New here :): Hi, I'm Karen. I'm going to... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_16723 profile image
25 Replies

Hi, I'm Karen.

I'm going to stop smoking today. I have 4 cigerettes left, and then i'm going to put a patch on. Wish me luck.

I've smoked since I was 13, I'm 36 now. I did stop 5 years ago, with the help of patches, but returned to smoking after my last child was born.

My Mother in law has emphasema (sp) she was only diagnosed last year, and already she can barely walk, uses a wheelchair, needs oxygen, and has lost so much weight that she looks like a living skeleton. I never ever want to get like that, she still smokes 40+ cigerettes a day too :(

So I'm gonna list my reasons for stopping and then hopefully in the days that follow i can look at this post and it'll motivate me to carry on.

1) My children. I don't want to get cancer and die and leave my children.

2) I don't want to end up so addicted like my MIL and get lung disease

3) Money - I will save £25 a week

4) I don't want to age prematurely and have that wrinkled look around the mouth that smokers have when they get to their 50's.

5) I want to be more healthy, i don't want to be breathless and wheezey, weeks after having a cold.

Anyway thanks for reading, if anyone has :) I've already visited a stop smoking clinic, and have my patches waiting for me in the drawer. In 3 hours I'll be having my last cigerette, hopefully this time for good. Wish me luck.

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nsd_user663_16723 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Good luck Karen, hun. Well done on your decision to quit smoking, forum members will offer all the support they can, there are a nice bunch (sometimes lol :D).

I would recommend you read as much as you can about being addicted to nicotine, there is a good link in my signature and good links in other signatures. Read peoples experiences on here and share yours.

I am sorry to hear about your mother - in - law x

Goodluck and post often :)

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Thank you.

I'm not as brave as I sound. I just need to do this, i've put it off for long enough. I don't want my daughter to raise her hand at school when her teacher asks the question "who's mums and dads smoke" I want my kids to be proud of me, and so for my children I will do this.

I'm sure this forum will be a great source of strengh for me in the days that follow :)

nsd_user663_16713 profile image


We are quitting on the same day so thought we could be on-line quitting buddies!

Sorry to hear about your mother in law that must be hard for you to see but it may spur you on and drive you to smoke free town.

It sounds like you are very determined and your reasons for quitting are good.

My last ciggy will be @ 6pm then no more for me!

nsd_user663_9213 profile image

Hiya Karen and Del,

good luck to both of you, im on day 3 of my quit with the help of champix, i tried CT, patches,gum everything, obviously my will power isnt that good lol.

read loads of posts on this forum, i think thats whats got me through these last 3 days, good luck with the patches.

Rachel xx

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

thanks blackrose08, it's nice to hear there are a few more people on the same boat as me!

I'm even more determined to kick this disgusting habit of mine. I am prepared as I know it wont be easy but one day at a time will get me through it hopefully!

I have read somewhere that the 1st 30 cravings are the hardest , so i'm gonna make a checklist of all the times I light up in work and tick off everytime I have a craving and don't light up. This way I can see the magical 30 number getting closer and driving me on to smoke free town!

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Thanks Rachel :)

Yes Del, sure we can be "quit buddies" :D

Well as of 2.45pm today I'm a no smoker. I put a patch on at 3pm, took a brisk walk to pick my daughter up, it's now nearly 2 hours later and the craving hasn't been bad at all yet. i have a lonzenge at the ready for when it does strike.

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

Karen how you doing hun?

The worst part of the day I find is the morning so keep yourself busy all morning and the cravings will soon pass.

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Not gonna lie Del, it's tough.

I was ok last night until about 6pm, and then while I was cooking tea, i really wanted one. I only ever smoked outside, and while tea was cooking was when I'd go and sit out the back and have one.

This morning was tough too. I usually have at least 2, before I take my youngest to school, and that habit of getting up and going straight out the back was tricky.

But in a few hours it'll be one full day, i'm taking it hour by hour.

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

good on you Karen , keep going hun , you can do it!

What would you say if your son/daughter started smoking Karen?

