Getting Fat: Well I am 1 month in a 1 stone... - No Smoking Day

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Getting Fat

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free
15 Replies

Well I am 1 month in a 1 stone-ish heavier. (as confirmed by my, now working, scales this morning)

Last time I quit I put on weight and used it as the perfect excuse to start smoking again. This time though I am just going to do something about it. I had already put on a stone this year just through eating rubbish so the extra stone from quitting smoking has to be shifted. So, thats 2 stone that I need to get rid off (I know lardarse lol)

I have seen a weight loss group in the groups bit, hasn't been posted on for a while but I am going to join it and keep track of myself there. I am quite happy to do it on my own but, anyone else who would like to join me is more than welcome and we can stay not smoking and try to shed the quit lb's together.


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Levs profile image
1000 Days Smoke Free
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Hi Sian,

I haven't really got much to contribute except to suggest that there must be a weightwatchers forum similar to this one out there somewhere. That might be worth investigating as I'm sure it'll be easier with some form of support from others.

Good luck!!

Ed xx

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Hi Sian,

I haven't really got much to contribute except to suggest that there must be a weightwatchers forum similar to this one out there somewhere. That might be worth investigating as I'm sure it'll be easier with some form of support from others.

Good luck!!

Ed xx

Hi Ed,

I'm no good at all that weight watchers stuff they all eat rabbit food lol. i'm just going to keep track of myself on here, would normally do it on the Wii but my 2 year old has fed it the sky card and a food covered disc and it no longer works :mad: so just having somewhere to track my progress is good for me.


nsd_user663_15949 profile image

Well I am 1 month in a 1 stone-ish heavier. (as confirmed by my, now working, scales this morning)

Last time I quit I put on weight and used it as the perfect excuse to start smoking again. This time though I am just going to do something about it. I had already put on a stone this year just through eating rubbish so the extra stone from quitting smoking has to be shifted. So, thats 2 stone that I need to get rid off (I know lardarse lol)

I have seen a weight loss group in the groups bit, hasn't been posted on for a while but I am going to join it and keep track of myself there. I am quite happy to do it on my own but, anyone else who would like to join me is more than welcome and we can stay not smoking and try to shed the quit lb's together.


Yes Sian I can relate to that... I too have stuck on an extra stone in 8weeks so planning on a healthy eating and exercise plan over the next few weeks..with the amount of sweets mints etc I have eaten this week I have a load of ulcers in my mouth so that should help to lose a bit :D Good idea with the weight loss group try and encourage us to keep going.. I might just join you ;)

nsd_user663_18026 profile image

Hi Ed,

I'm no good at all that weight watchers stuff they all eat rabbit food lol. i'm just going to keep track of myself on here, would normally do it on the Wii but my 2 year old has fed it the sky card and a food covered disc and it no longer works :mad: so just having somewhere to track my progress is good for me.


2 year olds are ace, fed it the sky card lmao, as for dieting though, cant sweets just be substituted for fruit?? i really dont want to upset a woman on this subject but just an idea, hope no smoking going well, x

nsd_user663_17077 profile image

LOL - I remember when my son was that age - he saw us making toast, got hold of the sliced loaf of bread and fed slices of bread to EVERY video player in the house! He also shoved crumbs in every DVD player, the Wii and every closet he could open! He was not popular. He also went through a stage of bananas being shoved places - like the radiators!

nsd_user663_15609 profile image

i have also put on weight :( and its got me really depressed :( x but i hope that i dont go down the route of smoking again lol x

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

LOL - I remember when my son was that age - he saw us making toast, got hold of the sliced loaf of bread and fed slices of bread to EVERY video player in the house! He also shoved crumbs in every DVD player, the Wii and every closet he could open! He was not popular. He also went through a stage of bananas being shoved places - like the radiators!

Oh yes the little sod has just discovered that bananas have other joys as well as eating. Like putting it on the carpet and running it over with his toy cars:mad: Trouble is he is so dammed cute that he just looks at you and says 'i'm soorwy' and he gets away with it.

sallybb74, please dont smoke again. I failed on my last quit cos of putting on weight. I wish to god I had just stuck with it and lost the weight after.

Stick with it hun. xx

thistimedoingit, I am actually pretty much just replacing the sweets with fruit or muller light yoghurt. I don't like salad or any of the other diety stuff so I just cut out the rubbish and replce it with the healthier option of fruit. Oh and do shed loads of excercise:D


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Oh yes the little sod has just discovered that bananas have other joys as well as eating. Like putting it on the carpet and running it over with his toy cars:mad: Trouble is he is so dammed cute that he just looks at you and says 'i'm soorwy' and he gets away with it.


LOL Sian... i have one of them too :eek:

If he is not ramming the banana into a toys mouth and making a mess, he is crying because the "naana" has broke in half and he wants it back together :eek:

A huge congrats on the one month chick!!!

So proud of you, i know how hard it is having youngsters around us and how hard it is to say no to a smoke, you have done brilliantly :D

As for the weight........ i wouldnt worry about it hun, i try and look at it like. i would rather be a bit fatter and healthier than thin and unhealthy.

When i have totally succeeded with this quit i will then start to do something about the weight.

Snowie xx

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

I have failed before because of the weight I put on, but this time I managed to lose some before I started stopping smoking.I have been eating so much rubbish and putting on so much weight I had to go on e bay and buy a few frocks in a bigger size for the nights out ahead.

This week I decided not to eat as much, and I have succeeded, but that sill leaves me eating twice what I was before!!

However I am not going to let it get me down this time. I will just be a wee bit more carefull about what Im eating.

