Random and possibly irrelevant question... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Random and possibly irrelevant question...

nsd_user663_22002 profile image
15 Replies

I always find it odd when i see people's stop date is a weekend day or if it's during the day e.g last cig smoked at 8.00am or 5.00pm. For me (and i know it's just a stupid mind thing) but i have to stop at the end of a day and day 1 is getting up and not smoking all day.

Also have never managed to stop on a Monday (thinking behind this one is that Monday's are tough enough already!) or a /Fri/Sat/Sun cos either too close to the weekend or IS the weekend and feel i need to be more days into the quit before the weekend comes. (Feel this may be nicodemon/utter crap)

Does anyone else have these random thoughts or should i be committed?:confused:

PS - Is there a better place for random questions? Wrote this on day 1 cos it's sort of about "day 1s" but it's not an experience as main thread name suggests... dont want to be inappropriate

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nsd_user663_22002 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_13779 profile image

Lulabelle my thinking was have the "last one" right before bed time so that when you wake up the next day you are already several hours into the quit with no extra effort.

I agree with the Monday comment as well - I have found Mondays as a good day to start again but never a good day to start

"Does anyone else have these random thoughts or should i be committed?" If you do end up committed I have some extra space in my padded room that some of my friends on here suggested for me last week.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Agree 100% with everything you wrote. The fact that it bothers me I've always put it down to the fact I'm a bit OCD and don't like things untidy. Even a quit should be neat and logical.

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

i cant stop in the middle of the day myself//its gotta be last cig at night and then start first thing in the morning but it doesnt matter what day really...i dont think you guys are crazy so then maybe im crazy also??!! :confused:

nsd_user663_22002 profile image

Excellent - feel better now, if only to know that if i DO get committed you're all coming with me!

Sparky - how much space is there in your padded room? ;)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

My last cigarette was random. I didn't know it would be my last. What I do know is I was coming down with serious flu, coughing my lungs up, desperately bad asthma, standing outside in the garden, shivering, miserable, taking tiny little puffs because I couldn't get a whole drag down into my lungs without feeling like I was about to die...

Then I became so ill that I couldn't function, could barely draw breath at all, and genuinely didn't want to smoke for several days.

When I began to recover and the desire for a fag came creeping back, I thought back to that last cigarette, and just thought, 'No. I'm done.'

Since then the demon has had several attempts at saying 'but you never had your last cigarette! That's not fair, you're supposed to have an official last cig, it's part of the process! You have to have that last cigarette now, never mind that you've been quit for a month!' etc etc.

Anyway... enough rambling. What was the question? :D

Anyway... enough rambling. What was the question? :D

I think the question was can you make us a cuppa?:D

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

D'you know, I've just put the kettle on. You must be psychotic... sorry, psychic.

Bakewell tart? (cue filthy puns)

Bakewell tart? (cue filthy puns)

I will take the high ground and ignore this oppotunity!!:D Still I find myself some what skint so if I could have a cheap tart that would be great

*John retrieves his coat ready for exit :o

nsd_user663_13779 profile image

Excellent - feel better now, if only to know that if i DO get committed you're all coming with me!

Sparky - how much space is there in your padded room? ;)

Sometimes the room is full - we have an awesome time singing, dancing, banging our heads on the wall, using the padded floor as a trampoline and other times all my imaginary friends leave. Not sure what causes them to leave but usually they bring new friends when they return.......... it’s strange. Just come over when you’re ready I'm sure we will have room. I might just be misunderstood! right?

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I dont think it really matters in the scheme of things what day date or time you quit so long as eventually you manage to quit, I chose Christmas Day and it turned out to be a good idea as I have stayed quit so far, so as long as you can stub out the cig and not light up again then its great and choose a date that ten years from now you will remember and be able to celebrate, hence I am now glad I chose Chriggy Day.

nsd_user663_4743 profile image

I recommend Tuesday

hi Lulabelle,

I am with Karri on this debate - Tuesday is my quit day (notched up quite a few). I too could never have the last one until bed -time on the Monday night and it was all perfectly planned so there were none left. Then with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, I knew my quit was under starters orders. On waking my excitement had transformed to panic/horror and a general feeling of helplessness. But with the application of a strong patch and a cup of tea, I slowly began the trudge to freedom from my 20 a day habit. So far, nearly 5 months down the line, I am still not smoking. Taking every day as it comes but Tuesdays are my celebration time cos I know that is another week under my belt.

It has not been so bad and I am so happy to be an ex smoker. It is true what they say, the early days can be hard, but it does get so much easier (otherwise I would not still be quit!). You just have to keep going. With head held high (rightly so!).


nsd_user663_22968 profile image

I agree with last one being at bedtime.

This is now my 3 attempt, 2 beginning on a Monday and after my fail at the weekend this one starting Sunday. I don't think I could start Friday/Saturday though.

nsd_user663_22353 profile image

My quit day used to be a Tuesday (always intended it to be Monday but never managed to quite last the day. Tuesday always seemed that little bit easier!), & i couldn't stop midway through the day as i didn't see the point. If i'd started the day as a smoker, i may as well end it as one. The new day already had 8 hours or so smoke free after all...

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Personally I could never cope with planning to quit and I know from bitter experience that every planned quit ended in failure, often on the same day.

I don't know how any one can look at their habit and decide that next Sunday evening is quit time!

I've had quite a few good quits of 6+ months and they all started by reaching for a fag and either deciding not to smoke or half-smoking it, stubbing it out and then deciding not to smoke.

It's difficult to explain the feeling. I'm not sure if my smoking brain is holding back a tide of non-smokiness or whether I'd subconsciously opened some neural bypass but in an instant I felt like a non-smoker. I had the odd little crave now and then but sort of welcomed them (really hard to explain!) and then a few days getting over that flu-like nicotine withdrawal.

My real effort in this quit was to try to discover how to stay stopped.

My point eventually being that my quit was it's own boss and had no respect for the clock or calendar!! :D

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

I quit last thing on a Sunday night (well 15 mins into the Mon morning) as I don't like Mondays anyway. I'd taken Champix and was ready to stop by then anyway. It didn't stop me from staying up on that Sunday til the latest I possibly could, so I could keep on smoking my 'last' cigarette. In fact I smoked so many that night (after cutting down naturally on the tablets) that I felt sick by the time i went to bed. I also chucked all smoking paraph****ia in the bin on my way up to bed (and made sure it was covered in yuckky stuff :D) so I wouldn't be tempted again. Each Monday when I get up is the start of another week free from smoking. Seems to have worked this time, as am 3 calendar months quit today :D

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