How many cigerettes has everyone avoided? - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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How many cigerettes has everyone avoided?

nsd_user663_20547 profile image
42 Replies

So just out of interest and also to let people see how well they are doing, please post how many ciggies everyone has avoided.

I will go first, I have not smoked 204. Go me!



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nsd_user663_20547 profile image
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42 Replies
nsd_user663_21210 profile image

Well done ;-) I have managed to say NO to around 265!!

nsd_user663_20547 profile image

Wow! :-o thats excellent, congrats :D If only we could get wee medals for each 100, how awesome would that be!


nsd_user663_20558 profile image

I'm not honestly sure how many I used to smoke - it's harder to keep count with rollies! Somewhere between 5 and 10 a day, most days. So let's say anywhere between 135 and 270.

That's good, that's actually made me feel better! Thanks!


nsd_user663_20558 profile image

(closer to 270, if I'm honest!) :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_20547 profile image

Haha, we all tell a wee fib about how many we smoked, you are right, it is hard to put a number on, i smoked about 12 a day but when I was having a drink it would have been closed to 20 odds.

The money saved is amazing, when you think of the money the government make from taxing ciggies and taking adventage of people who have an addiction!

Boke even thinking about it now, yuk!


CamperPete profile image

Er, let me see, 17 days smoke free times 15 cigarettes per day.

That's 17x15 which broken down is 10 x 17 = 170 + 5 x 17 = 85

so thats 170 + 85 = 255 cigarettes :D

Was maths my strong point at school, heck no, but writing it that way took my mind of ciggies for another 2 minutes of day 17 ;):rolleyes:

nsd_user663_20815 profile image

On my quit counter app - I have avoided 426 cigarettes..

Oh my goodness !!

Well done to everyone x

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

265 :):) well done all xx

nsd_user663_16359 profile image

on my On my quit counter app i have niot smoked 1973.26 :)

nsd_user663_21210 profile image

WOW Well done everyone... keep those numbers climbing

nsd_user663_20547 profile image

Wow, it is very satisfying reading it in terms of your health, every cig not smoked adds to our lifespan!

keep it up :D


nsd_user663_20448 profile image

I have not smoked about 330 ciggies :p

keep up the good work people think of all the health you are saving /money and tax the thieving governments are not getting


nsd_user663_20547 profile image

330 :-o

Depending on the brand you smoke, that would mean that you have saved approx. £102

I hope my maths is correct :-/


nsd_user663_20448 profile image

330 :-o

Depending on the brand you smoke, that would mean that you have saved approx. £102

I hope my maths is correct :-/


16.5 x £5.50 = £90.75 approx :eek::eek::eek:

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

well done everyone!! i am on day 17 and i smoked abt 7 per day total is 119 cigs avoided!!yeah me:D and ill be saving about $80 american money a month!!!

nsd_user663_17920 profile image

2,964 according to my counter and just shy of £1,000 saved :D

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

I have not smoked 380 cigarettes and have saved £120.75 so far. :eek:

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

I would have smoked 324 cigarettes & spent £89.13 :eek:

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

:Dwell done to all hope your spending the money you are saving on treats :D:D

ive had over £300 in spare money since stopping and have not smoked over 1200 roll ups :eek:

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

1593 not smoked and roughly £380 saved. Actually it's more than that, cos I no longer 'live' at the pub. And 1 credit card completely paid off since quitting..........1 step closer to the caribbean :)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

I have not smoked 1454 nasty little cigs and the £367.27 i have saved in the last 85days i have spent on nice little treats.

Good luck all :) Keep it going, we can all do this

nsd_user663_21987 profile image

17 days at 25 per day is 425 shockingly nasty steps outside of reality and into the world of cold doorsteps, dull car parks and missed life.

So happy to be here.

still so very very angry, but happy too :)

nsd_user663_20547 profile image


Anyway, Just had a read at everyones post from last night and boy, am I proud of you lot!

Some great statstics. Just thought I would say though that even if you have just started out, 10 is an excellent achievement so well done newbies too :D

P.S I HATE Tuesday's!


nsd_user663_22100 profile image


i have not smoked 350!! since 2nd Jan! 20 a day it was

nsd_user663_20263 profile image

I have mentally worked this out so it might be a bit off... but I think its in the region of 285... thats just ridiculous. so glad I have done it though, its lovely feeling more energetic and not smelling of smoke.:D

well done to everyone, we are nearly at the 3 week mark... YAY!:)

nsd_user663_8469 profile image

YUk ... you won't believe this ..

I calculate I would have smoked around 6000 cigarettes ... something to think about for those who have just quit. OMG, it kinda puts it into perspective.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

15 months of quit = approx 8,300 not smoked, saving just £762.68.

Health much improved and old pleasures of cycling and music costing more than smoking ever did ... but now every penny spent really is worth it :)

nsd_user663_20547 profile image

Glad people are still thread bumping this one, I love reading people being successful and saving so much money :)

Pol, it is definatley money better spent, excellent hobbies to take up, I think I may try cycling when I get my weight down and start excercising.

