Fags vs Me, Max Kirsten, Allan Carr & t... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Fags vs Me, Max Kirsten, Allan Carr & the Gym

nsd_user663_14598 profile image
5 Replies

Whoaaaahhhhhh... into week 4 and fast approaching a month gone without as much as a sniff of a ciggie - it's a hard life being an ex-drug addict :D

I've read a few posts about how hard it is to have a drink without caving in to the cravings and I must admit I don't think I could have a drink without caving in. Not at the moment anyway, so booze is definitely off the menu for the time being.

The reason I mention it is that I've an invite to a friends 50th birthday party in 2 months where there will be a lot of people who I haven't spoken to for over 20 years, including one old friend who I just heard has throat cancer from smoking; not very old at 49 to get the big C and it certainly brings home what can happen if we continue to inhale cancer triggering crap into our lungs.

With a bit of luck that particular time bomb hasn't been dropped and we have all escaped relatively unscathed, so every time we get the urge to smoke we should try and think of what a selfish thing it would be for us to die a slow death and leave our wives, husbands and especially our kids to pick up the pieces of our stupidity. I for one would like to be around to see my kids have children themselves!

Apart from that, I hope everyone has a nice day :D

As Woody Allen once said "I'd like to be remembered, not for my films, but for living a long time"

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nsd_user663_14598 profile image
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5 Replies
nsd_user663_3910 profile image

A month eh, doesn't time fly. A HUGE well done to you and it's great to hear you sound so positive, a great inspiration to others.

I agree with you about the alcohol, I gave it a wide birth, apart from a few glasses of wine at home, and so I haven't been party to the temptations when under the influence.

I too hope that I haven't done and long term damage and that I might have done something to deter my children from taking up the nasty little habit. Time will tell, but right now, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Congratulations once again,

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_7727 profile image

nice one!

You are catching me up I think...just at the end of week 8.

I hear you on the booze front...I think now I don't smoke I have come to realise that I'm not that bothered about drinking...Starting to question if I really like the taste of booze at all. Just another thing that we are conditioned from birth into believing is a fine reward for a hard days work?

my motto looking back is 'Drink the booze you loose'

I'm sure I will enjoy a beer at some stage in the future with the right setting.

Do what you need to do...Just don't smoke...It really is a crazy, crazy, situation that a few people can die due to infected dairy products and meat products and the whole country get put on standby... thousands die every week to a drug we have been conditioned to accept as normal, and no one bats an eyelid. Thousands every week...

nsd_user663_14598 profile image

Hey defrog (is that your real name?), if I catch you up it'll mean you've started smoking again, so let's hope I never do :D

On the booze front, I virtually stopped around Christmas 2008 when everyone in our house was ill - I quite enjoyed sitting at home and not smoking; mind you it didn't stop me freezing my butt off to go have a crafty cig in the garden in the freezing cold and rain every now and then. Ahhhh the pleasures of smoking... no matter how ill I felt, coughing and wheezing, or how cold I was, I always had time for my best mate, the ciggie! Not any more though!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image


I dont think i have replied to any of your posts yet (shame on me) but i HAVE been keeping an eye on your quit! Its been great to see you climb up the threads, and to have made it this far is brilliant!

You should be really impressed with yourself...but not complacent at the same time as that nicodemon strikes when you least expect it!

Well done and keep vigilant!

nsd_user663_7727 profile image

It's amazing what endurance we smokers have...Outside sat on a cold step, temperatures below zero, trying to seek shelter from the wind and snow. I could last hours just to hang out with Mr Cig!

defrog (real name rob, of robsfrogs, painted frog pictures and lived in Holland through the chat box era which resulted in defrog)

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