Day 26: Hi everyone :). Here I am on day 2... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 26

nsd_user663_16474 profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone :).

Here I am on day 26 - getting very close to the 4 week mark.

I'm finding that I don't think about having a cig much these days but I'm also very aware of how easy it would be to have one. If I go to the local shop or supermarket, I'm wistfully drawn to looking at my former brand on display behind the counter. I have a fleeting thought that I could just buy a pack and it wouldn't hurt. Thankfully, so far, I've been able to banish that thought very quickly and haven't caved. It was that warped thinking that caused my previous 9-month quit to crash :eek:. I've vowed not to let that happen again.

In the main, my quit seems very strong and solid still. I'm nowhere near as tense as I was in the first week, I have more energy, and I'm sleeping better. On the down side - my concentration's gone to pieces, but that seems to be gradually returning.

There are many ups and downs on this journey and sometimes the downs are so overwhelming that we cave in. Please don't!!! As I look back over the past 4 weeks, I can see that the general trend is towards 'up'. Sure there are dips from time to time, but they're becoming less frequent and less severe.

Stay strong everyone, and we can all beat this disgusting lethal habit!!

Ed xx

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nsd_user663_16474 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Morning Ed, how well are you doing at 26 days, and you are so right that you have to ride the rollercoaster to reach the summit, can’t have good days if you don’t have the bad ones to compare them too.

Your one month milestone is just around the corner hang in there and don’t give into that nasty nicco demon who loves to sit on your shoulder while you enter anywhere that sells cigs, ignore him he will get to the point where he leaves you alone most of the time, but be warned he has a bad habit of popping back now and then to try to catch you out when you least expect it.

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Thanks Jam.

I think the occasional urge will always be there, albeit infrequent and severely weakened. Therein lies the potential danger. If you've been quit for many years, you might believe that you're strong enough to have one cig and not revert to regular smoking. Some people might be able to do that, but I don't think I can. So for me it has to be all or nothing and I choose nothing!!

I hope your quit's holding fast too :).

Ed xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Yes it is Ed but I never risk saying I am doing well because I am scared I will tempt fate, I am also like you in that I can never have even one small puff as I know that I am still an addict and would start to smoke again without fail, so for me the motto NOPE is crucial and must be adhered to for all times, mind you i find that now I have made the decision to stay quit it doesn’t seem half so bad and the thought of smoking again is actually quite scary for me now and I don’t think that I could (well I hope I can’t) so we will hang in their together and if you ever need a helping hand just give me a shout.

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hi Ed,

great to see you are staying strong!

I know what you mean in regards to those fleeting thoughts, i get them too, although they are now getting less and less.

I have had a hard few weeks, bought on by the amount of stress i am under at uni i think, but i am still here and still smoke free.

I also know that i can never even have 1 puff ever again. I have to accept the fact that i am a DRUG addict. I hated that thought to begin with and really battled with it, but actually its true! The only difference being that my drug of choice is legal and i can buy it everywhere.

I cant believe that i have posted a thread in the 4&5 month thread this morning for the 1st time!! I posted 2 days early, as i'm not due to enter there for another day or 2, but security was weak and i snuck in the window!

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Well Done Ed, Nearly a month down already. Dont forget when you arrive at the penthouse before us next year make sure your buying the first round. ;) Well done my friend, keep it up.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

DAY 26??????

Great to see you still going strong Ed..

Keep with are doing great.

Lorna x

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Yes it is Ed but I never risk saying I am doing well because I am scared I will tempt fate, I am also like you in that I can never have even one small puff as I know that I am still an addict and would start to smoke again without fail, so for me the motto NOPE is crucial and must be adhered to for all times, mind you i find that now I have made the decision to stay quit it doesn’t seem half so bad and the thought of smoking again is actually quite scary for me now and I don’t think that I could (well I hope I can’t) so we will hang in their together and if you ever need a helping hand just give me a shout.

Hi Ed,

great to see you are staying strong!

I know what you mean in regards to those fleeting thoughts, i get them too, although they are now getting less and less.

I have had a hard few weeks, bought on by the amount of stress i am under at uni i think, but i am still here and still smoke free.

I also know that i can never even have 1 puff ever again. I have to accept the fact that i am a DRUG addict. I hated that thought to begin with and really battled with it, but actually its true! The only difference being that my drug of choice is legal and i can buy it everywhere.

I cant believe that i have posted a thread in the 4&5 month thread this morning for the 1st time!! I posted 2 days early, as i'm not due to enter there for another day or 2, but security was weak and i snuck in the window!

Thanks Jam and Claire.

I also know that one puff will put me straight back onto 20+ a day again and that's the last thing I want!! It's horrible to think that we're drug addicts, but unfortunately that's exactly what we are and always will be. I do strongly believe that it's possible to control the addiction though. If we all support each other as we have been I think we'll make it!! :)

Well Done Ed, Nearly a month down already. Dont forget when you arrive at the penthouse before us next year make sure your buying the first round. ;) Well done my friend, keep it up.

Thanks Jo. I'll definitely buy the first rounnd :).

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Hey Ed, 26 days.. almost 27.. that is fantastic hun, such an acheivement. You should give yourself a pat on the back and be very pleased with yourself hun.

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Missed this one sorry Ed:o

You've got a good solid quit going on. Keep up the great work Ed and be proud.

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Thanks Karen and Tinks.

Nearly at 4 weeks!! :cool:

Feeling strong and focussed!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

omg wow, nearly at 4 weeks! Hope you had a lovely smoke-free weekend

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Wow Ed

You're nearly there !!

Then it's just a lifetime to go :D, and now it will be a longer one.

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Wow Ed

You're nearly there !!

Then it's just a lifetime to go :D, and now it will be a longer one.

Cheers Garry.

A longer smoke-free life is the plan :).


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