32 days and very down: Hi to all i dont know... - No Smoking Day

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32 days and very down

nsd_user663_25112 profile image
7 Replies

Hi to all i dont know why i feel so down. . Thinking of fags but also telling myself no dont want to smell and be out of breath. Its bad enough when i can smell it off hub. Its like i want one but not the smell anyone else felt like this? I have been on the positive until now. Any help or advice please. Jacqui

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nsd_user663_25112 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Jacqui,

Sorry you are feeling down. Just keep reminding yourself why you DON'T want to smoke. The smell, the taste, the breathlessness, whatever it was that made you quit in the first place. Don't be like me & give in to it, beieive me, it's not worth it.

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Hi Fleetwood I remember feeling like you at 32 days and more so on the weekends. It seems that in the week and working didn't think about it so much, more time to think at weekends. What I think is we get down days whether smoking or not, we just have to retrain our brains not to think of smoking a cig to be happy, because it really doesn't make us happy. I am on day46 and it is getting easier every day. I still get my moments, but have come to far to go back now, and if you look at all the guys that are futher ahead they all say it is worth it, can't wait to get there. So treat yourself with something you like with the money you have saved, and remember non smokers have down days too. xx Bet.;)

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

32 days and feeling down

Thanks Gaynor and Betty Boob. You have made me see that going back is not the answer. And yes i guess your right that even non smokers have bad days . You will be pleased to know that i have not given in to the fag and thanking you both very much for your inspiration. I just love this sight and the people here. Jacqui x

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Glad to hear you have not given in. That's the way to do it ;)

gaynor x

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi to all i dont know why i feel so down. . Thinking of fags but also telling myself no dont want to smell and be out of breath. Its bad enough when i can smell it off hub. Its like i want one but not the smell anyone else felt like this? I have been on the positive until now. Any help or advice please. Jacqui

Take a look at this it may help even although you are feeling better.

I wrote this at one month so you'll see we are all the same.


"Today is one month for me and I'm normally feeling positive but right now I'm not. I had a very bad day yesterday and I am feeling the same today. I have this anxious feeling across my stomach and a horrible taste in my mouth. I can't concentrate on what I'm doing or what has to be done today.

I am not making excuses I am uder a lot of pressure just now. As some of you may know I'm a driving Instructor and because of the weather I have not worked now for 2 and a half weeks. Next week is not looking very good more snow today and no sign of things letting up. During this time I have lost about £1,500 and I'm slowly running out of money, bills still have to be paid business and personal.

I'm finding I don't want to do anything just lie down on the couch. I have no pupils booked in for next week and I should be doing that and can't get the where with all to make me do it.

I feel like I said once before that I'm being tortured by someone or something and the only way to stop them is to smoke. Can anyone tell me how long this torture is likely to last, a week, month, a year, I just want it to go away so I can get on with life.

I must add that over the last couple of weeks I have had no normal routine because I'm not working. If I don't get back to work soon I'll be forced to keep on quitting anyway because I won't have money for cigarettes.

Anyone reading this who is just starting to quit don't let this put you off. Remember I have went 1 month cold turkey. I'm normally very positive but not today I'm trying to be and I should be. If you read some of my other posts you'll see what I mean."


nsd_user663_22999 profile image

HI Jacqui

I think we al have a day or 2 when we're just miserable. For me it was Day 35! I couldn't put my finger on it but I felt, as I put it in my post 'out of sorts'.

Till then, like you I'd been quite jolly, niot really lost my temper and not felt too bad. But Day v35 was a doozy!

Try and get a good nights sleep tonight and I bet you'll wake up tomorrow back to your normal cheerful self!

nsd_user663_25112 profile image


Thankyou DD and Jack. Im gradually calming down now been a long day. But will get a good nights rest. And will hopefully recover from the doom and gloom stage. And will keep posting. Good luck to you all. Jacqui

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