Entering month 4 and I must confess.. - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Entering month 4 and I must confess..

nsd_user663_7957 profile image
8 Replies

I was doing really well. My 10k training is going well. Yesterday was the anniversary of my brother's death. I got through the day OK but my husband confessed last night that he smoked yesterday. This morning I went to an orthodontst appt with my son. After he went off to school, I bought 10 cigs from the kiosk at the station. I got home, made a coffee and opened the pack. But I didn't smoke any. Instead I crushed the pack and binned them. So I have wasted over £3 but I came to my senses in time. I just couldn't undo all the hard work.

I hope that my husband does not start smoking. But regardless of this, I must be responsible for my quit and plan to keep it in tact. I like being a non smoker. Still wouldn't it be great if the cravings never returned. I am now going to tackle my ironing mountain to keep me occupied. That was a close call!

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nsd_user663_7957 profile image
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8 Replies
jackieinv profile image

Well done Ellie, you sure have made the right decision. Just in case there are any more thoughts about smoking it might be an idea to take another look at some of the literature about addictions to help you along.

Best wishes.


nsd_user663_7957 profile image

Thanks, Jackie. I am going to spend time reading this evening to help me stay on track. I also have a run planned for later which will help remind me of all the benefits.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Good for you Ellie for not smoking those darned ciggies. Condolences for your brothers anniversary, always a hard time I know. You have proved to yourself you are stronger than the crave. Go girl, Go :D

G xxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Ellie you have acheived what we all want to achieve and if OH has given in to the nico demons then what can I say other than dont be dragged down the same fag end strewn highway that he may find himself on.

Love might be blind but it doesnt say any where that you lose your sense of smell and taste as well does it, you have come to far to givein and thats obviously how you feel or you would have smoked so give your self a right good slap on the back and say well done Ellie you have done what you set out to do, you have become a no smoker and a healthier one at that, could you run last year ??? xx

Was just going to paste a thread someone sent me via email but have just read it and my god if I ever consider smoking again I will read it.

I am devastated but dont want to spoil your year quit, please dont smoke again as that was the worst I have read, there should be a smiley tear one xx

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

hey ellie how cool are you ..that is willpower.if id have got that far i dont think i would have had the strength to crush the pack without smoking at least one!!!! xx

im so proud of you for this ..despite your sad day & your husband smoking again ...Your through it & you know wot im right behind you literally xxx

keep fighting the good fight xxx

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

Well, after saying it was a blip, my OH has admitted being back on the poison. I am a bit fed up about but I am determined not to be tempted off my quit. If he manages to stop again, I am dreading the hellish mood swings that folowed. He was just starting to be less cranky. It was a bummer smelling this morning when I went in the kitchen.

He is away this weekend so at least there will be no smoke to deal with until Monday.

nsd_user663_7503 profile image

Hey Ellie,

You deserve a blinkin round of applause woman! What a few days you have had and you are still a non smoker.

I know it must be so dissapointing that your OH has started again but thats his choice and yours has been to stay strong and stay quit and you have to be so proud of yourself. You don't get an option on that, I am telling you you better had be :D

Be kind to yourself this weekend. Get your trainers on as much as possible cos I knows you love to run. Maybe plan nice stuff to do with friends or just curl up with a good movie and some yummy hot choc.

Take care,


nsd_user663_7344 profile image


A massive well done to you. Sorry I missed your post earlier. It sounds as though you have been through it this week.

If this week hasn't been a test of your willpower I don't know what would be! So a huge well done. Just become a smug non-smoker with your OH. That's what I do. Glad to hear the 10k training going well. I'm stil running to. I really think it reminds me everytime I run why I quit.

You're doing great girl! :D :D

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