Well done



nsd_user663_20643 profile image

Well done to everyone.

I've not smoked approx 300 Cigs. Not smoking cigs means I'm not sat by the swimming pool at night on the phone, smoking and drinking wine. I've not only saved on cigs but also on phone bills and wine :eek:

I'm travelling back to England on tuesday having spent the last 5+ months in the South of Italy. I know I'm going to find not smoking when I'm at home tough as the majority of my friends smoke and I will spend more time out for meals / drinks to catch up with friends whom I haven't seen for a while.

But hey, on the plus side, I only need to stay another 2 weeks without smoking and I will have the money to buy my very first pair of Jimmy Choos :)

Have just brought the Allen Carr stop smoking game for the DS, amazon have a few on there for less then 5 quid. Hoping this will get me through the next few weeks.

Good luck to you all and well done. I also have a friend that is now on day 13 of not smoking having said... If you can do it then I will give it a go... I'm so proud of her!

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

Well done to everyone.

I've not smoked approx 300 Cigs. Not smoking cigs means I'm not sat by the swimming pool at night on the phone, smoking and drinking wine. I've not only saved on cigs but also on phone bills and wine :eek:

I'm travelling back to England on tuesday having spent the last 5+ months in the South of Italy. I know I'm going to find not smoking when I'm at home tough as the majority of my friends smoke and I will spend more time out for meals / drinks to catch up with friends whom I haven't seen for a while.

But hey, on the plus side, I only need to stay another 2 weeks without smoking and I will have the money to buy my very first pair of Jimmy Choos :)

Have just brought the Allen Carr stop smoking game for the DS, amazon have a few on there for less then 5 quid. Hoping this will get me through the next few weeks.

Good luck to you all and well done. I also have a friend that is now on day 13 of not smoking having said... If you can do it then I will give it a go... I'm so proud of her!

The South of Italy sounds lovely, especially the swimming pool bit.

I'm on day 16 now and have not smoked 144 cigarettes, therefore I've saved myself around £45 - think I've spent it on other stuff already though, perhaps I should start saving for a pair of Louboutin's? You may have started something Epilepticus ;)

Well done everybody.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 1 Day, 1 hour, 52 minutes and 31 seconds (22 days). I have saved £121.42 by not smoking 441 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 12 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 01/01/2011 12:48

Crikey, after only a relatively short space of time that is a lot of ciggies to have NOT smoked lol.

nsd_user663_20643 profile image

The South of Italy sounds lovely, especially the swimming pool bit.

I'm on day 16 now and have not smoked 144 cigarettes, therefore I've saved myself around £45 - think I've spent it on other stuff already though, perhaps I should start saving for a pair of Louboutin's? You may have started something Epilepticus ;)

Well done everybody.

Its not as nice as what it sounds especially when I'm working out here. :(

Oh Louboutins could be my next purchase. You have also got me thinking now... Maybe I should get a wardrobe dedicated to designer shoes :p

Well done for getting to day 16!!!

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

Thanks Epilepticus,

I'm now on day 22 and feeling fantastic!!

Are you back yet? And how's it going? Keep thinking Louboutin :)

emma5396 profile image

I have just checked on my quit application and i have avoided smoking 412 cigs and saved £130 wow that does make you think - if i had still smoked thats a lot of money in 2 weeks xx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

I have been quit for 4 Weeks, 1 Day, 5 hours, 21 minutes and 45 seconds (29 days). I have saved £160.72 by not smoking 584 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Days and 40 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 01/01/2011 12:48

Crikey, soon mounts up doesn't it :D

nsd_user663_22276 profile image

I've not smoked 30 per day for 14 days. So that's 420. Not much compared with the half million that I have smoked. But it's a good start and I'm happy man!!! Two weeks. Brilliant.

nsd_user663_22276 profile image

Yep me too. I've never felt so proud of myself. It's going well. It's no sacrifice - it's freedom!!

nsd_user663_22353 profile image

About 350, & i've saved around £120.

Which makes me wonder how many i've actually smoked in my lifetime & how much money i've completely wasted. Makes me ill just thinking about it.

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Wow, I'm impressed, well done, everyone, a big pat on the back!...I haven't calculated mine, possibly because I smoked far too many a day to work it out but also because I'm now far too happy to be smoke free & have made my son very happy giving it up. I haven't thought about it too much at all this time either which is great & has made quitting easier! :D

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Heres my stats....

I have saved £427.29 by not smoking 1,692 cigarettes.

Looks bad when you see it like that and im on 99 days free too ;)

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Past week 20 and am on week 21:

I have saved 480.28EUR by choosing not to smoke 2134 cigarettes.


nsd_user663_17966 profile image

Bah, I was smoking 'Cheap' tobacco so I'm on day 8 & only saved £7 from not smoking about 64 Ciggies

doesn't sound so impressive as if I was smoking full price cigarettes :(

Not what you're looking for?