Day 71 ..... woah, rough ride! :( - No Smoking Day

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Day 71 ..... woah, rough ride! :(

nsd_user663_20549 profile image
8 Replies

[*]Cravings to smoke

[*]Irritable, cranky



[*]Inability to Concentrate



[*]Sore throat

[*]Constipation, gas, stomach pain

[*]Dry mouth

[*]Sore tongue and/or gums

[*]Tightness in the chest

All of these symptoms I been experiencing over the last week or so, and alot of them I am now experiencing in one swoop aka Quitters Flu

I have had a few puffs of a fag, but not enough to say I've broken my quit ... I'm getting back ontop of it, but oh my god does this hurt!

Well done to those of you who've kept it up ... I intend to ... some of you have this to come, others will escape it !

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nsd_user663_20549 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_24042 profile image

Just read your post. Extremely helpfull cos I'm only on Day 4 and have felt like crap since I quit - flu/cold like symptoms that have never actually materialised into flu, but symptoms still persist. Been dosing up on medicines but I just presumed I was getting ill, but you've made me see that maybe it's my body getting WELL! Have had all the symptoms you mentioned and to be frank I feel like shite and have done since about 24 hours after my last fag!

Hope it all gets better soon and thanks for your information.

Keep up the good work. Your quit is going really well!!!

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

Hi PK,

I'm a week behind you and found your post really interesting. I didn't get the usual cough after stopping but recently I have been coughing, I'm definitely cranky (everyone is annoying me at the moment) and lethargic when I should be full of energy. The cravings have all but disappeared but I do get the 'I want one' fleeting thought every now and again. Not sure if all this is down to quitting or whether I've turned into a grumpy old woman :confused:

Well done on keeping to your quit and I hope it gets easier for you.

nsd_user663_20549 profile image

Just read your post. Extremely helpfull cos I'm only on Day 4 and have felt like crap since I quit - flu/cold like symptoms that have never actually materialised into flu, but symptoms still persist. Been dosing up on medicines but I just presumed I was getting ill, but you've made me see that maybe it's my body getting WELL! Have had all the symptoms you mentioned and to be frank I feel like shite and have done since about 24 hours after my last fag!

Hope it all gets better soon and thanks for your information.

Keep up the good work. Your quit is going really well!!!

Good Luck with it ... I had a relatively easy start .. I guess Im paying for it now :eek:

Serves me right for ever starting the fags LOL !

Karri - you're right :) in a weird way it is nice to see something after all my hard work, but I'm dreading the next few weeks, apparently this can happen week after week until everything is cleared. - Good Luck :)

chocolatepusscat - lol, you;re not just a grumpy old woman haha! It's the fags, or lack of ... those NicoDemons will make us feel ill as heck in an attempt to make us start it up again .. after 71 days there's no way on this earth that Im'm gonna go back down that road! - Good Luck :D

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

If its any help, I ws the same, I found some weeks really bad, I never had cravings at all, just felt like shyte, low, depressed? lonely (most of my friends and workmates smoke) loads of annoying illnesses, not sleeping, mouth ulcers.

Now all this list is quite depressing on its own, but getting through it gives you just the best feeling, a natural high. 5 months + now and its getting easier and easier. I found posting weekly on my facebook gave me loads of positive energy from friends and family. After 3 months I just posted monthly, for my 5th month I didnt even bother, will wait for my 6 month anniversary.

Use the forum, loads of others are going through the same thing, stay strong.

nsd_user663_22002 profile image

PK - that IS a rough ride:( Well done for keeping going tho. Sending you positive vibes and lots of sympathy for the crappy symptoms :)

I read on another post somewhere that someone turned it around and "enjoyed" the nasty symptoms as it at least meant they were still a non-smoker.....not sure i'd be hardcore enough for that personally, but thought i'd put it out there in case it helps you. Hope tomorrow is better:)

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

HALLELULAH!!!! I'm not being horrible but am really glad it's not just me! I have to admit that I have suffered all of the above. Tho I haven't given in...only because I daren't...I'd be hooked again in minutes & only the fact it's been pretty crappy quitting (not the actual quit but the psychological cravings have been a bugger!) Lets hope we can keep it going, eh? :D

nsd_user663_20549 profile image

If its any help, I ws the same, I found some weeks really bad, I never had cravings at all, just felt like shyte, low, depressed? lonely (most of my friends and workmates smoke) loads of annoying illnesses, not sleeping, mouth ulcers.

Now all this list is quite depressing on its own, but getting through it gives you just the best feeling, a natural high. 5 months + now and its getting easier and easier. I found posting weekly on my facebook gave me loads of positive energy from friends and family. After 3 months I just posted monthly, for my 5th month I didnt even bother, will wait for my 6 month anniversary.

Use the forum, loads of others are going through the same thing, stay strong.

Oh I will...and have, starting to feel human again lol ... thanks for the thoughts and wishes people! :D Oh and Tia, you quit on my 30th Birthday lol ... 10+10+10=30 <special one hehe!

Lulabelle - Thanks, I saw that post too ... and I kinda agree with it, but I cant think like that when Im ill .. Im a man, we get worse flu than anyone LOL ! "Tomorrow" wasnt any better .. it was worse, but I coped ... and now, Im out the other end and reasy to keep fighting the good fight lol

Sophiep, lol ... Hallelujah eh? cheeky ;) - Good work at not breaking the quit :D i know how hard it must be for you! Im right here with ya, not quitting the quit, so lets stick it to the evil nicodemons lol ! We shall be Nico-free Champions of Justice :D

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

BRING IT ONNNNNN!!! (Oh, scuse me, just got to go cough & right with you.....) :D

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