I read in another thread some guy had his son start smoking and when he confronted him his reply was : you cant say much!

ouch tough, but you can't blame the kid.


nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Thanks hun :)

It happened to me a few years ago, my eldest daughter started smoking, i only found out when the school phoned me and she'd been caught red handed. I went ape s**t at her. But thinking about it, kids are more likely to smoke if their parents smoke aren't they? thankfully with her, after being grounded for 2 weeks, she stopped mixing with the kids who smoked and she's never smoked since, she's 17 now and thinks it's disgusting. Another reason to stop, I have a little one and who's just started school and I don't want her to think that smokings ok when she's older.

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

3 pm now guys , 21 hours gone without a ciggy and I feel unbelieveably fine!

I thought come 12 pm I would be dying for a puff but 12 pm came and went although I did have a slight craving nothing that I couldn't handle.

I'm feeling rather good about my achievement so far and have rewarded myself already by inviting myself to mums for Tea!! I know temptation will be at a minimum there as I never smoke in front of my mum (even though i'm 30 yrs old!!!)

My checklist is at 12 cigs now so another 18 more to pass up and the worst of it will be over.

KAREN My quitting chum how you doing??

Hope all is going good and youv'e had a stress free day.

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

i've really struggled today, the cravings seem to get really bad at about 5pm, I guess from 3pm ish I'm on day 2. It's so hard, i'm glad i don't have any cigarettes in the house or i would have smoked them. I yelled at my little one today, and then I felt so bad, she's such a sweet kid :( I usually have tons of patience with her.

Todays been hard, i wish i could sleep for a week :o

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

I started this thread a year ago today! I did it!

I would love to hear from del patel and see if he stayed off the ciggies.

nsd_user663_36100 profile image

Congrats Karen, I'm on day 2 of my quit. I hope to be able to come back like you have in a years time completely clean :)

nsd_user663_35834 profile image

Wow..... well done Karen, Happy 1st Anniversary !! :D

And thanks for posting today, I want to do the same as you next year and add a 'successful comment' to my own Day 1 posting !

(I'm only Day 5....:rolleyes:) but from little acorns... big trees, an all that !!

Again Really Well Done ! I bet your kids are so proud of their Mum

Thanks for the extra motivation ;)

nsd_user663_34721 profile image


Sorry I am very confused.

There are two post's one where you celebrate a 1 year quit

And then this one did you start smoking again ?

OH now i under stand WELL DONE VERY WELL DONE!!!! you made a year this is the thread you started a year ago

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Keep it up Karen ,its well worth it,it gets easier im on my 12 day now and feeling loads better .


nsd_user663_24115 profile image

oops me confused too but just sussed it . so well done for a year



nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Ooops sorry if I confused anyone! I just wanted to bump this post up to give people just starting their quit a boost. It really is do-able. It's not easy, but it gets easier :)

nsd_user663_34224 profile image

Hello Karen & Del

Just a quick note to wish you both luck with quitting the dreaded weed. I used patches for the first 5 weeks or so and couldn't have got this far without them...... :)

Another encouragement was downloading the quit stats onto my computer and seeing how much money I was saving etc. I believe there is also an app if you have an iPhone.


nsd_user663_16723 profile image

It was my one year anniversary Maxine. I just bumped this up as an incentive for anyone quiting :)

nsd_user663_36167 profile image

Good luck hun:) I've been stopped 6 days! And we can all do it:)

nsd_user663_23614 profile image

thanks Karen and a really big well done to you- youve given me inspiration this morning :D

nsd_user663_34742 profile image

That's brilliant Karen!!

I didn't spot the dates on your first posts but then I worked it out.

I was just getting all mawdling thinking "yes, teatime - that's my difficult time" and relating to other bits about the kids then BOOOMM realised you'd done a whole year.

I think that's fab and it's really spurred me on. I am only into week 5 but I can picture myself where you are now!!

Thanks for the inspiration and well done :D x

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks for your post Karen and so many congratulations on being in the Penthouse:D It is inspirational for those of us just starting out.

And JQ, you say you are 'only' in Week 5, but you are still a week ahead of me and you have passed the Month 1 mark:D So congrats to you too:cool:


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