hypnotherapy and cold turkey: Well this is... - No Smoking Day

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hypnotherapy and cold turkey

nsd_user663_26916 profile image
7 Replies

Well this is the start of day 2 for me yippeee. Im really happy because in the past i have always said tomorrow or I can just have one in the morning and I'll be ok. not true

I went to a hypnotherapist for two sessions. i stil smoked for one day after the last session then stopped. I don't know if it was the hypnotherapy or the fact i finally made my mind up to stop. The withdrawals havent been too bad.

I'm looking forward to posting day 7 quit because i understand this is the approximate time that withdrawals are pretty much diminished. It's only day two but i'm really proud of myself.

Hypnotherapy isn't a magic bullet but i think having two sessions really helped

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nsd_user663_26916 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_24750 profile image

Hey congrats on stopping smoking! Everyone seems to be different in what they respond to so hopefully hypnotherapy is the one for you! There are loads of good posts on here that help us to think differently about smoking and help to stop so have a good read around. Now you can start to enjoy your smoke-free life (because you're not giving up or sacrificing anything - it didn't do anything good for you to start with!)

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Well done Cazza!

I'm really interested in hypnotherapy, so please let us know how it goes.


nsd_user663_26512 profile image

Congratulations on your Quit

I too had Hypnotherapy, then kept telling everyone that I didn't really think it had worked, however I am now on day 18 and still smoke free :) it does not magically take all the pain away, but without it I would never have had the courage to stop!! this forum is brilliant as it is full of people going through exactly the same as you, so use it whenever you need to whinge or want a big hug and pat on the back :D


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Many years ago about 20 I decided to stop smoking and had hypnotherapy.

It cost me at the time £30 an hour later I was smoking but to be honest I don't think I wanted to stop I was trying top please someone else.

But I really hope it works for you and Louise. As I keep saying it's not how you stop it's that you stop.

Well done to you all.


nsd_user663_22999 profile image

I tried hypnotherapy once, but spent the entire £150 session wondering if I was being hypnotised! Don't think it was for me! Then so stressed at having to cover up the £150 from OH I smoked even more than normal!

Not a great success for me :o

nsd_user663_26512 profile image

well done on your quit Angie

now that is what I was expecting, I didn't expect to have any cravings as such because of the hypnotherapy and one of the things I really hate about smoking is the smell so my hypnotherapist said that she would focus on that, I am not at all repelled by the smell!! mind you I have noticed how my clothes don't smell of smoke at the end of the day and it is lovely :)

I have heard lots of stories from people who have tried hypnotherapy and I know it is different for everyone, but I wasn't actually expecting to suffer the cravings and withdrawal as much as I did.

I haven't suffered mouth ulcers, but my ankles keep swelling, I can't sleep and feel generally quite unwell with it all, I hear this will improve though :)

nsd_user663_24707 profile image

I'm so tempted by hypnotherapy. I'm quite open to that sort of thing but I think I'm going to try and stop again on my own first. Would love to her how you get on with it all. Best of luck!

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