6 Months Done And Dusted: Well today is... - No Smoking Day

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6 Months Done And Dusted

nsd_user663_7469 profile image
50 Replies

Well today is 6 months quit, and I would very much like to say it’s been easy, but I’m afraid I can’t, as I would be lying, there have been some truly emotional times and some minor upsets both on site and off, my anxiety levels have shot through the roof at some points and then sometimes I have been more laid back than I have ever been in my life, my cholesterol and BP seem to have gone from healthy levels to not so good, they will I hope get back to normality in time.

But hey we have to go a route to be able to say we have travelled it and arrived, well almost arrived, I don’t think it really matters whether you have done 6 hours 6 weeks or 6 months it’s just the fact that you have made a conscious decision to quit smoking and stay quit, I truly believe that the day you put out that last ciggie you know that you will either never smoke again or that you are not totally committed so could possibly start smoking again, so sometimes we quit and then smoke again as I did on my last quit 20 years ago when I managed 11 months and smoked again, but from day one of that quit I always had the thought that I would smoke again, so it was no great surprise to me when I did.

I would be a hypocrite if I said it’s never crossed my mind to smoke again during this quit, because there have been many days that I have had craves, but it has always passed and I have learnt to except that it is a part of the process, those days have luckily become fewer and fewer and there are days now when I don’t think about it at all, well not until I come on here, but on saying that this site has been my main stay and has helped me achieve the status as a none smoker, when I first quit I was what you would call an accidental quitter as I had no intention of quitting on a permanent basis, just to give up for a week or two while I got over a really bad cough and cold.

That cough and cold went and 6 months later here I am, smoke free after 41 years of smoking wow never imagined it would continue to be a life quit, but I can honestly say now that it is.

And last but not least there are people on this site that I categorically could not have quit without, they have carried me from being a smoker to a none smoker, there are too many to mention but checkout my friends list they are all there and in one way or another they have helped me stay quit, even the ones I try to support have given me so much back in return in that they try their best not to smoke again, keep it up you also will make it to 6 months I’m sure, ok so there are a couple missing who chose to remove themselves but I can only say I am sad about that as they too helped me in my quit in one way or another so I thank them also.

There is especially one lady who was a guardian angel for me, she was there on a night when without a doubt I would have smoked if she had not been there for me, sometimes there comes a turning point in a quit, you can either choose to continue on the quit road or you can choose to smoke again, and I know if I had smoked that night it would have meant a lifetime of smoking for me, mainly because I know that if I had lit up that night it would not have been a matter of me being able to make a new quit as some on here have been able to do, I really think I wasn’t that strong and couldn’t have done that, it would have been another 20 years and like my mum that would have been too late, so thank you that lady for nearly catching pneumonia so that I could stay smoke free, I am sure she will know who she is as she is the only person on here that has a shed in her back garden which is not heated and another clue is her name is Pol :D THANK YOU.

So there you go, I am now half a year quit, I feel proud that I have done it and I hope that come Christmas day I will be just as proud and able to say One Year Smoke and Nicotine free, and maybe if I am lucky there will be someone about to say welcome to the Penthouse if they are not all too busy eating Christmas pud and drinking wine :D, thanks again all on this forum for the friendship and support that I have been given from day one.

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nsd_user663_7469 profile image
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50 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Yay yay yay you did it

Hi Jamangie :D

Fantastic post from you and massive i25.tinypic.com/30t04es.jpg from me to you

I know how hard this has been for you at times but you've battled through the bad days and now will come the really good for you

I'm so proud of you sweetie

Love and a Huge Hug

Marg xxxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Good Morning Marg, thank you so much for the good wishes, seems strange as this was my initial aim when I decided to stay quit but you don’t really expect to actually achieve it do you, and here it is, feeling a little teary but in a good way, think I might have a fag to celebrate, No No only joking, thanks Marg for your continued support and good advice xxx;)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Morning Sweetie :D

You're welcome to any help I have been able to give you, but you're right I think most of us if we're honest when we say right that's it don't really think they can do it

We can though and we have :D:D

Sorry you feel a little teary even in a good way but it's natural enjoy your day hun

Love and a Hug

Marg xxx

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Runs into the room - Whoppee for Jamangie

Well hello you, all quit and perfect, enjoy 6 months - a real good quit.

