I don't think ppl quite understand how hard... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I don't think ppl quite understand how hard giving up smoking is!!!

nsd_user663_4961 profile image
12 Replies

They seem to think its as easy as pie!!!


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nsd_user663_4961 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_5028 profile image

They seem to think its as easy as pie!!!


Cannot argue with that alexis... but in the end these hard times will be so worth it ...hang in there you are doing just great and you will beat this addiction come hell or high water ...

nsd_user663_8421 profile image

It's the hardest thing I've had to do in a long time Alexis. I've just made it through the first three months. Still getting daily urges. Still feel like I'm only one packet away from picking up my habit again. But I'm hanging in there, one day at a time.

Cyprien profile image

Don't think anyone who's been there thinks it's easy...but it does get easier as time and triggers pass.


nsd_user663_1658 profile image

They seem to think its as easy as pie!!!


Its the one of the hardest things to do ...& its not just the quitting ..its keeping at it...This morning someone i know was smoking outside the shop ...I thought mmmmm give me that .. i was shocked at myself for not thinking yuk it stinks:o ..It was just a thought ..but like i said it something probably we have to work on ....& you know what it will be all worth it Im so sure of that xxxx Well done on ur equit btw & keep posting it helps xxx

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

No, you're right, it's not easy, but it does get easier. There are very few people who I see smoking now that I envy. The odd one manages to make it look glamorous, but I know I never did, so I'm glad to be out of it. Keep at it cos it's worth it.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_4961 profile image

aghh i wanted to go on a long rant last night but didnt have the energy lol. The only people who do understand what we're going through/went through is smokers themselves, my family have absolutely NO idea!

Although I didn't cave into the ppressure last night I did find myself basking in some 2nd hand smoke before I realised and left my mate to it whilst I backed off slowly! haha

hope everyones well. i hope to join you at the 3mth mark soon!


nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Giving up IS easy, it's the mind games to follow thats the tricky part. It's funny how you can be so over it and then all of a sudden you feel angry that you can't have just one last fag. EVIL -pure evil i tell you.

nsd_user663_10072 profile image

:mad:It is sheer hell, the stopping is a doddle but i still crave that hit of nicotine first thing in the morning and when the phone rings i automatically look for my fags,then i realise that i don't smoke anymore and the feeling of sheer grief is awful.That is the only wat of describing it.It was my 50th birthday today and i sooooooooo needed a fag to go with the large glass of champagne i could have cried.But here i am 6hrs later didn't cave in and i am proud of myself.

I will beat this.


nsd_user663_10472 profile image

Hi debbie i feel the same morning's and on the phone so hard .When i leave one room to go into another i still after 10 days of no smoking go to pic cig's up i will get passed it but i wish it would hurry up.

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

You know what? we should never have started in the first place. I blame the school rebel everyone was scared of. :eek:

nsd_user663_8222 profile image

i blame peers, but hey i could of said no!

nsd_user663_4961 profile image

we all started for our different stupid reasons, and at the end of the day we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

With everyday that passes our body has gone through a new change in repairing itself, and is one more step towards a healthier life. We're all sounding a bit too negative for my liking, I think we should all remind ourselves as to why we decided to quit, and the benefits we've already seen in the small times of our quit.



2.I didn't like the fact they controlled my life


1.Relationship with family is 10x better

2.My face is more colourful and brighter

3.My teeth are whiter

4.I smell nicer

5.The whites of my eyes are whiter

6.Can already feel blood circulation improving

7.Skin & Hair look healthier

8.Can breathe better

9.I enjoy my food.

10.I walk around whistling wherever I go, (i only used to do that after sexytime;))

10 things off the top of my head without really even thinking about it! I'm sure theres much more. What about you guys?


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