. This forum is great.

PS--Crazy champix dreams--me too but treat them for what they are--just dreams and although I feel exhausted after waking from one of these I'm OK once I'm up and about

Look after yourself.

nsd_user663_31296 profile image

Hi and thanks for the warm welcome :)

Day 7 today- i actually cannot believe I am saying that I havent had a cigarette for a whole week!

Feeling good today, walked round a car boot and smelt many cigs being smoked, did have to have a piece of gum to take my mind off it! Was surprised that it still smells the same, because I know from past experiences that it would taste discusting!

Am having a nice roast dinner today so looking forward to savouring thr tastes im actually doing the double and dieting as well, just fed up of being the fat woman with a fag hanging out my mouth! I started the weight loss first and have lost 2.5 stones in 10 weeks, a long way to go but off to a good start.

Talking of champix dreams, last night I dreamed I caved in and had a cig :( woke up gutted then realised it was just a dream! my mind is obviously fixated on smoking at the moment. Will be glad when all the thoughts calm down a bit... I know they do, the same as with a diet, its all you think or talk about for a few weeks then you kind of settle into it and it becomes part of everyday life.

Anyway im blabbering!

Anna :)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi welcome to the forum and feel free to blabber as much as you like we all do and it helps to keep us grounded and smoke free, you should feel proud that you are finally biting the bullet and quitting smoking, what else could you do to help you stay healthy and alive to see you little peeps grow up, but it want be easy but it will be so so worth it, keep your mind on the reasons you have decided to do this and if possible carry a picture of your kids to keep looking at to remind you.

nsd_user663_31296 profile image

Hi welcome to the forum and feel free to blabber as much as you like we all do and it helps to keep us grounded and smoke free, you should feel proud that you are finally biting the bullet and quitting smoking, what else could you do to help you stay healthy and alive to see you little peeps grow up, but it want be easy but it will be so so worth it, keep your mind on the reasons you have decided to do this and if possible carry a picture of your kids to keep looking at to remind you.

I acuallu found an iphone app nicorette or the other one.. Anyway it lets u add pics of loved ones and even music to help you, theres like a panic button for cravings and it will give u a game to play to take your mind off the craving! Ive been using the nhs one but found this one last night and am really pleased with it ( was a freebee as well)

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