How is your mood since quitting?: Be honest... - No Smoking Day

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How is your mood since quitting?

nsd_user663_8876 profile image
7 Replies

Be honest. Whatever stage in your quit can you say it has altered your mood?

I started off feeling great and a bit 'full of myself' about the whole quit.

Then i became bored, the quitting novelty just wore off a little.

Then i craved badly.

Then i went for a run to feel good and so it goes on and on and on and on and on.......:rolleyes:

So i would say my mood has been swinging back and forth but NEVER far back enough to smoke again. Cold Turkey really was terrible for me.

So ...?

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nsd_user663_8876 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Hi angel

me in honesty ..started a bit shakey but well up for it ...happy from day 1 (( oh dear I am the smug one )) :o

At this stage now for the last couple of weeks ive felt in & out of moods it weird .but not doing NRT now so dont know? xxx

Despite my moods i still feel positive about my quit i really could have smoked ......tomorrow i will probably still want to smoke...but I know inside I wont & that I just need to get over myself x

UP & down then xxx was my whole write up neccessary ((i can never spell that word lol)))

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

For me, (I spun around for a year and a half on the patches, having ones here and there and starting again, but now have nearly got to six months) there was the initial down thing, one minute loving being a non smoker, next wanting them so badly you'd eat your hand, and the long periods of not feeling really right not smoking.

One big benefit though is that the minor depression and flatness i suffered for years has gone....This was part of my reasons for quitting.

SO , yes, ultimately giving up is hugely beneficial for the mood in my books!

nsd_user663_4625 profile image


For me, this quit has been quite pain free. I think that after so many failed attempts this is MY FINAL quit & is very different from all the others.

At first I had the feeling off having lost something sometimes & going to reach for something & realising there was nothing there for me now. Those moments where fleeting & far between thank goodness.

I had a couple of wobbly days when I stepped down to the 2nd stage patch. Was a little short tempered but it didn't last long.

Have now stepped down to the final stage patch & felt nothing at all. Of course I have to come off those in a couple of weeks so have yet to report on that!!

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Generally, I feel a lot more positive and confident with myself. I think that cos I had tried quitting before and failed, that failure feeling took me by suprise and I never really 'enjoyed' the smoking again, cos it was something I no longer wanted to do. Also the realisation that I was a drug addict didn't sit well cos I have always been dead against drugs. So all in all, now i'm a non smoker, I feel good and positive about myself.

Everything that has come out of quitting is positive, so it has left me in a pretty good place, determined to stay.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_9175 profile image

for me it has been a bit traumatic to be honest - not smoking has affected me mentally - for a long time I couldn't focus on anything and felt very 'woolly headed' then flat and unmotivated, almost like I would never enjoy anything anymore because I didn't smoke - all a bit dramatic:D:o

Mild depression was not something I expected from quitting, although I understand it is actually not uncommon but I just hadn't factored it in.

Now, at 9 weeks, I am starting to see what an amazing gift to yourself not smoking is. To poison yourself 15 odd times a day, because of an addiction, to plan your life around your addiction, to make excuses not to go certain places, because of your addiction - how exhausting is that? I had become embarrassed about being a smoker, in fact that was a major factor for my quit, and I'm finally waking up and realising that I don't miss it, but I am still withdrawing from it, and that's what I am dealing with day to day. So, exercise, vitamin supplements and a nice glass of wine now and again should soon get me back on track:D

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

My Mood is good loving this sense of freedom now, i dont have to worry about going to bed and thinking i have only 3 cigs left in the packet will they last till i get to the shops on the way to work , and planning my early morning at which point will i smoke the first one, hmmm leaves me two, one in the car and one incase i get stuck in traffic but wait there is a garage i can get some from ahh i can have two with a brew now ............. or go out for a meal and stood outside the resturant freezing my ti*s off having a cig whilst eveyone is eating and having a laugh inside............................

My mood is good .......................

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Be honest. Whatever stage in your quit can you say it has altered your mood?

I started off feeling great and a bit 'full of myself' about the whole quit.

Then i became bored, the quitting novelty just wore off a little.

Then i craved badly.

Then i went for a run to feel good and so it goes on and on and on and on and on.......:rolleyes:

So i would say my mood has been swinging back and forth but NEVER far back enough to smoke again. Cold Turkey really was terrible for me.

So ...?

This best describes my emotions all within 1 month! Impressed with myself for the 3 week quit... then doubt and panic set in and i started to crave, then got depressed and then caved in to relieve the depression...or so I told myself! I have failed though unlike yourself-so well done you. I read Allen Carr on Saturday and havent smoked since so you could say I am on day 3 again although this time I wont be full of myself of myself at all as I know just how difficult it really truely is.

Current mood...... I dont know, what mood would you call it when your desperately hopeing you achieve your goal but dont have much faith? .. miserable but hopeful? lol :confused:

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