51 days and cravings are back...: I was doing... - No Smoking Day

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51 days and cravings are back...

nsd_user663_22601 profile image
14 Replies

I was doing great and almost felt like I had this awful habit beat but the cravings are back !! I've been thinking about cigs almost constantly for two or three days and it almost feels like it did back in the beginning - even when you weren't actually craving one, you still 'wanted' one. I'm not going to give in but it is very irritating to feel like I'm back to day one again :mad: Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this and might have some tips or advice they'd like to share ? :confused:

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nsd_user663_22601 profile image
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14 Replies
Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free


Sorry to hear you are having a tough bit. I went through a tough bit about 7 weeks in and like all phases of stopping smoking it does pass. Its just not very nice to have to live it at the time.

It does get easier and the craves come less and less often the further into your quit you get

Stay strong and keep focused on staying stopped.


nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Hi Carrie Anne

I way behind you but don't give in now, you've come so far. Grit your teeth, eat cake (difficult with gritted teeth I appreciate) and stick with it and it will pass.

Our brains are awful things aren't they. You DON'T need a fag


I was doing great and almost felt like I had this awful habit beat but the cravings are back !! I've been thinking about cigs almost constantly for two or three days and it almost feels like it did back in the beginning - even when you weren't actually craving one, you still 'wanted' one. I'm not going to give in but it is very irritating to feel like I'm back to day one again :mad: Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this and might have some tips or advice they'd like to share ? :confused:

Aw Carrie

I had exactly the same thing happen to me about that time. Good news is it doesn't last as long as the 1st cravings and once these ones pass there is a period of relative ease, stick with it they will pass soon enough!!:D

nsd_user663_14771 profile image

it is very irritating to feel like I'm back to day one again :mad:QUOTE]

yes, it is! i suppose we all think it's just going to gradually get better all the time, and so it is a shock to get the cravings back again... but the good news is that although it feels like you are back to day one, in reality you are on day 51! and day 51 is a huge step on the road to freedom from smoking :) so, as dale and Sian have said, stick with it, it will pass, you've got this far, freedom is just round the corner...

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Carrie Anne,

I remember how surprised l felt :eek: I couldn't believe that the craving had come back :eek: The good news is - they don't last very long, and then it gets longer and longer between them :) Stick with it, you are doing FAB.

Josie xxx

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

That's why quitting is so hard! It's not the first 3 days that are most challenging but being tested over and over again.... one gets tired of it and many start smoking again. The thing to remember is that the craves WILL lessen in intensity, so take it on as a challenge to get through each one and it will solidify your quit more and more.... in no time, craves will simply be fleeting thoughts, just stick with it!!

Also, I think there are many other reasons craves can come on and in reality they are not even craves... maybe hormone fluctuations, being hungry, being tired, feeling down.... all those resemble craves, we just assume that what we are missing is the fag.

Good luck, you can do it :)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

I think most of the quitters who have reached this stage are experiencing much the same thing. I've had a few bad patches. But I've had enough of them now that I realise they do pass, and they aren't so frequent. I think we just have to accept that a few months of mental readjustment is the price we have to pay for so many years of smoking. And also I cling to the belief that, as all the long-term quitters tell us, it continues to get easier and easier until they hardly ever happen at all, and are easily ignored.

When times get tough, just remind yourself how much, much better you feel. It's a pain in the arse to have cravings, but in the grand scheme of things it's so worth it.

In short, hang in there!

H xx

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

i can totally understand what you are going through!! we all go through this and believe me it will pass but yes it is VERY annoying:rolleyes: im at 63 days today and i was contemplating it because i got really stressed but im holding strong!! dont let that nicodemon win!! keep strong and congrats on all this time quit..we can do this!! please dont give up.

nsd_user663_23871 profile image

51 days and there are still relatively strong urges????

I'm just starting day 8 and this kind of depresses me. :(

Please tell me they are short & weak.....

nsd_user663_22601 profile image

Thank you all so much for the support !! Makes me feel stronger to know that I have people behind me cheering me on and hoping for my success :D It has been a rough few days but every time I think it's too much - I come to this site and read, read, read. You've all been a huge help.

Gerry, please don't let my complaint discourage you in any way. The reason that I am complaining about the craves now is because I haven't had any in so long that this is new and irritating. And even though I am craving, I know that I am 51 days strong and can continue to beat this. I've come too far to turn back now :D

nsd_user663_23871 profile image

Excellent. I'm trying my best to let NOTHING discourage me.

Just caught me off guard a bit.

And yes, 51 days is too far to turn back now......

You be strong and so will I

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Excellent. I'm trying my best to let NOTHING discourage me.

Just caught me off guard a bit.

And yes, 51 days is too far to turn back now......

You be strong and so will I

Gerry I am 4.5 months in, I still get craves but they are infrequent and more llike a fly buzzing round your head annoyance than a full out craving.

Don't let anything discourage you. Yes, you will probaly have cravings for a while yet BUT they do lessen in frequency and intensity. I can guarentee that if you smoke again you will have cravings for the rest of you smoking life.

Stay strong YOU CAN DO THIS

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

gerry, don't be discouraged!

A lot of people get really upset and tense when they get past about a week and find they're still experiencing craves. It pays to be forewarned and prepared for the fact that undoing a lifetime of psychological habit forming takes a bit longer than that for most of us!

Craves do keep coming but they lessen in intensity, frequency and duration as time goes by. In the last couple of weeks I've had one or two but they've been brought on by unusual triggers. But most of the time I've been sailing through and it's been wonderful.

Don't be alarmed, it's totally doable. Keep your eyes on the prize!


nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Oh, Carrie Anne,

I so know how you're feeling, I'm around the same stage as you & it's pretty disheartening at times...I have to hang my head down to the floor & take some deep breaths to try to clear them but I keep telling myself that I've come so far, through so much & have had real temptation thrown in my path with some really stressful situations & I HAVEN'T CAVED IN! Thanks to many on here that have taken the time to reply to my pathetic whining & whinging & the endless reading I've done of lots of other quitters stories, I know that what we're going thru is normal withdrawal & I'm taking comfort in the fact that they craves will get better & lessen with time! Roll on the time when I can turn around & truly say 'No, thanks...I'm a non smoker' :D

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