First Row....: Just had the first row with Mr... - No Smoking Day

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First Row....

nsd_user663_17388 profile image
26 Replies

Just had the first row with Mr. Looper............

Over nothing really, I'm tired, had some disappointing news although it wasn't really I just got my hopes up and shouldn't have. Bit disappointed with myself of late and.......he said the pasta was stodgy :(

Because he was late, because I was putting the kids to bed on my own again because he's going away again on Sunday, because I was doing dinner, bathing and hanging out a load of washing. Because I got a bit overwhelmed, the pasta got stodgy.

:( My mind wandered to a cupboard in my kitchen where I think I've still got some baccy and papers. It was just a fleeting thought, the thought started at that cupboard but dragged itself away from the door to the drawer, up onto the counter and settled on the red wine instead.....but for a moment......

I had to consciously take a breath as I had been holding it while staring at the cupboard. I wouldn't have done it but.....

Cor, learning to get through this stuff without - is - harsh.

Otherwise I'm doing FAB!

Sorry - just letting it out.

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nsd_user663_17388 profile image
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Ooh Hun that's whats we're here for. X

Really well done on not giving in. It would have been so easy but you DIDN'T so big YAY to you.

Tell your O/H that I always do stodgy pasta so he's lucky to have you!


nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Cheers dale. I'll tell him.....when he comes home :(

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Grr I want to shout at your DH for you, how dare he make derogatory comments about your cooking when you are being supermum and housewife and I am also like Sleepy dribbler (aka Dale, see cake or sleep thread) he would get either under or over cooked with me :p

Well done for not smoking. Drink the wine, it will make you feel better and no doubt your DH feels suitably bad for his thoughtless comment and come and rub your feet and make it all better again.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Thanks Levs - I think I filled up his 'being shouted at' quota though so your alright - save the favour for another time..:D

I might get him to sit down here and you can all post angrily at him :D:D

(That made me laugh, the wine is kicking in)

It was just a 'first' that's all. At least I think that's why my mind wandered as I haven't even thought of smoking for ages now. But when he left I had a vision

oh he's back...

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

On the rare occaision that I row with DH I have the fleeting thought of 'I'll have a smoke that'll P him off' and then I think, don't be so blooming ridiculous (sp) you prat lol.


nsd_user663_9065 profile image

Well done for hanging on in there on a bad day . Give yourself a pat on the back and be proud :D

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Send him over here, and I'll knock up one of my creations for his supper, he may not live to tell the tale tho :D

Seriously though, we're still relatively early on in our quits (well we're not counting in years yet), and when shit happens, I'm sure it's only natural that we fleetingly think of having a fag. I've thought about it more than once over the last few days, but they're only thoughts. But we're far on enough to know that it wouldn't make things any better.

Enjoy your wine hun :D. Cheers xx

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

You get into bed and smile at him like only you know how. Let him cuddle up to you and then just as he goes in for the kill look at him with disappointment in your eyes and say's a bit stodgy.

Did that sound funnier in my head :confused:

Nope.........:D Tho I think if I said that to my husband he'd go ape :D:eek:

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Well done for being sooooo strong :)

Now listen carefully as I've got a plan. Tonight you be really nice to him, and I mean extra nice.

You get into bed and smile at him like only you know how. Let him cuddle up to you and then just as he goes in for the kill look at him with disappointment in your eyes and say's a bit stodgy.

Did that sound funnier in my head :confused:

No it cannot possibly have sounded funnier in your head than it does here! :D I HAVE to remember that. LOL

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

'Stodgy' is not a word I've ever used to describe one before :D:D

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Personally, I like No. 2:

Indigestible and starchy (or should that read cheesy) :D

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Maybe it should be our new word. I love 1a :D

stodg·y (stj)

adj. stodg·i·er, stodg·i·est


a. Dull, unimaginative, and commonplace.

b. Prim or pompous; stuffy: "Why is the middle-class so stodgyso utterly without a sense of humor!" (Katherine Mansfield). See Synonyms at dull.

2. Indigestible and starchy; heavy: stodgy food.

3. Solidly built; stocky

Could we have a stodgy spong? :D:D

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Could we have a stodgy spong?

:D:D:D:D lol

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

4. a disappointing semi

There will be no sponging in my household tonight I can tell you! :mad:

(he came back with flowers and KFC - don't be too harsh girls)

(oh - and he said we'll tackle that cupboard together another time and was pleased I didn't crack)

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

There will be no sponging in my household tonight I can tell you! :mad:

(he came back with flowers and KFC - don't be too harsh girls)

(oh - and he said we'll tackle that cupboard together another time and was pleased I didn't crack)

See i'll told you he would see he was wrong and he bought KFC all is forgiven, pass me a bit of chicken please :p

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Ooohh...KFC......shame they don't deliver :D

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Ooohh...KFC......shame they don't deliver :D

A boneless bucket would go down a treat right now Mmmm

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

A boneless bucket would go down a treat right now Mmmm

Shhhhhh.......I've put on a stone and a half already :eek: If I even think about food now, the pounds creep on :(

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Shhhhhh.......I've put on a stone and a half already :eek: If I even think about food now, the pounds creep on :(

Yes I have found about 1.5-2 stone aswell. I lost 10lb but some bugger found them and gave them back :mad: Oh well bavck to the diet monday and giving up chocolate for lent so by easter I should be thin enough to eat it again lol

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

I had a creme egg and a whole toblerone today :eek:

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

I had a creme egg and a whole toblerone today :eek:

I am not even going to post what I have eaten today as am too ashamed but believe One creme egg and a toblerone is nothing :o

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

that was just the chocolate when I was bored at work this afternoon.

Ah...I think I know my problem...I used to smoke when I was bored. Now I just stuff my face instead. So I know I can stop smoking, I can also diet.......but how do I stop being bored at work ;)

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Going for sushi today....but that's healthy innit??

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Actually - Morning All,

I just don't know what happened last night as in reality I had been doing brilliantly. I have been spending a considerable amount of time NOT thinking about cigarettes, to the point where this quitting lark has almost become effortless. I know I'm just going through a good period and can be hit at any moment by a bad one but I was enjoying it none the less.

And I guess this just goes to show that even when feeling 'over it' complacency can lead to smoking again. It was the situation that did it and one that hasn't occured since I quit. We had a row, he left the house, I would have normally gone out the kitchen door wrapped in my smoking blanket and chuffed my sulk away.

For that split second my focus was entirely on that cupboard door and my thoughts were entirely on it's contents. Not for long, not unshakeably, but it was there. My automatic reaction to emotional upset - smoking.

I'm so pleased I don't smoke. I'm so pleased (and a bit shocked when I think about it) that I've managed this - I just never thought I would. I guess the moral of the story for anyone coming up behind us NAS quitters is that...YES it absolutely does get easier, YES you will feel a load better - just NEVER let your guard down.

It helped that someone ahead of me (Cav) told me to guard myself - hopefully I can pass that down to others too :)

BTW, cheers for being there guys ((hug from Looper to you all))

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Well done for not giving in.

When me and my husband argue my first thought was always cigarette, luckily we argued the first weekend I quit so I faced it early on! :D

Hopefully your post will make people realise that the temptation can appear at any time.

Wow I have discovered you lot are really scary!!

However I hope you have all learnt the lesson here, which is to make sure OH's dinner is on the table, properly cooked, and ready for consumption at whatever time he shows up!! ;)

*Just leaving, please stop throwing things!*

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