Calling all de Novos: Roll Call time ladies... - No Smoking Day

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Calling all de Novos

nsd_user663_6327 profile image
23 Replies

Roll Call time ladies and gentlemen, please let us know if you are still here - or not as the case may be. We dont judge in the Novos, we offer support and friendship as and when needed, end of, so please post even if you are in a blip at the mo. :):):)

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nsd_user663_6327 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Good Call Viv!!!

ZozieBella Chickerella, fully paid up member of the De Novo tribe reporting for smoke free duty Ma'am!

*salutes* :D


nsd_user663_6383 profile image

Morning Viv!

I'm still here alive & kicking!xx

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Good Call Viv!!!

ZozieBella Chickerella, fully paid up member of the De Novo tribe reporting for smoke free duty Ma'am!

*salutes* :D


Stand easy private Chickerella, stand easy and welcome to ya. xxxx

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Morning Viv!

I'm still here alive & kicking!xx

Hi blondie, well done you, please join the parade!! xx

nsd_user663_6412 profile image

Here and accounted for :D

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Thats great yomik, welcome to ya hun and please get in line and join our parade!!! xxxx :)

nsd_user663_2952 profile image

I'm here! :p

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Great Becks, nice to have ya on board, stand easy Private and join in the parade. :) :) :)

nsd_user663_6496 profile image

Sorry I'm a bit late at putting my hand up

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Woohoo SB,

Soooo glad your still with us!

It was getting all lonely for a while in the De Novo's!

How are you doing hun? hope all is wonderful in your world!!!

Big Hug


nsd_user663_6496 profile image

Hi Zozie, the time difference makes it hard. Glad your still going well and staying cheerful :D

nsd_user663_6165 profile image

Ahem :o ......quietly shuffles into room.....sorry about the late registration Viv. I am still here, just not logging on so very often.

Good to see all the lovely De Novos in here. :)

L xx

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Go De Novo's


Well we'll all be heading towards our 4 Month smoke free fabness.... for those of us not already there, like m'self.....

if i can just streeeeetch i can touch month 4 with my very tippy fingietips....


Who'd have thought it?

Fabulous times!


nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Ahem :o ......quietly shuffles into room.....sorry about the late registration Viv. I am still here, just not logging on so very often.

Good to see all the lovely De Novos in here. :)

L xx

Welcome Lilly, lovely to see you, no probs about not logging in often, well done for still being on your quit, excellent news.


nsd_user663_6702 profile image

sorry bit late but still hanging in.

For some reason the past week I have had some really strong cravings, the worst was on Monday..I went to the pub & had to get some cash from the shop & I thought I could really do with buying 10 fags. I never thank god, but craving are not getting more frequent, just stronger.

Is this a regular thing ?Shows that you can't get too complacent


nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Hiya maidenfan, welcome back to the De Novos xx

I think your craves are the nicodemon trying to get a last shout and bully you into buying that pack of 10 - give his ass a good kicking, you are so much stronger than him sweetie. You want to enjoy your freedom now you have it, dont let him spoil such a great quit. Best wishes to you and great to see so many of us are still here. :):):)

nsd_user663_6389 profile image

Sorry, I've come with a note from my mum. I have good reason for being late.

I'm too busy spending the money I've saved.

OK, I'm an anorak, I've go a spreadsheet and it passed £600 today!!!

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

lol FOF - great stats, well done you and please tell your Mum we accept the note from her, no probs!! xx :) Enjoy your shopping.

nsd_user663_6596 profile image




nsd_user663_2146 profile image

I am still here


nsd_user663_6570 profile image

Hi Viv

I am still here. dont miss the ciggys most of th time but feeling so fat...... keep thinking about smoking to stop weight gain and lose what I have gained,

I wont though so bloody hard

hows you doing hunny


nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Gosh, I am still here. Not officially in the De Novo's I don't think, but still here none the less. Bloody hard tho, esp the last few days for some bizarre reason. And fat too tigger, I am sure fatter than you...;) Oh, longest ever, will not ruin with revolting , addictive cig.

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Well done Jonesy and Tigger, great news. Yes Tigger, I've got problems with the weight too, but they do say it comes off once things have settled down - especially if we give it a little help but its soooooo hard! Love and hugs, Vivienne. xxxx Well done to you too Jude, maybe you were in the Dec. quitters but a great quit you have going there nonetheless. Well done to us all.

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