Bad, bad day...: Yesterday had a real close... - No Smoking Day

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Bad, bad day...

nsd_user663_10279 profile image
22 Replies

Yesterday had a real close encounter with going and buying a packet of fags....

It must have been the worst day ever that I have experienced so far...and really don't know what caused it...but all day I had really bad cravings.

Went out last night and wasn't even drinking, but came so close to buying a packet of fags on the way the end I had to have half a chewing gum (that I keep in my bag - just in case)...and thankfully it passed.

Can't believe 4 months into my quit and it was this bad!!! :(:(

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nsd_user663_10279 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Nicki,

Sorry to hear you had a bad day yesterday but so glad to hear you didn't give in. You would so hate yourself if you did believe me.

I hope today is a better day for you & the craves leave you alone.

If they don't just tell them "I beat you yesterday & I will beat you today, so give up NOW" :D

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Afternoon Nicki, I so know where you are coming from, I was finding it quite easy till I hit Month 4, and then it was like a bolt from the blue and the craves were so bad I thought I would be like you and have a cig, but also like you I didn’t and I am more than glad that I did not succumb, I think that we have to have a time in our quit when we come close to smoking to keep us on track.

If we went the whole time without a problem then maybe we would become complacent and lose the quit any way!!!!!!! not sure but that’s my take on it.

If you had brought cigs and smoked imagine how you would feel today, you would I’m sure be gutted and not so sure of the future quit that you would now be trying to start again.

Stay strong and keep your mind and hands occupied xx

nsd_user663_4961 profile image

We all have encounters with the nicotine demon, its how we tackle them and beat them that makes us feel so good afterwards.

I'd wish you luck but you don't need it, clearly you are a master of the arts getting this far :-)


nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Nicki, sorry you had a tough day yesterday. Month 4 is a strange one, I think that it get's a bit easier and so when a big crave hits it knocks us completely sideways. You must feel pretty good today though for resisting the urge so good for you.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Omg hope you ok!!!!!!! and you've been so strong and determined aswell. :( Were you feeling resentful or fearful by any chance? Those 2 feelings have alot to answer for lol.

Glad you didn't smoke especially as we seem to be running the show in the March to freedom group ...:D Don't go getting all weak and throw it all away now - your doing fab! They say it takes just one puff to trigger the demon and it's true so so true, love and be kind to yourself. The nicotine f'er certainly won't be kind to you.

Keep going.

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thanks all of you,

Today has still not been too good, but I have to say I haven't given in..but am seriously wondering what the bloody hell is going on!!

Thanks Jamangie, glad to know that you had the same thing (if you know what I mean)'d have thought by month 4 things would have settled a bit more....obviously not!!

I'll keep plodding away...but might be in bed early tonight!! Lol

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Omg hope you ok!!!!!!! and you've been so strong and determined aswell. :( Were you feeling resentful or fearful by any chance? Those 2 feelings have alot to answer for lol.

Glad you didn't smoke especially as we seem to be running the show in the March to freedom group ...:D Don't go getting all weak and throw it all away now - your doing fab! They say it takes just one puff to trigger the demon and it's true so so true, love and be kind to yourself. The nicotine f'er certainly won't be kind to you.

Keep going.

Not sure what the bloody hell I was/am be honest. But last night was the closest I have been to buying some, but deep down I knew I wouldn't really enjoy it and I would feel like s**t afterwards....

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

have a better day tomorrow :)

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thanks, been a bit better today...but have just been reading elsewhere on here about people getting to 4 months and having this glitch!!

Wonder why it is...thought it was all the 3's...

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Yesterday had a real close encounter with going and buying a packet of fags....

It must have been the worst day ever that I have experienced so far...and really don't know what caused it...but all day I had really bad cravings.

Went out last night and wasn't even drinking, but came so close to buying a packet of fags on the way the end I had to have half a chewing gum (that I keep in my bag - just in case)...and thankfully it passed.

Can't believe 4 months into my quit and it was this bad!!! :(:(

hi nicki

if it make you feel better ..on a few occasions I have felt very close too just recently....but i havent and I wont.....6 months is suppose to be a turning working to that one :) ..its not all doom & gloom though hey nicki .were doing this quit because we want to right? otherwise we would be smoking by now ...Bad as it seems some days, moments. sure it wont get the better of us

All good anyway with your last post..sorry a bit late on reply

lv kk :)

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thanks Kitkat...aim for 6 months then???

