I will NOT be beaten by a bloody plant! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I will NOT be beaten by a bloody plant!

nsd_user663_17761 profile image
12 Replies

Hiya, I'm Pandora, I'm 27 and I hail from Sunny Scotland. I live with my partner and our three kids. Number 4 is due in April.

I was never able to stop smoking during previous preganncies and I really want to stop for my health and that of my family. It's just hard because I really enjoy a smoke and the withdrawl, even while using NRT, is terrible for me and my family. I have tried numerous times in the past without sucess. The longest I went was 4 months.

So I'm here in the hopes that I can beat the addiction with a little help. I have 2 cigarettes left and when they're gone, I hope, that's it.

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nsd_user663_17761 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Hi Pandora, welcome to the forum.

This is a great place for support, encouragement, and information about our particular addiction. Read past threads and post if things get tough or if things are going particularly well. We all want everyone to succeed!!

What method are you planning to use?

Ed xx

nsd_user663_17761 profile image

Hi Pandora, welcome to the forum.

What method are you planning to use?

Ed xx

Nicorette Gum cause you can buy them for £2 a pack from semi chem lol. I also have a hypnotherapy CD.

A little advice... what do you do when you literally feel you are going off your head from withdrawl / boredom? Cause that is usualy when I tend to head straight for the shop for more smokes and I'm sick of it.

nsd_user663_17761 profile image

Nicorette Gum cause you can buy them for £2 a pack from semi chem lol. I also have a hypnotherapy CD.

A little advice... what do you do when you literally feel you are going off your head from withdrawl / boredom? Cause that is usualy when I tend to head straight for the shop for more smokes and I'm sick of it.

I should add that my man is also stopping today. cold turkey. And we hate each other when we're coming off. I'm trying to be positive but it's going to be a bloody nightmare.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image


I found a hobby for my quit otherwise i will get bored and go back to thos nasty cigs. I now knit only scarves as i cant knit anything else but it is helping.

Good luck with your quit and also with baby #4. You can do this, you both can. Just dont give in and make sure you put up a fight when the Nicodemon comes a calling. :)

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Nicorette Gum cause you can buy them for £2 a pack from semi chem lol. I also have a hypnotherapy CD.

A little advice... what do you do when you literally feel you are going off your head from withdrawl / boredom? Cause that is usualy when I tend to head straight for the shop for more smokes and I'm sick of it.

I find the thing to do when you're craving is to keep busy. Hoover, clean the car, anything but have a cig. Reading here or posting a rant's good too. Don't be afraid to post a plea for help if you're really struggling.

I have to challenge your comment that smoking somehow combats boredom. Looked at logically, what exactly are you doing when smoking that's so fascinating that you're no longer bored? Standing? Sitting? Walking? Sucking on a tube of burning leaves? Not that interesting really :). I used to use the 'boredom' excuse too. And that's all it is - an excuse.

Quitting smoking isn't easy as most of us have become accustomed to doing it for years, but it definitely is achievable if we really want it. That's the key. You have to *really* want to. A fleeting thought that it'd be nice to quit isn't enough. You have to commit 100% and be firm that you'll never smoke again. True, a cig will give you temporary relief from the uncomfortable symptoms, but it'll also guarantee that they'll be back again soon. Break that pattern and you're well on the way. It can be very tough in the early days but it *does* get easier. Believe in yourself and don't let the bloody plant beat you!!

Good luck!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Hi Pandora

Well done to you and your partner for making the decision to quit the weed!!!

To do it together could actually make it easier, being each others support.

Yeah, the withdrawal symptoms can get pretty heavy at times, and it is only with help from your friends, NRT, hypnosis, this forum or whatever, that you will get to the place you want to be.

By any means !!

The members of this forum are amazing and will come to your assistance at the drop of a hat, we are always here for you.

Be strong, and be healthy

nsd_user663_17761 profile image

Thanks all :) One little one left. damn I'm gonna miss the little buggers but I do want to quit. Have done for quite some time. No matter my reasons for smoking, valid or not, they are all selfish and the math doesn't add up any more. I simply can't afford it financially or health-wise. So, today be the day :)

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Bring it on !!!!!:cool:

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Hi Pandora,

Can't add anything that hasn't been said already. Just know that there is always someone on here to be about to support yo when you need it.

It will be hard but so worth it.


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Hi Pandora :)

Welcome to the boards hun!

If it makes you feel any better, i too smoked through all four of my pregnancy's... not that i am proud of it, but i know what people can be like with smoking and pregnancy so just wanted you to know i was in the same boat!

I see you mentioned you are buying gum, did you know if you go to your doctors you can NRT stuff from them on prescription and with you being preggers you will get them free??

Glad to hear your man is also quitting, wish mine would, as i have him smoking around me most the day(when he is not at work) grrrrrrrrr and its bloody hard at times!

Good luck with the quit hun, we are all here to support you so you will never be alone through this

Snowie xx

nsd_user663_17485 profile image

Hi Pandora!

Hi Pandora

Yeah this place is really supportive and probably the best stop smoking aid out there! I only quit a week ago but coming and reading these forums and making friends with fellow quitters is so helpful in the process.

I'd think instead of saying "I'm gonna miss the little buggers" say " thank goodness I don't have to smoke these nasty little buggers again"

Good luck!

George ;)

I haven't smoked for 1 week, 14 hours and 20 minutes, so that's 113.96 cigarettes I haven't smoked, saving myself £11.39 .

nsd_user663_8770 profile image


Hope your day is going well.

Same with me about the OH - wish mine would quit! apart from anything i make him smoke out the back so opening the back door makes my house coooold - and he stinks to kiss - weird to think we smelled that bad too haha.

you'll get through it together - try and stay positive and encourage each other and dont fight - its just the nicodemon and dont let it come between u!!


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