some advice please: hi guys im after a... - No Smoking Day

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some advice please

nsd_user663_24273 profile image
13 Replies

hi guys

im after a little advise please, i started taking champix and i had my last fag on 23rd march 2011 , so i have nt had a fag for 29 days , im very pleased with myself, but......... im not happy with champix although they are working , i had to cut down to one tablet 12 days ago due to nightmares and i was snappy with the kids and partner , all was good on one tablet but i have noticed i am being snappy again to the kids and being narky with my partner also i always go out for dinner on sunday but i could not face it and stayed in , i have been tearfull yesterday and today too , i think i need to stop champix now and hope willpower is enough , its not fair on my family

hope for some replys

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nsd_user663_24273 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Hi Nikkie

Well done on your quit so far :)

To be honest you've been nicotine free for 26 days so I'd say that if you feel strong enough then stop the champix.

Your quit starts in earnest now as you'll be learning to deal with all the mind stuff - not as scary as it sounds :D

Many people suffer with mood swings regardless of how they quit - you've just got rid of your best friend and it takes a while to adjust to your new life but you'll get there.

nsd_user663_24273 profile image

thankyou very much for comments , i was worried coz my partner still smokes and everyone around me smokes ..... i cannot afford to fail as i have called them nicotine junkies before :o lol

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Great job Nikki, must say you do have alot of willpower. Being around so many smokers and still quitting. I really admire your courage, keep it up!!!

I too am on champix but fairly new so I have not got to those symptons yet. However, from things I've read in different places the symptons are like ones you would experience even by quitting cold turkey. One thing I think is important is to perhaps talk to you gp or stop smoking nurse/counsellor before stopping. I think it is advisable to get off champix slowly not to shock the system.

I could be wrong,like I said, I'm only saying the above from reading different things not from personal experience.

Hope some of this helps. In the meantime keep it up you're doing so well.

Good luck and let us know how you get on :)


nsd_user663_24273 profile image

Hi val (vailen)

Thankyou for your advise , i spoke to my smoking dr and he has advised me to cut my tablet in half and see him thursday , so lets hope this works , i managed with one tablet and now its half , i dont think champix is for me ?? and im only 29 days smoke free

anyway thats enough of me waffling

and i wish you well with ur quit and ty for the support i need it :)

nsd_user663_24260 profile image

Go and see your nurse or doctor I was put on the half dosage and feel a bit better - still get a bit snappy but better than it was

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

hi guys

im after a little advise please, i started taking champix and i had my last fag on 23rd march 2011 , so i have nt had a fag for 29 days , im very pleased with myself, but......... im not happy with champix although they are working , i had to cut down to one tablet 12 days ago due to nightmares and i was snappy with the kids and partner , all was good on one tablet but i have noticed i am being snappy again to the kids and being narky with my partner also i always go out for dinner on sunday but i could not face it and stayed in , i have been tearfull yesterday and today too , i think i need to stop champix now and hope willpower is enough , its not fair on my family

hope for some replys

Hi Nikkie, I think the question is : is it champix? I don't think so but I could be wrong. I only took champix for a few days then went cold turkey.

What I do know is you could be going through the depressed stage of quiting as you are now around the month mark. BTW that is brilliant.

I found around the same time I wasn't right so what I have done is added a copy of a post I put on here about a month into my quit. You will see there are similarities between what you are going through and what I went through about the same time.

I hope this helps.

Today is one month for me and I'm normally feeling positive but right now I'm not. I had a very bad day yesterday and I am feeling the same today. I have this anxious feeling across my stomach and a horrible taste in my mouth. I can't concentrate on what I'm doing or what has to be done today.

I am not making excuses I am uder a lot of pressure just now. As some of you may know I'm a driving Instructor and because of the weather I have not worked now for 2 and a half weeks. Next week is not looking very good more snow today and no sign of things letting up. During this time I have lost about £1,500 and I'm slowly running out of money, bills still have to be paid business and personal.

I'm finding I don't want to do anything just lie down on the couch. I have no pupils booked in for next week and I should be doing that and can't get the where with all to make me do it.