I'll keep going, cos I don't want to give in...but is really tough at the moment. Anyway, thanks for your concern xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Moving on from this bad day...I had another one yesterday...not in the vein of craving a fag but in the fact everything went wrong yesterday....

Had been feeling a bit low lately, bit emotional as well (wrong time of month and all that), was having a bad day at work, and on top of it my Manager managed to upset me...and I ended up in tears!!

Felt so low, and really wanted a fag...but decided to have a bit of gum instead....

Got home and nearly set the house alight, by burning the bloody toast...smoke absolutely everywhere....

Went to my sisters and they were all smoking round me....

God knows how I managed to get through yesterday without having a fag...BUT I DID!!!! And I am feeling proud of myself today....proud that I got through a stressfull day and didn't actually cave in...:):)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Nicki sorry to hear you have had a few bad days, but hey be proud as punch that you didnt succumb and have some even worse days which Im sure you would have if you had gone down that road, it does get easier after the 6 month as you will see every one says it does so maybe thats the milestone to aim for and not panic to much as what you are going through is normal for loads of us, I went through similar at about the same time so hope you can see light at the end of the tunnel now and feeling better x

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Thanks Kitkat...aim for 6 months then???

I'll keep going, cos I don't want to give in...but is really tough at the moment. Anyway, thanks for your concern xx

I'm glad you're going to keep going Nicki, the truth is though having a fag won't make everything ok. All it will mean is once you're fully addicted again you will get a feeling of relief when you have a fag closely followed by withdrawal 20 mins later. Keep going it is worth it.

And well done you for not caving with smokers around, always find that the hardest, makes fags so accessable.

Onwards and upwards.

nsd_user663_11124 profile image

Hello Nicki,

Hang on in there; it will get better......

I've had so many bad days I've lost count; the best tip I ever had was from my brother-in-law:

"You just gotta keep going; you gotta tough it out. The craves and depressions get fewer and fewer until one day you realise that you haven't thought about smoking for ages".

He quit about a year before I did and, whenever I'm feeling low, I think of his words "you gotta tough it out".

Says it all for me....:)

Hoping you're feeling a bit better today, and well done on all those weeks smoke free you've achieved so far......

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Afternoon Nicki, I hope you are begining to see the light at the end of the tunnel, there is one I can promise you, I know cause I lit it when I got to 6 months and I can still see it, its burning brightly and the nearer you get to it the better you will feel, hang in their and use whatever means you have at hand to keep you smoke free, we are all there willing you on and offering our support xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thanks again all for your replies.

Spoke to a friend today who is 8 months quit now, and he says he rarely thinks about it I'm thinking it probably is after that 6 month period that it maybe gets easier...I'm holding on for that now!!

Atomicguy profile image


Hello - am sorry to hear you've been have a bad timne of it. But stay strong and with your quit.

At the 3 - 4 month period I went through some seriously dodgy days - was feeling depressed, had craves, would cry at anything - you name it I was feeling it. But it got better - sometimes you don't notice it - but you realise you haven't though about cigs for a few hours - then these become days and weeks.

The 6 month mark was a major turning point from me adn I hope it id for you, if not earlier. I'm now nearing 11 months and hardly think about it at all - and feel fantastic. You'll get here too!

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Nickiw,

Hope you are feeling better & stronger today :D

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Nick hunny

Please keep going this will pass honest. I remember feeling the same and thinking I cant go on and on like this but it do pass. Then you sem to turn a corner. Please be strong you have done all the hard work.xxxxxx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

A..thanks guys

Have been better the last couple of days....think a lot of it was hormones!! The joys of being a woman...

Have still not had a fag and still won't...I don't intend to either....

I think the cravings are getting less now, so maybe I am heading in the right direction!!:):)

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Hi :)

Ooh yes hormones!!! the one time of the month i get to be myself lol. No seriously they rellt do play havoc don't they. We either want to make babies or let off steam. :( I hope your doing ok..... don't let it beat you, you are doing amazingly well, stay strong.

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