patches: Hi All I'm new to this site. I... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_13469 profile image
12 Replies

Hi All

I'm new to this site. I managed to quit 20 weeks ago after 35 years and what feels like dozens of attempts.

I have used patches from day one but I dont seem to be able to function without them now, as soon as i try going without them i turn into an angry idiot and dont stop eating.

Anyone any ideas how to quit the patches?

I'm also finding that the support that everyone gives you when you first stop has gone now, hence I have registered here. Is this commom?

good luck to you all whether you are on 1 day or 1 year, we all knoe how hard this is.

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nsd_user663_13469 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_7503 profile image

Hi unclefesta and welcome!

I quit using patches too and it is hard when you first come off them but it didn't last more than a week of feeling a tad angry. The eating is a harder one, I think we all have a challenge on that front.

Have you been cutting down the strength of the patches? I followed a quit program where the last ones I wore were 10mg. what are you using just now? Some people used to cut the smaller patches into smaller peices and wean themselves off that way. If you do a search on here you will see lots on this subject which I found really helpful.

Totally agree about the support waning. I found that really hard but this board was a great help. I think other people assume you are OK after a couple of months. If only!

You can do it without the patches I promise you but it does take some getting used to and some work. But I can promise you that it is worth it. Its a brilliant feeling when you know you are completely nicotine free and no longer dependant on it.

Congratulations on a successful quit :)


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Unclefesta,

Well done on your quit.

I presume you have stepped down on the patches & are using the lowest dose? I can only recomend that you wean yourself off them slowly but actually cutting a bigger piece of them each day untill you are left with nothing! Even if its every couple of days if that is to much.

I know the angry feeling well as many do on here I would think. Perhaps some relaxation techniques would help you get through these?

Also have a word with doctor, nurse, pharmacy, they should all be able to advise you.

Good luck & let us know how you get on.


nsd_user663_10279 profile image


I did the patches (and gum) and slowly stepped down (as I was on a course through a pharmacy).

I was only using the smallest of doses when I accidentally forgot to put one on one day...and that was how I gradually weaned myself off of starting to only put one on later and later in the day. I was still using the gum at this point, so I was still getting a dose of nicotine.

Don't recall my moods being too bad...infact they seem to have got worse lately..and I haven't had any form of nicotine in my body for a few weeks now....

I think sometimes the support does dwindle - but I have to say I don't seem to come on here as regular as when I first apologies to all my friends for that...maybe it's cos I'm coping ok on my own at the moment. I do like to come on when I can just to keep myself updated and in touch with people xx

Dannyboy55 profile image

Welcome to the club

Hi unclefesta and welcome to the group. I like you to have stopped after 35 years of smoking and I have never felt better, well if the truth be told I feel fitter , I can breath better and generally its good not to be trailing a packet of fags about with me. I quit "this time" CT after a health scare (ok now) but have tried the patches in the past but due to all the great dreams that I had I struggled to give them up??. Sorry I cannot help you with advise on the patches and to be honest I was never able to stop with any of the no smoking aids, and had to do it CT. But the very best of luck in your quit attemt.


Quit: 18th December 2009 after 35 years

How: CT


Hi All

I'm new to this site. I managed to quit 20 weeks ago after 35 years and what feels like dozens of attempts.

I have used patches from day one but I dont seem to be able to function without them now, as soon as i try going without them i turn into an angry idiot and dont stop eating.

Anyone any ideas how to quit the patches?

I'm also finding that the support that everyone gives you when you first stop has gone now, hence I have registered here. Is this commom?

good luck to you all whether you are on 1 day or 1 year, we all knoe how hard this is.

nsd_user663_13469 profile image

getting there

10 months now, finally managed to stop using patches about a month ago (thanks for all the help I received with that) strange but after all this time I had a really bad day yesterday, for some reason I had yearnings for a cig all day and it was really annoying. It happens occassionally but I am proud of myself and think i am going to do it this time, just wish I could stop counting the weeks / months as I think that when you get to that stage you have beat it.

Contratulations to my wife who has now been nicotine free for over 2 years now. Luv you x

Good luck everyone x

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Well done on making it to 10 months.

I think - although some people manage to put it behind them completely - most of us just have to accept that we are recovering addicts, and only ever one puff away from returning to nicotene slavery. And if that's the case, then it doesn't do any harm to keep reminding ourselves how far we've come, and accepting the fact that every now and again we will 'want' to smoke, probably for the rest of our lives. Because if we get complacent, that's when we could fail, even years down the line.

You should be so proud of yourself. Congratulations. Hope I make it as far as you.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Well done unclefesta & Mrs unclefesta :D

I think that we will always have to be on our guard against the monster having the odd sneaky poke at us somewhere along the line. It may or may not happen but we just have to be ready to give him a good slap if he tries it on :eek:

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

10 months now, finally managed to stop using patches about a month ago (thanks for all the help I received with that) strange but after all this time I had a really bad day yesterday, for some reason I had yearnings for a cig all day and it was really annoying. It happens occassionally but I am proud of myself and think i am going to do it this time, just wish I could stop counting the weeks / months as I think that when you get to that stage you have beat it.

Well done on getting to 10 months. Keep it up.

I'm at the same stage, and I still find myself having to keep a bit of gum on me. I have half a piece of it, every now and again (only when the cravings are really bad)...and it just takes it away for me. I look at it, that it's better for me to have that than a packet of fags!!

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

Well done, 10 months is blinking fantastic :D

As far as the praise goes, I posted on my facebook page every week for the first 8 sundays about how my quit was going, then monthly updates. I find I get so much support from there, it costs hardly a second to hit the 'like' button but it means loads for me to see 30 'like's : )

I dont want to bore people, but I need folks to know it is still my personal achievement.

I also live in a small place, so if I was ever tempted to have a fly puff someone would see me and grass me up for sure.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hey Tia, you will also get loads of 'likes' here as well hun. You can add them to your Fb ones then. I think we all appreciate the well dones from people. I don't get any except from my boys & people on here.

Work people just don't seem able to say it :( & hubby doesn't unless I say I haven't smoked for............... bit crap rally so know what you mean.


Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Handiman, it is sad when people, smokers or non smokers do not give you, us the credit you deserve. Sometimes I guess people just don't think like we do or maybe even jealous. Always remember that the support you need is here on this forum beacuse we all know what you are going through or have been through. Oerhaps only a smoker can. Those other people, well just ignore them. Don't tell the lady she east too much she eats too much it won't help lol but I knwo what you mean.

Gaynor xxxx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

10 months now, finally managed to stop using patches about a month ago (thanks for all the help I received with that) strange but after all this time I had a really bad day yesterday, for some reason I had yearnings for a cig all day and it was really annoying. It happens occassionally but I am proud of myself and think i am going to do it this time, just wish I could stop counting the weeks / months as I think that when you get to that stage you have beat it.

Contratulations to my wife who has now been nicotine free for over 2 years now. Luv you x

Good luck everyone x

Wow Congrats on 10 months and congrats to your wife too:D

I have used the patches too, i think they are fab :)

Snow x

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