A failure!: Hi All What can I say - no... - No Smoking Day

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A failure!

nsd_user663_25398 profile image
12 Replies

Hi All

What can I say - no excuses. I've had 3 ciggies over this last week. Just don't think I can be bothered to keep trying.

This is always my problem - I do great for the first couple of weeks, but just can't keep it going.

Anyway, thought I'd better let you all know. Sorry! :o

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nsd_user663_25398 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Sarah, you're not a failure and you've done really well so far. 3 fags in a week isn't the end of the world. I had 3 or 4 last night and I'm not looking at myslf as a failure. I've had a bit of a blip that's all. I've got no intention of smoking today. Do you know why you started smoking again? Tackle that, and you may be able to beat the habit of restarting. Please keep coming on here, it really does help.

bbbreezy profile image

Hello Sarah

You are not a failure. How many cigarettes did you NOT smoke these past weeks. Feel proud of yourself. You are wonderful, YOU CAN DO IT.

I too in the last few months smoked three or four (enjoyed every damn one of them). I am not a bad person, nor a failure. I choose not to keep smoking.

Please don't be sorry Sarah; hope to see you post again soon.


nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Awww sarah your not a failure at all. Pick yourself back up hun, you can do it. Its right, think of how many you havent smoked. Its a blip and you've proven to yourself you can be a non-smoker before and therefore you can be that non-smoker again. Also as it was just a few cigs then well done for not going back to a pack a day.

All the best xx:):)

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

Hi Sarah,

Do not worry we have all been there, In fact last year when I was quitting i did exactly the same thing. I was depressed because I suffer with Seasonal Awareness Disorder I had to get my medication changed, by February I was fine again. This is my 3rd and final attempt to quit, and so far i am 8weeks 4days quit not one puff . You are not a Failure when your ready and you will know start again.

Keep posting and reading on here it all helps. It has helped me and lots of others too.

My last fag was on 28/2/11

1mg Nicotinel Mint Lozenge when required.



nsd_user663_25398 profile image

Thanks guys - you're all very sweet!! xxxxx

I don't really know why I've found it so difficult this week, and why I succumbed, I've tried to a n a lyse it, but I can't work it out! :confused:

I just got it into my head for some reason that I wanted a cigarette, and I wasn't going to let me talk myself out of it! :o

I suppose if I'm trying to look on the bright side, I haven't gone out and bought a packet, and I don't really feel tempted to. I am going to keep on trying - I suppose I'm just not convinced that I'll succeed! :(

I will keep reading and posting on here, and thank you all for the moral support (and hugs!) - it really is appreciated :)

nsd_user663_26512 profile image

i know what you mean

I am now on day 18, feeling pretty shitty to be honest and can uderstand why you had those ciggies ;) I am quite desperate for one today!!! but I will not succumb and I hope you are resisting again now.

Keep it going and lets see what wonderful benefits are waiting for us further down the line as non smokers :D

nsd_user663_26590 profile image

You can do it!!!!

Ask yourself -" Do I want to go back to being that smokey old Jo!! Ask yourself if you felt proud of your achievements in those 3 weeks. In the past I gave up for ages once. I had a couple of ciggies one eve - a STUPID thing to do!! And regretted it for the next 4 years!!! Am back on the quitting mode now and remember how dissapionted I was in myself for one lapse. GET BACK ON TRACK NOW!!!! DO NOT FOLD!!!! Don't use one lapse as an excuse to walk away and admit defeat like I did.

nsd_user663_26590 profile image

Panic moments

Someone suggested Nicotinell Mini's. They are not as evil tasting as gum or lozenges. Pop one under tongue on demand - and that " aaaarrrrgggghhh" moment passes.

Cost £4.99 for 20 and worth it. Sort of pepperminty -but do not burn the inside of your mouth like replacement products seem to. ( And cheaper than a packet of Cigarrettes!!!!)

I peeled patches off!!! And threw out the gum in the past!!!

Worth a gamble anyway. If it works then its £4.99 well spent

nsd_user663_26512 profile image

How are the Mini's?

Hi Teacup,

Just wondered how you are doing on the Mini's?

I am using the Inhalator, but get embarrassed about using it in public, so thought I may try something else for when the going gets tough.


nsd_user663_26590 profile image


I like the mini's. Each to their own of course. They look just like a Tic Tac!!! They say a craving lasts about 3 minutes or so - so I pop one under my tongue if I feel a strong urge to go to nearest shop to buy a packet of ciggies!!!!

It doesn't taste like a Tic Tac of Course -but I've had far worse replacement lozenges and gums -and I used to peel off the patches!! The lozenges etc burnt the inside of my mouth & I end up spitting them out..!!! And the patches gave me vivid dreams and disturbed sleep.

The "hit" of a mini is almost instant. And I genuinely do not want a ciggie when I have one of these under my tongue. By the time it has dissolved the crave has long gone - and I feel relieved that I did not give in to a moment of stupidity.

nsd_user663_15752 profile image

get the nasal spray, its the best for giving the quicket hit.

nsd_user663_6683 profile image

on ave it takes most smokers between 9/11 trys before stopping ps i dont believe in ave.................we are all diff just try again when u r ready x

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