I feel like I said once before that I'm being tortured by someone or something and the only way to stop them is to smoke. Can anyone tell me how long this torture is likely to last, a week, month, a year, I just want it to go away so I can get on with life.

I must add that over the last couple of weeks I have had no normal routine because I'm not working. If I don't get back to work soon I'll be forced to keep on quitting anyway because I won't have money for cigarettes.

Anyone reading this who is just starting to quit don't let this put you off. Remember I have went 1 month cold turkey. I'm normally very positive but not today I'm trying to be and I should be. If you read some of my other posts you'll see what I mean.Jack


nsd_user663_22533 profile image

Hi Nikkie

I agree with Jack it is not necessarily anything to do with the Champix. I got terribly low at one point and the "depression" is a natural part of the grieving process for something you have also known. I blamed those feelings on Champix on my last failed quit - I used the depression as an excuse to go back to smoking after a couple of months. Cold Turkey this time round and same thing happened but I knew what to expect. You feel a bit lost, bit tearful, in my case paranoid ! You have to recognise its all part of the process of saying goodbye to cigarettes and there is most definately light at the end of the tunnel - if you dont believe me look at my post around week 8 and then my holiday post last week - sounds like a different person. Since my low spell it has been fine, keep busy and keep smiling at the sunshine and keep reminding yourself how bad those smokers smell:eek:

If you need to rant or talk you know where we are :)

nsd_user663_7529 profile image

I have neve rhad Champix, but all the symptoms you describe are almost exactly the same as I've been through in the last six weeks. The vivid disturbing dreams are pretty bad at the moment and I'm not sleeping too well. I've also gone from a period of relative calm to being snappy and horrible again (on occasion!).

I am also really struggling with a "nothing to look forward to" sense about leaving the fags behind, which I don't recognise from pervious quit attempts. Each person's quit is different and some VERY odd and horrible things can happen. But it DOES get better....stick with it.

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

hi guys

im after a little advise please, i started taking champix and i had my last fag on 23rd march 2011 , so i have nt had a fag for 29 days , im very pleased with myself, but......... im not happy with champix although they are working , i had to cut down to one tablet 12 days ago due to nightmares and i was snappy with the kids and partner , all was good on one tablet but i have noticed i am being snappy again to the kids and being narky with my partner also i always go out for dinner on sunday but i could not face it and stayed in , i have been tearfull yesterday and today too , i think i need to stop champix now and hope willpower is enough , its not fair on my family

hope for some replys[/QUOT

Hi Nikkie, how's it going? Do you take any multi vitamins? Many people say they help and unless you can't take them for other reasons, they definitely don't hurt. Although so far I am fine, I am going to start taking some. My body can use some vitamins anyway :)


nsd_user663_24273 profile image

Hi all

Thankyou for all the advice , you have all been fantastic thanx again ,just a quick update, i went to the smoking dr on thursday and he said for me to have half a tablet in the morning and half a tablet in the evening and all has been good , as for me i am getting better i am no longer tearfull and my mood is improving , i also treated myself with my savings from not smoking :)

nsd_user663_24273 profile image

@ vailen

i was looking into starting some vitamins but did not know what to take , i heard b6 or b12 is good ???

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Glad to hear you are doing so good! I've forgotten to take my champix a couple of nights so I am sticking to one a day at the moment. I more or less quit CT but this is my security blanket. Luckily I have not really had any side effects (so far).

As for which vitamins to take I think your gp would be the best one to advise you. I'm taking some multivitamins at the moment, so a little bit of everything in them. I'm seeing my GP in the beginning of May and will see if he suggests something else.

Keep up the good work and keep posting.

Happy Easter


nsd_user663_24750 profile image

Hi guys

I'm on Champix too and it makes me feel pretty sick but I think that's about it. I've also found that I kept forgetting to take the evening pill. Probably because I don't have a dinner routine like I do with breakfast. I've decided to just stick to one a day and I'm doing just fine! I can't wait for this 12 weeks to be over really because I've had my moment of revelation from freeing myself from that horrible, smelly, expensive, deadly cycle so now I would very much like to be free of the Champix, lol! I do dislike the fact that I still feel the need to take these pills but hey-ho. I'll cross that bridge with ease when I get to the end of the pills in week 12 =)

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