Well, I was supposed to give up yesterday - champix day 14 but I didn't feel right so went for today instead. So far ok ish. As the afternoon as worn on it feels like I have a constant dull crave in the centre of my chest (don't know if anyone recognises this feeling!) This morning I was busy so that was fine and am trying to keep busy this afternoon too. The only other problem is that I am thinking about it all the time - I try and push it out of my mind but not been very successful. I'm still feeling very pleased with myself though and on the whole feeling positive.
My first day!: Well, I was supposed to give... - No Smoking Day
My first day!
Well, I was supposed to give up yesterday - champix day 14 but I didn't feel right so went for today instead. So far ok ish. As the afternoon as worn on it feels like I have a constant dull crave in the centre of my chest (don't know if anyone recognises this feeling!) This morning I was busy so that was fine and am trying to keep busy this afternoon too. The only other problem is that I am thinking about it all the time - I try and push it out of my mind but not been very successful. I'm still feeling very pleased with myself though and on the whole feeling positive.
Hi siana
welcome to the forum and congrats on your decision to quit ......
the feelings your having are normal lack of nicotine does strange things to your mind ...dont worry those are everyday symptons ... feeling like your lost wondering what to do ...it is only the loss of a habit thats all ..just keep busy you will be fine...the dull ache is the same just your body getting used to changes .... hang in there dont give into the feelings ...in two or three days you will be feeling great about yourself .... have a read of some of the members signatures they have some really useful links for you to read and understand the changes happening right now ...good luck ...hang in there
Good afternoon Siana welcome to the forum, you will not regret joining I promise we are a friendly bunch with loads of good advice and some fun threads as well, I don’t know much about champix as I quit CT but if you are feeling stronger with it then go for it, some people as you have probably read had some probs with it but each person is different so as long as it aids your quit then stick with it, you will know if you have any probs and if you do speak to your chemist or Doc they are the ones with the knowledge to advice you what to do.
Drink plenty of water and make sure you eat regular with them as I’m informed it does help, In a few days you will begin to feel the real benefits of quitting and the longer you stay quit the better you will be, use the forum often and rant and rave as much as you like, remember we are all quitting the same drug so we do understand.
Hi Siana
Good to hear from you - was wondering how you were doing
Yep I recognise everything you are feeling - they weren't so much craves just thoughts like I should be having a fag. You're doing good and just remember you'll never have to do day 1 again and hopefully tomorrow will be easier. Stay positive and let us know how you're doing
Thanks bradders jamangi and Pookie - your words are very much appreciated. This afternoon has got worse, especially the ache in the chest! But I am not giving in!!! I'm off for a brisk walk around the lanes to blow out the cobwebs and distract myself.
Have a good weekend!
That's a girl - keep yourself busy It's all about breaking associations and every time you do something different without having a fag that's your new memory.