Am in the orrifice so can't do owt flash like, also away from midday so boring typing only, can't even link to anyfinks!

But n'er mind - go Jamangie!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks mah the post is enough, you have a good weekend if you are going away some where and a relaxing one if staying at home xxx

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

a fantastic post from a fantastic lady......way to go Jamangie, well done x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thank you, thats a lovely thing to say.

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

It's true, you have helped me so much these last two months......thank you :)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

You know what you underestimate yourself, you have been the one to carry this quit to where you are today, all you needed was to know there was someone there if you needed a bit of a boost, you are the quitter and you are doing so well and as its 2 months today for you, so why havent you posted ??

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hey you :)

Six Months Smokefree :cool: Huge congrats to you woman.

A little celebratory dance around in bare feet for you to enjoy


Time to put your feet up and relax now. Hitting six months for me made me feel that I'd turned that corner finally and whilst I know you've some dietary issues to get sorted, you too have come round that corner and are strong in your quit whilst keeping a healthy fear of not blipping.

I was more than happy to be around that night despite loosing my fingers and toes ;) Your stronger than you give yourself credit for and you would have hung in there had I been tucked up in bed and warm that night. I just helped your hanging on be a little stronger. You'd have not let yourself slip :)

Enjoy this last level before your One Year Yule Tide move on up.

Pol xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hey you

Six Months Smokefree Huge congrats to you woman.

A little celebratory dance around in bare feet for you to enjoy


Time to put your feet up and relax now. Hitting six months for me made me feel that I'd turned that corner finally and whilst I know you've some dietary issues to get sorted, you too have come round that corner and are strong in your quit whilst keeping a healthy fear of not blipping.

I was more than happy to be around that night despite loosing my fingers and toes ;) Your stronger than you give yourself credit for and you would have hung in there had I been tucked up in bed and warm that night. I just helped your hanging on be a little stronger. You'd have not let yourself slip :)

Enjoy this last level before your One Year Yule Tide move on up.

Pol xx

Thanks Pol I really appreciate Enya she happens to be some one I love music wise, did you claim on you insurance for the fingers and toes :D I cant gaurantee I will continue to be smoke free but I will do my best and hope that things that happen around us dont make me feel drawn to smoking again, thank you again for your help and I hope thaat if in the future I need a shoulder you could be there for me again xxx

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Well done sweetie ,..................... fantastic , awesome , brilliant , sensational , amazing , well thats enuff about me ! lol.:p

You have done brilliant , 6 months is a fantastic milestone and you WILL make it to the penthouse on christmas day as you are so detemined. It will be nice to see you get here , keep up the great work that you put into this site as it is vey much appreciated .

Hope you celebrate this evening with a nice meal and a bottle of wine :D

Best wishes as always

Trev x

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Congrats on your 6 month 'versary, Jampan :D

It is a great feeling to say to oneself..."wow, 6 months without nicotine". The impact of that little statement is lost to so many that wisely chose not to smoke.

As it is such a monumental thing you've achieved you should be able to celebrate with a few of your favourite foods...tut, just a few, not a blinking banquet :eek:

As we mostly all say, it gets easier :cool:

Keep on keepin' on,


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Well I might have known you would give yourself all the credit for my quit LOL you are a complete and utter, great big, massive supporter for me thanks blade I really appreciate it humph: D and I love you too ;)

And Cav I do appreciate your good wishes and know they are sincerely meant, thanks.

No there will be no celebration tonight as I have a few things I need to sort out so will make do with a bag of crisps and a glass of water, wow pushing the boat out xx

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Supermassivebig congratulations to my fellow leicestonianshirey type person! You've made it look quite easy and you've been a good supporter along the way!

Big well done to you!!

