33 hours and counting: Okay, I figured it out... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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33 hours and counting

nsd_user663_25997 profile image
17 Replies

Okay, I figured it out, we have to start a new thread in each category.. Well I've pretty much gotten through today, YEAH!! Threw them away yesterday around 1 p.m and it's now 9 p.m.

Had a few tough cravings today lasted quite awhile. Thought of having a cigarette, as I'm on champix and on day 7. I was not going to quit until day 12 or 13, but I'm scared that one little puff might set me off even on champix.

Anyone else dealt with this?

Have a great night, let's keep fighting we will win the battle!!


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nsd_user663_25997 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Val, you are doing very well. I'm keeping a watch on you that does not mean don't you dare smoke well it does in a way. I'm just very interested in your progress and some others, remember you need to come on here and give a good rant or ask for help if you think you are going to smoke.


nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Val, you are doing very well. I'm keeping a watch on you that does not mean don't you dare smoke well it does in a way. I'm just very interested in your progress and some others, remember you need to come on here and give a good rant or ask for help if you think you are going to smoke.


Thank you Jack, exactly what I need! Did not realise though that every day we have to start a new thread in a new place :) So guess tomorrow I'll let you know how the day starts here and then if all is well,will start a new thread in day 3.. Can't believe it should have done it years ago.

Appreciate the support!!

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Can't believe it should have done it years ago.

I said the same when I stopped and I'm happy now I've stopped but if I had stopped sooner I might not have had the chest problems I have now. It's not too bad I suppose if I had not stopped it would be a lot worse.


nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Hi Valian

Well done on your quit so far :D

Try and relax and let the champix do it's job - it does help with the craves but you need to put a little bit of trust into it. You'll also need a bit of will power too as although it helps with cravings it won't stop you picking up a pack and lighting one - that's all down to you :)

Not long now and you'll be nicotine free - and that's a good feeling!

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Hi Valian

Well done on your quit so far :D

Try and relax and let the champix do it's job - it does help with the craves but you need to put a little bit of trust into it. You'll also need a bit of will power too as although it helps with cravings it won't stop you picking up a pack and lighting one - that's all down to you :)

Not long now and you'll be nicotine free - and that's a good feeling!

Thanks for the support Pookie. Funny thing is, I've always said I have no willpower! Then yesterday I just got mad. Mad at myself and at the cigs and decided they would not be the boss of me! Seemed to work so far, just hope it keeps up.

Really glad I found this forum, it's great to communicate with people who have gone / are going through it!

nsd_user663_25467 profile image

Hi Val, did you get my reply yesterday,its on page 2 on Day 6 champix ?still resisting,your doing fantastic!

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Hi Val, did you get my reply yesterday,its on page 2 on Day 6 champix ?still resisting,your doing fantastic!

Hi Chrissy, No I did not see it. Still trying to figure my way around the site. I'll take a look now.. Thank you and have a great Smoke Free Day!!:D

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Hi Chrissy, No I did not see it. Still trying to figure my way around the site. I'll take a look now.. Thank you and have a great Smoke Free Day!!:D

Found it and sent you a note.. That is great, definitely helps keep me motivated knowing I had some effect on you. Let's keep tabs on each other and between us and all these great people on this site that can relate we'll do it!!


nsd_user663_25997 profile image


oh these cravings, are tough today.. This one has lasted almost an hour.. Had also ordered the quit kit from nhs, came at the right time. It has one of those things called a tangle. Great to have in your hands, especially when the craving hits!

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Keep going Val, you are doing so well.

The cravings are horrible, but nothing lasts forever. And each one you beat makes you that bit stronger and gives you that bit more confidence.

Just do whatever it takes to get you through to the end of the day, and be really proud.

Isn't it horrible that an addiction has this kind of power over you? Don't you hate it? Don't you want to tell it to go to hell? Grrrrrrrrrr, yeah!!!!

Hang tough,


nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Valian you have done amazing :D

This is your day 3 and a lot of people say that is the worst one. Keep going and tomorrow you will be writing a day 4 post full of pride :)

Thanks for that Karri!!! You are right, of course, it is tough.. I keep putting candy in my mouth and playing with the tangle. Wish I was working would have things to occupy my mind. Done the washing, now going to prepare the dinner and then I guess I'll lay down a bit, for some reason it's easier laying down.

Keep getting confused what day I should be posting on, as I had my last cig., Wed at about 1:20 p.m. So depends where we start counting. Should I or should I not move to Day 3 posts, hmm. Oh well doesn't really matter. The support I am getting from you and others is what counts and it is definitely helping!!:)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

I'm a driving instructor and when I first stopped the weather was really bad so I could not get out to work. So what I did was, play spider solitaire, and sleep on the couch just to pass the time. I also did some of the cooking and work around the house.

Cravings don't actually last long it's the thought of smoking that does. So when these thoughts come into your head try to get rid of them and think of something else. Like a male stripper:eek: or something. :D


nsd_user663_25997 profile image

I don't work either and thats what I found the hardest part. Because there is no structure to my day I find myself extra bored and trying to fill time. At least when you work there is a routine and I think that really helps.

I don't think where you post is too important. Every day at 1.20 starts your new day so at 1.20 today you started day 3.

I find coming on here keeps my brain occupied and that helps for a while. At least our families will get some really amazing dinners now. I keep cooking really elaborate things because they take so long :D

LOL! Know what you mean, I'm doing boeuf bourguignon with home made egg noodles. Like you say they will reap the benefits and we can always worry about our waistline later. Don't know about you, but I've always worried about mine :) Don't live in the south by any chance do you? Then we could keep each other busy

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

I'm a driving instructor and when I first stopped the weather was really bad so I could not get out to work. So what I did was, play spider solitaire, and sleep on the couch just to pass the time. I also did some of the cooking and work around the house.

Cravings don't actually last long it's the thought of smoking that does. So when these thoughts come into your head try to get rid of them and think of something else. Like a male stripper:eek: or something. :D


Definitely a better image than a cig :) How long was it before you stopped thinking about it all the time? I know it's different for everyone. Were you successful your first time at quitting?

I know I'll have to do it this time, if I don't I really don't think I will even try again. It took me years to decided to do it. I was one of those that enjoyed it and did not want to give it up.

I have extra motivation as I'm going to Canada for a few months to see the family so I am hoping to surprise them as I have not told them. Actually I have only told one person besides my husband right now. I want to be sure I'm quit before I start saying I am. Guess that will come when I am not having so many urges and thinking about it so much.


nsd_user663_25997 profile image

We are both on the same wavelength. Smoking is my priority too and worrying about any excess weight is something I can sort out later on.

Ooooh that sounds gorgeous. Home made egg noodles :eek: wow

Have a really easy recipe if you ever want, just let me know:)

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

I need all the recipes I can get so would love to have that one - thank you for that :)

Just e-mailed it to you. Did not check my typing, so let me know if it does not make sense I can scan and e-mail it.

By the way thanks for that did not even think of it, as I was busy typing :)

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Keep going Val, you are doing so well.

The cravings are horrible, but nothing lasts forever. And each one you beat makes you that bit stronger and gives you that bit more confidence.

Just do whatever it takes to get you through to the end of the day, and be really proud.

Isn't it horrible that an addiction has this kind of power over you? Don't you hate it? Don't you want to tell it to go to hell? Grrrrrrrrrr, yeah!!!!

Hang tough,


Thank you Helsbelles!! Well off to Day 3 Now! YEAH!! See you guys there!:)

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