Leaving week 3 -23 days 16th May 2011 - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Leaving week 3 -23 days 16th May 2011

nsd_user663_26753 profile image
8 Replies

Got to week 3 yesterday (Sunday) and now have £200 saved . It get's easier in some ways and more intense in other ways . I think grieving and loss have a lot to do with it ! Stress really kicks off the craving . However getting through it . I am feeling a bit down starting my 4th week and get annoyed that I FEEL this way . I think at times I am going to get fed up with this and loose the battle just out of getting bored fighting it ! Anyway just the way I feel at the moment . I came homefrom work on Friday there and felt blessed that I had stopped !!! You see what I MEAN !!

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nsd_user663_26753 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Be great if you could expand on your experiences Annie, what gets easier and what hasn't.....

bbbreezy profile image

Good going Frances; not an easy ride is it, but I do know its a worthwhile one.

Some seem to have such an easy time of it. I did nothing but struggle until well after 2 1/2 months. Each am I used to wake up and think ok time to have a smoke and a coffee and then damn, I don't smoke, what's the point in even getting up. Each and every blessed am.

The thoughts still come and once in awhile a real crave, but they are soooo easy now in comparison.

The hard times shall pass Frances


nsd_user663_26753 profile image

easier bits hard bits

Be great if you could expand on your experiences Annie, what gets easier and what hasn't.....

It is strange and kind of difficult to describe . I think the easier bits are getting used to the routine of not smoking .The hard bits are the craving comes in one 'grab you ' moment, as apposed to feeling the craving more frequently . I think the brain plays tricks on you as I am actually better than I was in the first week for example . I think as the addiction is still there and you are dealing with it on a daily basis you forget how you have progressed .It is like going on the 'big dipper'at a fairground at the beginning, and you dont get off .The high point is the craving and the dip is the realisation you cant have a ciggie . Then it is like going on it for a few times and the high point of the craving is higher in intensity . I feel now at nealty the end of week 3 ,it is not such a 'big dipper' anymore and the high point is reducing with the dip not so dissapointing .The peak and dip shall even out- I hope ? I guess I will not feel complete freedom until I dont feel anything ! Hope this makes sense ???

nsd_user663_26753 profile image


Frances congratulations on getting to this point and sticking with it.

What I used to do was pick out someone who was an established quitter. I would then look at their old posts from their first day and read them all. The people who are really positive and bubbly now were all on the same rollercoaster you are. They often seem to turn a bit of a corner psychologically after the first month - 6 weeks. It's not a hard and fast timeline but it is good to see that not everyones journey is plain sailing.

You're doing brilliantly and I really hope you turn that corner very soon x

Thanks Karrie you have been a real help .I have been telling everyone about this site as it is a real sanity saver !

nsd_user663_26753 profile image

Yes !

Good going Frances; not an easy ride is it, but I do know its a worthwhile one.

Some seem to have such an easy time of it. I did nothing but struggle until well after 2 1/2 months. Each am I used to wake up and think ok time to have a smoke and a coffee and then damn, I don't smoke, what's the point in even getting up. Each and every blessed am.

The thoughts still come and once in awhile a real crave, but they are soooo easy now in comparison.

The hard times shall pass Frances


Thanks Jen ! I feel that as well in the mornings .I get really ticked off if I WAKE UP TOO EARLY !!I replied to 'Horse' there trying to describe the feelings but your rollercoaster is a good one !

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Annie - makes perfect sense.

Good luck and keep battling, you know it's a battle worth winning

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

You certainly can't spit on the money saved!

Great job, and good continuation.


nsd_user663_26753 profile image


You certainly can't spit on the money saved!

Great job, and good continuation.


Thank you Alex .Now finished week 5 and is easier . I have cleaned my house from top to bottom ! I cannot believe I AM AT THIS POINT !!

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