Love Fi xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I just answered this post and it has gone, where has it gone, oh well here goes again

Thank you Fiona I much appreciate the only other Leicestershirey person on here sending me a lovely message, It has never felt easy I promise I must be a good actress or a good liar, no its not been that bad really in fact it has been fairly good untill today :confused: I feel a bit weepy today so will have to excuse me if the ink runs ;)

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Thanks Pol I really appreciate Enya she happens to be some one I love music wise...........and I hope that if in the future I need a shoulder, you could be there for me again xxx

You did appreciate Enya?....... I thought long and hard over a song for you :) I liked it too so it wouldn't have been wasted and yes, if I can help out in the future, but not a cold snowy winters night ;), I will do so :)

Pol xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Yes I did, she has the most disturbing voice reminds me of Kate Bush who is also one of my fav women singers and I promise to try and pick a warm summers night for my next breakdown :D:D manic grins xxx

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Hi J

Congratulations on your super duper quit - 6 months is brilliant :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thank you Pookie my friend, hope you are doing well especially with the good weather we are having xxx

jackieinv profile image

Big Well Done, half a year done and dusted, brilliant. The next six are much easier to get through.

Best wishes.


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Jackie thanks for that but the way I feel today I truly hope that the next 6 months are easier, I will hold you to it.


nsd_user663_10813 profile image

Hi jamangie:)

what a huge milestone -and you must be so very ,very proud. :D

You give so much to this forum -and I know I speak for lots of others to say


inspirational always - and messages from a good heart .

I think when up at dawn on xmas day to shove the b****y turkey in oven- a lot of us will be on pc congratulating your entry into Penthouse :D

you get yourself a really nice treat -no arguments

sky xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Well didnt exspect to see you on till tomorrow and here you are, weeee and I am pleased to see you, thanks for the kind words and I will so exspect you to be on chatting to me xmas day, and the rest as well so any one who doesnt want to do that had better fall out with me before :D and to any one else who posts tonight, which I am sure there want be I am off out to play darts but will be on later so catch you all then xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Wow Jamangie, just read your original post...what a fantastic post and what a fantastic achievement...WELL DONE YOU!!

Keep you the good work and thanks for all your support, not just to myself but to all the others on here too xx

Congratulations, can't wait to get to 6 months myself xxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Nicki thank you for your kind words without this forum at this moment I can guarantee I would not be a non smoker, it is only you lot who are keeping me smoke free at the moment so well done you all and thank you xx

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

You know what you underestimate yourself, you have been the one to carry this quit to where you are today, all you needed was to know there was someone there if you needed a bit of a boost, you are the quitter and you are doing so well and as its 2 months today for you, so why havent you posted ??

ha ha, you don't miss a trick. It is officially 2 months, 1 hour and 1 minute......HOORAY. I can't believe it. I was such a junkie and I never thought it would be possible, but look, I am here.........go me, go me, go me. :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

yes go you go as I said you underestimate the strength of your own will power you are better than you thought you were so 6 months here you come, as I said it is only you lot that are keeping me a none smoker thank you xxx

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

I know what you mean, if I couldn't come on here I would probably be smoking now. It just reminds you of the reasons why you quit. Reading the newbies posts also reminds me that I never want to go through that again......NEVER, so keep posting people we all help each other :)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

If we didnt have this site would we be better or worse, would we be smokers or none smokers, imagine that you had no support ugh scarey xxx

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

very scarey, I read the posts everyday. I think it is very comforting knowing that there are lots of people going through what I am going through and can relate to my feelings. I would have no-one to talk to about my quit if I didn't have this forum. I am a private person, face to face, but I can say anything on here because no-one knows me, does that make sense :cool:

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Babe you dont know how much sense that makes, if I didnt have the forum tonight I would smoke and not give a sh1te I promise, this forum is the best quit sustainer in the world |I promise dont stop coming on here or you will regret it xxx

