so excited to find this site day 13 - champix - No Smoking Day

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so excited to find this site day 13 - champix

nsd_user663_8607 profile image
5 Replies

well technically only on day 5 with champix but virtually gave up from day one of tablets which was the most bizarre and unexpected experience. from 20 a day to a great big 0.

would be interested to hear other experiences of champix. whilst its the first aid which appears to be working for me, the nausea for about an hour after taking the tabs together with the irritability and ENORMOUS appetite are collectively pretty painful :(

taking one day at a time.........

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5 Replies
nsd_user663_8123 profile image


Hi Newstart,

Glad to hear you found it so easy!!! I am also on Champix, had originally set day 12 of champix to stop smoking but actually stopped at day 10. The cigarettes were tasting awful though and i was only actually having two or 3 puffs of each from about day 4 of the tablets, but was too scared to stop completely!!!

As for the sicky feeling, i and a lot of others on this forum all say make sure you take them on a full stomach, i always take mine immediately after eating and it seems to stop the nausea. As for the tiredness, as a single mum of two i was shattered before and am therefore still shattered, not sure if it's more or less since the Champix. I do know i am now remembering my dreams, which i have never done before, and they sure are weird!!!!

Good luck with your quit, there are lots of very supportive people on here (with lots of good links in some of their signatures), and you will be invited to join our Feb quitters group by Jadelina soon, I'm sure.

Here's to a future without the killer weed!!


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Welcome here and Good luck to you on your journey while you quit the addiction and re-find yourself :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

well technically only on day 5 with champix but virtually gave up from day one of tablets which was the most bizarre and unexpected experience. from 20 a day to a great big 0.

would be interested to hear other experiences of champix. whilst its the first aid which appears to be working for me, the nausea for about an hour after taking the tabs together with the irritability and ENORMOUS appetite are collectively pretty painful :(

taking one day at a time.........

Hi Newstart :)

I also used Champix and it worked great for me with no side effects the nausea is common for most of us easily cured for most by havinf a large glass of water with it and taking with food

The irritability and large appetite however are not down to the Champix it happens no matter what we use and is down to changes in your metabolism this will return to normal in time though promise and the extra weight will come off again

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_2040 profile image

HI Newstart and well done on doing so well :D

Ther are loads of posts around about Champix and the side effects, some had none and some have had loads...but what is interesting a lot of the depression etc seems to be pretty much part of the quit with or without the Champix..

Best advise I can give you my love is relax and dont look for problems...if you get a bit of an anger on, or a teary night, or sickness it is normal and you can work through it.

Everyday done is a day nearer that 1 year goal we all seem to set ourselves. Trust me the days soon become weeks and then the week months etc you progress the time goes quicker...and there is an end to it...

Good luck and stay strong...ther are plenty of us here if you want to shout


nsd_user663_7042 profile image


And well done you!

This is my second time quitting, last time I took champix, and for me it was a wonderdrug (don't get me wrong - you really have to want to quit for it to be sucessful). I went around nine months smoke free, don't ask me why I had one, because in all honesty I really had not craved for one, I didn't even want one! it was just one of those stupid mistakes ex smokers make when they think they have 'cracked it'.

Anyway! that out the way, The champix used to make me feel very sick initially (but it was worth is) taking it with food and with plenty of water helped me. There are many members here who have used Champix! I keep reading their experiences (mostly sucess stories) and this spurs me on! But think I have learnt by my mistakes from last time and shall NOT be making that same mistake again!

All the best.

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