My two month thread: It's exactly 1 month... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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My two month thread

nsd_user663_16723 profile image
14 Replies

It's exactly 1 month since I quit. 4 weeks gone Monday. According to the no smoking person today, i'm officially a non smoker :D

I had my CM reading done today, with a different CM reader, so took a deep breath, held it for however long it is, and blew.. 1 said the reading, then 2, then 3..then 4, it finally stopped at 5?!? I was mortified, i haven't smoked, haven't been around anyone who smokes, so I asked my no smoking lady to have a go, which she did, she's never smoked and hers was a 5 :p Anyhoo did it on a different machine and it was a ZERO! Woot! the first one must have been dicky.

I'm feeling good. I'm still sucking the lozengers but maybe only 1 or 2 a day. Smoking isn't affecting me nowhere near as much as it used to. I no longer "drool" when i see someone lighting up :D Still like the smell but it doesn't make me wanna smoke anymore.

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nsd_user663_16723 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Woo-hoo Karen. Welcome to the Month 2 Forum :).

You're doing great to get this far. Counting in months now ;).

That must have been a shock to get a 5 on the old reader :eek:. Glad it turned out to be a faulty machine :).

Keep strong and focussed Karen. You can do this!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Well done Karen. Your posts and humour are one of many that are inspiring me to carry on. Congrats :)

nsd_user663_17077 profile image

Great Job Karen!!!!

Hold the door open for the rest of us following behind lol:D

nsd_user663_16530 profile image


Well done,like me I have been a non smoker for 36 days.Both of us have done really great and it is getting easer,thank god for this forum and support.


Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Well done Karen :D

I think my non smoking nurse must have a different style machine to the one you all use as it just goes green and says 0-6?


3./58 - This is my 2 year olds contribution to this thread lol

I think what he was trying to say was you have done really well hun. Good stuff :D

S xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

It's exactly 1 month since I quit. 4 weeks gone Monday. According to the no smoking person today, i'm officially a non smoker :D

I had my CM reading done today, with a different CM reader, so took a deep breath, held it for however long it is, and blew.. 1 said the reading, then 2, then 3..then 4, it finally stopped at 5?!? I was mortified, i haven't smoked, haven't been around anyone who smokes, so I asked my no smoking lady to have a go, which she did, she's never smoked and hers was a 5 :p Anyhoo did it on a different machine and it was a ZERO! Woot! the first one must have been dicky.

I'm feeling good. I'm still sucking the lozengers but maybe only 1 or 2 a day. Smoking isn't affecting me nowhere near as much as it used to. I no longer "drool" when i see someone lighting up :D Still like the smell but it doesn't make me wanna smoke anymore.

Oh hun!!!!

blooming brilliant

Well done, am so proud of you :D

The monitor thingy my nurse uses i have to hold my breath for it too, i feel like i am taking a drink driving test lol

S xx

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

That's fantastic Karen, so proud of you.:D

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Thanks Guys :D

Sian I understood that messege from your two year old perfectly!

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

thats brill news karen :):) well done

have you got any plans for the weekend?

regards carol

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Just checking in. I haven't been posting lately, haven't been in the mood for the internet lately :confused:

I'm doing good, it's been 5 and a half weeks. First Thursday today that I'm not going to see my no smoking lady, the weather is crap, it's snowing and freezing, so i'm staying in until I have to go out, which will be to see my MIL who's back in hospital after suffering a small stroke.

I'm now using the microtabs which i like a lot better than the big lozengers, the are quicker to dissolve and give you a nicotine hit quicker. Can't believe it's been nearly 6 weeks, it's flown over.

How's all my other October 2010 quitters doing?

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Just checking in. I haven't been posting lately, haven't been in the mood for the internet lately :confused:

I'm doing good, it's been 5 and a half weeks. First Thursday today that I'm not going to see my no smoking lady, the weather is crap, it's snowing and freezing, so i'm staying in until I have to go out, which will be to see my MIL who's back in hospital after suffering a small stroke.

I'm now using the microtabs which i like a lot better than the big lozengers, the are quicker to dissolve and give you a nicotine hit quicker. Can't believe it's been nearly 6 weeks, it's flown over.

How's all my other October 2010 quitters doing?

Hey Karen,

You're doing great at 5 and a half weeks. I've just reached the 6 week mark. If someone had told me 7 weeks ago that I'd have a fairly solid 6 week quit under my belt I'd never have believed them!

Stay strong Karen. We can do this!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Just updating here, i haven't updated in awhile. I'm doing good, it'll be 7 weeks on Monday since I quit, where did that go :confused:

On wednesday I was looking for something in the "junk" draw and actually found a cigerette at the back of the draw.. It was like forbidden fruit, i took it out and just thought " i could smoke this, and nobody would know" i ripped it up into a million pieces and put it in the bin, it felt like such an accomplishment. If I'd found that ciggie a few weeks ago i don't think i'd have been strong enough to resist.

I had my no smoking meeting today, i never went last thursday due to the snow (Yup we've had snow for a week here, up in the north east) anyway I needed to go today despite the weather being utterly horrendous, much worse than last week, my carbon manoxide reading was 0 :D

I had a couple of cravings on monday afternoon which seemed odd as they are so few and far between these days, i realised on monday night that i had forgotten to put my patch on :rolleyes: I go down to the 14mg patch in 10 days, kinda nervy about that but i know i'll manage, i'll have to.

How's my other October quitters doing?

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Hi Karen,

It has absolutely flown by hasn't it. I am 7 weeks today and it only seems like yesterday that I stopped.

Well done for throwing out your random cigarette. You are right in that no one else would have known about you smoking it. BUT, you realised that YOU would know and really the only person you would let down it yourself.

Have serious snow envy, we have pointless snow here, just enough to mess up all the traffic as everyone drives like a pratt in the snow, but not enough to make a snowman. Rubbish. :)

Don't worry too much about going down a patch, I think you will find it is not as bad as you fear it will be.

Well done on getting to your 7 weeks. Think the October group has quite a stong lot of quitters in it :D

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Thanks Sian xx

You are soooo welcome to the snow, we have well over a foot of it here, and it's snowing everyday. Each morning my hubs is having to clear off inches of the stuff from the car. Only two schools in my town are open (out of about 45) and unfortunately my kiddo's is one of them, i'd probably enjoy it more if I didn't have to walk for 35 minutes there and 35 minutes back each morning/afternoon. It's bleeding horrendous.

This was a plant pot on my backdoor step yesterday, it has totally dissapeared now as we've had probably another 6 inches in the last 24 hours.

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