Had a puff!: Hi guys Hope you are all doing... - No Smoking Day

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Had a puff!

nsd_user663_7388 profile image
19 Replies

Hi guys

Hope you are all doing ok.

You may think me completely mad as I have been given up for almost 12 weeks now but yesterday I decided to have one puff and see what it was like. I decided to do this as I HATE being told I can't do anything and I decided that I am an adult and should be allowed to try if I wanted...

Anyway, I am pleased to say it was disgusting! I can't believe that I am saying that after smoking 20 a day for 13 years but it was gross and tasted like an ash tray!

Now, I am not encouraging anyone to try it for one minute but am so pleased I did because I had built up an idea in my head that I am missing out when in fact I am not!

Onwards and upwards :)

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nsd_user663_7388 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_1658 profile image

hi hel

glad to hear you hated it...a good friend of mine who quit years ago did exactly the same..the one puff..was all she needed to know & never smoked since.............However the quit previous to this one..i had one puff..well infact i smoked a whole fag ...& it was disgusting..but the thought lingered..time passed..bought some more...& so on ....until i was smoking full time again....works for some people..didnt for me xxx

12 weeks well done your doing good xx

nsd_user663_7388 profile image

Hi KitKat

It is weird how things click in people's heads eh? In my previous quit I decided to try one cigarette and, like you, started all over again! Something has definitely changed for me this time - just not interested in fags anymore!

Well done to you too :)

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

cheers hel thanks x it is weird..i too feel brill with this quit...but even now i know one puff would just be too much temptation:eek: xxx :)

nsd_user663_7388 profile image

Definitely avoid them at all costs - it would never be worth the risk and I can promise you it was gross. Lol x

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

Before when I quit, I could be sure if I took a puff, I would start smoking again. This time I know it would make me feel ill. I think I have past the stage where I was likely to take a puff because OH has now stopped, but I am pretty sure I would not start smoking after a puff. But I am not going to test the theory!

Hel, I am glad the puff has reinforced your quit.

nsd_user663_7388 profile image

Hi EllieC

No, don't test the theory - I have tested it for you :)

Hel x

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

Lol! Thanks for doing that for me!

nsd_user663_8351 profile image

Same as that - no way I'm chancing that one!

Glad it worked out for you though Hel - my mum tried one puff after being a non-smoker for 9 years - it was another 8 years until she quit for good! :eek:

Lottie x

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Hi Hel,

I had a very similar experience and it also worked for me. I needed to reaffirm how I was thinking/feeling to ensure I was a happy quitter.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Hi Hel,

I had a very similar experience and it also worked for me. I needed to reaffirm how I was thinking/feeling to ensure I was a happy quitter.

When was this Stav and why ? you have always come across as a positive determined quitter,not having a pop, each to their own and all that, seems a risky thing to do to confirm quitting is the best thing you have ever done.

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Back in early Feb if I remember. I got "hassled" bought some and lit up. Never smoked it, just lit and put it out. Going through the process flicked the switch to affirm that I didn't want to smoke. Was disappointed at the time as it made me feel weak, in hindsight it's the best thing that happened; I don't crave or want.

IMO I don't think I'd be quite so content now if the above hadn't taken place.

Note my close shave in my signature.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Back in early Feb if I remember. I got "hassled" bought some and lit up. Never smoked it, just lit and put it out. Going through the process flicked the switch to affirm that I didn't want to smoke. Was disappointed at the time as it made me feel weak, in hindsight it's the best thing that happened; I don't crave or want.

IMO I don't think I'd be quite so content now if the above hadn't taken place.

Note my close shave in my signature.

Just surprised me mate, because you have always been strong in your quit...... you seem strong again now which is great, a close shave i agree ........ keep it strong Stav.:)

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

In my longest quit last year I had a couple of blips. Yuk, horrible I thought. Yuk, never again. Sadly after 3 months I had one in a very bad moment thinking I could just do the one. How wrong was I. Took me till this Feb to get back on it properly again.

We are all different I know, & I can understan what you are thinking, just need that one puff to reaffirm you are doing the right thing. Don't wanna sound like the angel of doom but just be careful. It may prove to be just that for you but acn you afford to take the risk.

Sorry bit heavy but only 'cos I care & been there.

gaynor xx

nsd_user663_8421 profile image

I had a little slip a couple of weeks ago. I had four rollups in the evening and one in the morning. I've been tempted many times since to smoke. Having a very strong recent memory of how those first few rollups really didn't taste the same as they used to has helped me stay quit I think. I know that the only way a rollup would ever taste good again would be if I had smoked enough to be re-addicted and I really don't want that to happen.

nsd_user663_7388 profile image

Thanks for all your feedback and support.

My point was that it was not a blip on my behalf. I didn't get desperate and rush out to buy any and suffering from cravings. I made a conscious decision. I simply thought it would be interesting to see what it was like - confident that it would no longer interest me!

For me, it is not good to make something such a terrible taboo that you become scared of smelling smoke or seeing someone smoke. I believe that way leads to trouble.

Just my opinion! :)

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Hi Hel, I agree with you about the taboo thing, if I think to myself I can't have, it makes me want even more. I don't think along the lines that I can't, it's more like I don't want to, so I haven't got this big emphasis put on the cigs, it's me in control, not them.

Glad it worked out for you and reinforced you mentally.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

I see what your saying about making them a taboo thing. I don't like being told not to do something. This quit I have veiwed it not as giving up smoking but as choosing not to smoke. I could have a cigarette but I choose not to.

nsd_user663_8222 profile image

i know what you mean, same thing happernd to me a few days ago. it really mad me so glad i quit, i had a headrush from mars lmao! followed by a feeling that i was gonna puke, and felt so bad that i had those 2 drags. but hey.. where im at with nothin smoked before or after that situation im glad i did it cuz it just reminded me that im notmissing anything!

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

I see what your saying about making them a taboo thing. I don't like being told not to do something. This quit I have veiwed it not as giving up smoking but as choosing not to smoke. I could have a cigarette but I choose not to.

Good thinking Ellie :D

G xx

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