Insomnia!!!: I'm on my 21st day now...yes... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_22435 profile image
10 Replies

I'm on my 21st day now...yes, dead chuffed with myself. Side thru god awful insomnia, wind, depression (jeez, that was the worst!!!) but now the insomnia has resurfaced. Before I'd go into a deep sleep as soon as I got to bed for 20 minutes, then toss & turn for the rest of the, I'll drop off to wake up 3 hours later & basically stay awake...I'm shattered & a bit peeved as (not being the most patient of people) I expected to have a tad more energy than a feckin slug crawling over (actually, do they crawl??? It's more slime, I guess...anyway...) eggshells!!!! Anyone else had this??? :confused:

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nsd_user663_22435 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Almost everyone I think!

You could maybe get some herbal nytol or something to help you through the worst. Being sleep deprived won't help you stay on track.

Personally speaking I sometimes get (not smoking related, just general) bouts of insomnia. Laying there tossing and cursing makes me much worse. I find changing location (ie the sofa!) or deciding to listen to talk radio on my headphones or something tends to help. If I say 'OK, I'm not going to sleep, so I'll just do something nice and calm' means I stand a much better chance of going back to sleep.

Hope it gets better soon. You're doing great x

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Thanks, getting there...yes, I too have suffered bouts of it regularly. The problem with changing location is that I used o do that...& have a cuppa & a fag!!!! Lol! :D

CamperPete profile image

Hi Sophie,

I can sympathise as i've had this every night since i gave up (31/12/10).......... do i get sympathy at home?, no, as the wife just says "try going through it for 10years when we women go through the menopause!":(:rolleyes:

......i'm hoping it'll ease too as it is very tiring.

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Pmsl! Never mind, CP...I'll sympathise with you. It's bloody awful, isn't it? You'd think our bodies & minds would be thrilled for us, wouldn't you? Instead, it's like they've turned against us!!! :eek:

nsd_user663_17297 profile image

I'm on my 21st day now...yes, dead chuffed with myself. Side thru god awful insomnia, wind, depression (jeez, that was the worst!!!) but now the insomnia has resurfaced. Before I'd go into a deep sleep as soon as I got to bed for 20 minutes, then toss & turn for the rest of the, I'll drop off to wake up 3 hours later & basically stay awake...I'm shattered & a bit peeved as (not being the most patient of people) I expected to have a tad more energy than a feckin slug crawling over (actually, do they crawl??? It's more slime, I guess...anyway...) eggshells!!!! Anyone else had this??? :confused:

Hi Sophie, I sympathise with you,I quit on 30th October and have had the exact same as you! 3 hours sleep is the most I seem to get and I have ended up really depressed as I feel like I am going to be like this forever. Went and got antidepressants from the doctor to see if they help and I really hate pills but I was not coping with not sleeping and was thinking of going back on the fags to see if I got some sleep.Really don't want to start smoking again but feel instead of being a happy non smoker I am being punished instead!! Anyway I hope we all get through this and eventually have sweet dreams and lovely sleep! Take Care Crystal xx

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Awww, poor you. But well done on keeping with it, I know exactly how that feels....I did suffer from the depression last week & am really hoping it doesn't come back because that was awful & it just makes you wonder, on the bad days, why the hell you bothered giving up!!! Still....I know it's worth it every time my son asks if we've still given up & I can look him in the eyes & say, 'yes'! :D

nsd_user663_26512 profile image

Oh Dear

I was hoping the sleepless nights would pass quite quickly, but reading this thread, obviously not. I am only on day 11 so feeling tired, grumpy, can't be bothered to actually do much and even more depressed as the weather is lovely and I can't be bothered with it!!! :mad:

I know this has to get easier, and in the long run it will be worth it, but why do our bodies have to punish us for trying to do the right thing by it!!!!!:rolleyes:

Good luck everyone


nsd_user663_22435 profile image

It does take a while, hun, & there are times you wonder why you bothered. However...look at my case now...I'm coming up to the 14th week!!! I haven't cracked (god knows, I've had cause to) & I've soldiered on. I'm an ex smoker...I got thru all the cravings, the insomnia, the ill health & the weight gain (which I'm now trying to shift!) I'm not saying I don't miss it...I do...but the cravings are just silly niggles now & I know it would be bloody stupid to go back to it. Hang on in there...there is light at the end of the tunnel & it's not the glow of a fag tip! :D:D:D

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Fanks!!!! ;):d

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

but why do our bodies have to punish us for trying to do the right thing by it!!!!!:rolleyes:

Good luck everyone


It's probably our bodies getting it's own back for what we have done to it for years. Remember you've taken something from it and it's not going to give up without a fight.

The main thing to remember is you are not losing or giving something up, you are getting rid of something that has been running your life for years.

How often have you went to do something but had to have that fag first. How often were you going somewhere but couldn't go untill you had a ciggy. When you were going to go to bed but had to have that fag first or when you got up in the morning and could not face anything till you had your smoke.

I know if I was going into Perth with my family it took half an hour to get there, I would be ten minutes later leaving because I had to make sure I had smoked before I left. I would find excuses to go off on my own in Perth just to get a fag probably because I didn't want my family to know how much and how often I smoked.

I have none of these things now and I call it freedom, fantastic freedom and it's there for you too.


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