Will be putting on my signature if I manage to lose to go now, bag of crisps and a cider calling : )

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Hi All

Just read all your posts about weight etc. I know its really tough and I went through the same thing but its going to happen (weight gain that is) as nicotine is an appetite suppressant so it was a coffee/tea and a fag now its drink biscuit/cake instead of fag. Just allow yourself sometime to get use to no nicotine then go for the weightloss. Several members of my group "Octoquits09" started running and got back to below there original weight.

Just give yourself some space and be kind to yourselveves until you are sure of your quit, nicotine is far harder to give up than food so one at a time.


nsd_user663_17603 profile image

Well I am 1 month in a 1 stone-ish heavier. (as confirmed by my, now working, scales this morning)

Last time I quit I put on weight and used it as the perfect excuse to start smoking again. This time though I am just going to do something about it. I had already put on a stone this year just through eating rubbish so the extra stone from quitting smoking has to be shifted. So, thats 2 stone that I need to get rid off (I know lardarse lol)

I have seen a weight loss group in the groups bit, hasn't been posted on for a while but I am going to join it and keep track of myself there. I am quite happy to do it on my own but, anyone else who would like to join me is more than welcome and we can stay not smoking and try to shed the quit lb's together.


I also put on a stone before quitting and now a month in have put on another stone arggggh , some days i'm eating everything bad, crisps -choc - takeaways and some days healthy and excercising. On the bad days I want to eat and eat and cant be bothered to get off the sofa.. So, so, so glad i'm not smoking tho'.

Please could you tell me where I can find the weight loss group as i'd like to make a start and keep track off my weight also. :)

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Hi freeatlast,

Its so easy to do, especially as it is winter and I think we all tend to eat a bit more in winter anyway.

link to the group is

There is a few of us in there now so you are not alone.

Speak soon,

Sian x

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi folks - this whole weight gain thing, I know is can be pretty depressive and I would say more so for us ladies. It has contributed to ruining both of my previous quits.

When my quits were ruined did I magically lose the weight again - answer is simply NO!

Since my 1st 'proper' quit attempt in October 2009 I have put on over 3 stone in weight. I am nearly 3 months quit and I'm determined that I won't let the monster beat me again. I had one hell of a weekend and proabably shed a stone in tears but didn't not give into the monster, although I was very very very very close but I didn't and I'm so proud of myself for that.

I have tried various 'fad' diets to try and lose weight quickly but to no avail, I joined slimming world but felt very greedy by eating 'free' foods and there being no portion control. Now I am at weight watchers and pretty happy with it.

A few weeks ago, I was very down on here and close to throwing in the towel. Good friends on here helped me not to :) one post in particular made me sit up and think and that was one by Trandem - I have pasted it below:

"Tinks. I knew a lady who was always well dressed, slim, attractive and fun to be round. She was a smoker. She started to suffer from pain in her upper left leg, which was eventually diagnosed as a massive blood clot.

She went in for surgery, but the damage to the vessels and muscles was so bad the leg had to amputated. This was all down to smoking.

How much more uncomfortable would you feel if this happened to you? How much more would you feel people staring and whispering about you? Weight can be lost, limbs can't be grown back.

Lynne, the lady I'm talking about, died a few years after the amputation aged 45 as the clots had already started to move around her body, eventually reaching her brain and triggering multiple strokes.


If you are ever feeling down about your weight while you are quitting just say to yourself: "still got all my bits, lungs are working better, heart is working better, blood working as it should, risk of anything bad happening seriously reduced, money saved, life expectancy longer and I'm no longer a slave".

As others have said on this thread, keep up with the quit, don't give yourself another problem. It will not help you. Nicotine is NOT a miracle weight loss device".

Whilst all the other posts helped - this post saved my quit.

I think what I'm trying to say is whilst I know the whole weight thing is a big problem and issue for some of us. Try not to let it get you down and definitly don't let it ruin your quit. As Nikiw said on here 'fat I can fix. lung cancer I can't'

Good luck all

Tinks xx :)

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free


I saw that post to and it has stuck with me. One of the reasons I lost my last quit was weight gain. I won't let that happen again.

The only reason I am going to start dealing with the weight, is because, I personally, feel in control of my quit. I am only 6 wks in but I am 99% certain I will not smoke again. I just don't miss it. On my 2 previous serious quits I missed smoking, thought I was deprived of something. This time I know I am not and I just don't miss it or want to do it.

Anyone who is not yet sure of their quit should not worry about weight until they are. I would rather be another stone heavier than risk my quit. It is more important to me than anything else.

Although I want to loose weight if I felt I was going to cave and smoke I would buy myself a huge pack of ginger nuts and/or (who am I kidding, 'or' lol) custard creams and eat them all if necessary.

Don't loose your quit over weight. It is so not worth it.

Sian xx

nsd_user663_13507 profile image


I saw that post to and it has stuck with me. One of the reasons I lost my last quit was weight gain. I won't let that happen again.

The only reason I am going to start dealing with the weight, is because, I personally, feel in control of my quit. I am only 6 wks in but I am 99% certain I will not smoke again. I just don't miss it. On my 2 previous serious quits I missed smoking, thought I was deprived of something. This time I know I am not and I just don't miss it or want to do it.

Anyone who is not yet sure of their quit should not worry about weight until they are. I would rather be another stone heavier than risk my quit. It is more important to me than anything else.

Although I want to loose weight if I felt I was going to cave and smoke I would buy myself a huge pack of ginger nuts and/or (who am I kidding, 'or' lol) custard creams and eat them all if necessary.

Don't loose your quit over weight. It is so not worth it.

Sian xx

Im with you there 100%

I have never felt so positive about staying stopped, even at my lowest ebb I still had no intention of smoking again.

So I am being more carefull with my eating till after xmas, then I will look at it properly. I think the coming holidays is a bad time for staying stopped smoking and if the pressure is on to lose weight as well then something might break.

Good luck Sian and all the others trying to lose weight too.

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