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

Never, I NEED to be on here to sustain the quit. It's my wee lifeline lol. Hope you feel better tomorrow Jamangie. A good night's sleep should help you a little bit hopefully. You have come a long way, so I think you should have big bar of chocolate as a wee treat :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hee hee sounds good to me if I was allowed as you have probably noticed I am one of these control freaks so I know I shouldnt have choccy so I want, see I can stop anything I need to so I will never smoke again LOL how sad is that, surely we need something to live for :D:D

nsd_user663_5034 profile image

WOW:D...well done to you ....a great post and a great quit you have going there....good work...♥♥

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks Ellie, I appreciate all the good wishes that my forum pals have taken the time to send me, I am glad that I chose this site and these people to help me with my quit and also to be given the opportunity to give back something by trying to give support to those in the same position as me, have a good one and a nice weekend xx

nsd_user663_7503 profile image


Hello there,

Sorry Missed this! Was thinking about your 6 months coming up all last week while off work and then stoopid works goes and fries my braind.....


You are a star and I am over the blinkin moon for you.

What a woman and what a quit!

I am smiling like a loon cos I am so happy for you Jamangie. This place is fabulous and its people like you who are on daily and support everyone who make it that way.

Take care,


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

thats a sweetie post and I really appreciate your comments and sorry your brain got fried mine was fried years ago :p I love coming on and I love the support and also giving it, as we said were would we be without it, u are not far behind me at least now all the ones near new year will soon be in the same room, could get a bit crowded, but what fun party party XX

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Well done you :) you've been a real helper on here especially for the newbies that really do need it so thanks for that.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks for that its what makes it all worth while, as I think of it we were all newbies once and so needed the support and I would love every one to be smoke free especially those on the beeches LOL dirty habit :p

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Hey Jam, big CONGRATS on your 6 months plus, well done you lovely lady! xxxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks Bell I really appreciate that and hope you are good after your Hols, take care x

nsd_user663_11016 profile image


Fanastic result- six months- half a year that brilliant! :):D:):D xxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks Michelle, your good wishes I know are heart felt and much appreciated, so much about quitting is hard but there is a road that you can take or not as the case may be, I hope you are going to keep following me down the smoke free one and join me in room 6 soon xxx

nsd_user663_11016 profile image


You banana I will never be able to join you in room 6 because by then you'll be in the PENTHOUSE!!! But i will be in Room 6 by Christmas!! xxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

You banana I will never be able to join you in room 6 because by then you'll be in the PENTHOUSE!!! But i will be in Room 6 by Christmas!! xxx

They cant force me to go up there (can they) I hate heights so may choose to stay in room 6 with my friends and as you are one of them I am glad to say then I will wait for you so hurry up LOL x

nsd_user663_11016 profile image

Well i think your well worth looking up to......so you best make sure you get your butt up into that penthouse! And i'd be well happy looking up from room 6!!

Dannyboy55 profile image

My friend and companion on the No Smoking Highway

Hi Jamangie,

I feel terrible cos I promissed to be the first one to congratulate you on Friday for six months stopped and I missed it as I was travelling to my Daughters in Stafford on Friday and just got home today (Sunday) , however my quit buddie be very very proud of your achievment.


Quit date: 18th Dec 2009 after 35 years

How: CT

Age: 55

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Well i think your well worth looking up to......so you best make sure you get your butt up into that penthouse! And i'd be well happy looking up from room 6!!

You dont have to look up to anybody you are a strong and lovely lady, well ok I will go up to the Penthouse and be there to pull you up to join me and no matter what, I want leave the site till all my quit buddies are safely up there with me.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Jamangie,

I feel terrible cos I promissed to be the first one to congratulate you on Friday for six months stopped and I missed it as I was travelling to my Daughters in Stafford on Friday and just got home today (Sunday) , however my quit buddie be very very proud of your achievment.


Quit date: 18th Dec 2009 after 35 years

How: CT

Age: 55

No excuses excepted, I want letter from your mum stating reasons you were not here as promised, oh never mind I will believe you and say thank you loads doesnt seem five mins since you posted my 5 months where did that month go.

I am also pleased you are doing so well in your quit.

My son lives in Stafford with his OH look well if its your Daughter LOL dont think so though as I have met them xx

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