Today is my day 1: Hi everyone My name... - No Smoking Day

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Today is my day 1

nsd_user663_28488 profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone

My name is Lorraine and 29 years old. I have been smoking since I was 13/14 years old and I have attempted quiting several times before. My last attempt was with Champix tablets and they were great untill I ran out and couldnt get back to the GP's due to work I lasted 3 months, 2 of those months were without the champix and did the fatal just one wont hurt and that was over a year ago. Me and my husband are trying to start a family and so far having no such luck. I decided I had to give up smoking again because (1) dont want to smoke whilst pregnant and (2) I dont want to bring my baby up around smoke.

So Today is DAY 1 !!!! I am not using patches, champix or any other NRT so I know it will be hard but really need to stop this time round. I have as yet not told anyone around me that I am quitting just wanted to get first couple days out of the way whilst I am off work.

Look forward to reading others progress and how they manage the cravings etc.

Lorraine :)

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nsd_user663_28488 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Hi Lorraine, and welcome!

There are lots of people on here using all sorts of methods for giving up (Champix, NRT etc.), so you are bound to find people in similar situations as your own.

I recommend you read as much as possible to get an idea of how others cope (you may have done this already before joining).

In any case, wishing you a great quit!


nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Hi Lorraine - and best of luck with your quit.

I quit CT, not easy but when you get past the lightheaded spells you feel much better, and from what I hear lack of sleep affects pretty much every quitter regardless of method used so here's hoping you don't struggle too much.

Good luck !

nsd_user663_28488 profile image

Hi and thankyou, I suffer insomnia anyway so the lack of sleep will not be new lol.

I have never attempted cold turkey before just really hope I can do it this time. I have downloaded the quit keeper which did offer some assistance and support last time I quit and hope it will again.

nsd_user663_15147 profile image


Well done on taking that step.. day 1 should be super exciting (and scary of course, I'm sure) - you should really appreciate that what you're starting today will have a 100% positive effect on your future.. if you think about how amazing that is then that should get you through the first few days cold turkey :)

Reading about the process of quitting (there are some very good links on people's signatures) will really help, and Allen Carr's been great for some so you may want to get a copy of his book :)

Good luck!

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hi Lorraine ,

Pleased to meet you and good luck with your quit. Stick with it and never give in .....just one ALWAYS hurts .

This is a great forum to help you on your way to staying smoke free as you will no doubt find out along the road of your quit.

Good luck on your journey of a smoke free and healthy life.:)

Regards Trev.

nsd_user663_28488 profile image

I have not had a smoke nice 8 pm last night, and onlyt now am I getting my first full on craving, the feeling in the pit of my stomach the fidgets and that feeling of want, so have not done bad to get away with it for this long lol

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

You are doing great , IF the cravings become so overwhelming that you cant tolerate it any longer , rather than lighting up again it might be a good idea to buy yourselves some patches as a short term fix and regain your composure before going back to cold turkey.

Stick with it and you WILL get there.:)


nsd_user663_28505 profile image

Me too!

I am in a very similar position to you; I am 29, I started at the same age you did...I have tried countless attempts with different methods and my husband and I have just started to try and get pregnant! The only difference is my day 1 is tomorrow and I will be using patches and inhalator.

Somehow, I find it inspiring that somebody in a similar situation is going through the same and I wish you all the luck.

Sometimes my will weakens and I find it easy to make excuses but I am going to out up notes of reminders of why I want to stop, which are the same as yours!

Good luck to you!

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Welcome Lorraine and well don eon your decision to quit.

Many moons ago I quit cold turkey and it was my longest quit (2 years). I cut out coffee, which was possibly harder than giving up the fags) and chewed sugar free gum for all it's worth. I exercised everyday whether I wanted to or not and managed to get through the worst part. If you want it enough you can do it and without a doubt doing it without NRT is a good way to go. I have not and cannot quit without nrt now (yes, I did start again foolishly) but strobgly believe it's not how but that you do.

Hang on in there, there is no better feeling than being a non smoker :D

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Welcome Lorraine as Gaynor said it's not how you quit it's that you do.

I done cold turkey and am still stopped not easy but can be done. I would recommend Allen Carr good book although doesn't work for everybody. Read read and read on here and on the links provided. all of us on here will help there is always somebody to listen to you. they are all brill!

Good luck.

Good luck Wantostop too.:)

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Just want to second Betty Boops post. Each quit, however long, has been different for me. When I went cold turkey I also had daily one to one support which helped me to succeed in my longest quit ever. The biggest help now is reading. Reading Allan Carr, many hours on, finding as much information ( not given by your GP, nurse etc) about what smoking REALLY does to you. Hence the read, read, read advice you will often find on here. Re-education REALLY does help and work :D

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_25698 profile image

Hi Lorraine and IWANTtoSTOP what wonderful reasons to quit. :)

'We are all here in the same boat whether we are stuck to it with patches or hanging on to the edge with our own willpower.

It's not all plain sailing, sometimes the ride can be choppy but as long as we're in our boat we're okay.

We are choosing to be in here and we are all helping each other stay here.

Sometimes people fall out but they manage to get back in again with everybody elses help.'

Thats the strange cult talk done with. But i must say i was enjoying thinking that up lol :p

I quit with patches for the first 6 weeks then decided i didn't need them anymore.

It could have been a whole different ending for me but thankfully after the monster left my body i am doing good.

I am doing the one day at a time thing and it's working. I'm on day 50 and some days it feels like i smoked the week before but other days it feels like years. Its a nice feeling and i'm not going to ruin that now. :D

nsd_user663_28551 profile image

hi lolly81 im new to the forum too. am using champix. its day 12 and still smoking 1 or2 per day. what was youe experience with champix?

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