Back to the begining: Lost my quit today... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_7906 profile image
13 Replies

Lost my quit today, Back to smoking

Had a tough day yesterday even put more than one patch on

so went to bed at 6pm had a bad night

woke up today Lost all my willpower

Will be back when I make a fresh quit day

Need time to get my head around it

A sad day

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nsd_user663_7906 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Really sorry about that, but many of us have fallen down, the important thing is to pick yourself up again.

Take a bit of time to re-address the situation, don't waste time dwelling on what's happened or what could have been. Hopefully this fail with make you stronger the next time because you'll be aware of the traps and triggers that caught you out this time.

Get yourself into a strong, good frame of mind and go for it again. You can and will do it.

Good luck,

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_7727 profile image

we can do this

A sad day indeed... I had a few beers last night and had 3 fags...will be posting my own failure shortly... We are animals why should it be difficult...

I refuse to accept it and my new quit day is now, today...

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Demented and Defrog

Demented and Defrog!

hey there.... you've not failed you've just had a blip... heck i've had 2 now... trick is to get straight back on that horse before your nicodemon has fully grown again.... its not so difficult!!!

Come on Stay with us Demented.... you can do it.... we wont let you go!!!!

Defrog.... well done on jumping back in.... the word failure is so negative.... you've just delayed succeeding....


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

We are here to guide you down the smoke free road take our hands

Hi Demented and Defrog I am sooooo sorry you have slipped were the ciggys good and do you now feel sooooo great I am thinking that you are both regretting the slip so forget it and carry on as if you didnt have them or you will be kicking yourselves all the while.

If they did make you feel so much more than you felt when you had quit a few days, then I would say that you are not ready but I bet the one thing you didnt feel when you were smoking was proud???? which is I am sure what you were feeling in oodles even the first day you had quit, come on we all know this is NOT EASY in fact climbing everest is probably easier but you are going to do it I smoked 41 years and now refuse to let this beat me and I can tell you there have been days when I have cried and stamped my feet in the garden, neighbours thought Id gone gar gar but Im still quit and want go back to be smelly stinky and old befor our time.

Dont go of with your tails between your legs stop today and come on here and talk all the time if nescassary we are here for you xxxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image


sorry just reread my post and it seems a bit harsh not meant to be just want you to be winners BIG HUGS XXX

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hey guys, sorry to hear all this news but today is a new day, the first day of the rest of your life. Most of us here have had more than 1 day 1, really it does not matter, what matters is that you choose not to smoke today.

Do the reading, it really will help, post often, that too really helps.

Maybe plan treats, put the money saved to one side for a big treat.

Sending you both some PMA and a hug and hoping it helps.

nsd_user663_7727 profile image

Thanks everyone...

I'm doing it! Back to you demented...Get back on that horse!

I feel like trash today and my teeth feel awful...can't believe 3 smokes can make me feel so's 13 hours since I smoked them...not one craving and the rest of the smokes in the bin... Chopped up!!!

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Sorry to read about Demented and Defrog's slips...I can well imagine how saddened both of you feel about that. Other's have posted above that most of us have a many, many false starts until we finally secured a successful quit.

One of the most important jumping off points is having a positive focus upon what you are trying to achieve...that you are going to stop smoking and that you are going to change you life for the better. Because you want to for yourselves and your health...not to mention your wallet.

Whether you feel particularly positive is not the have to try to think from that basis. Also be determined about it, stoically refusing to budge despite whatever is happening around you.

All pretty easy to say...and difficult to put into practice.

Congrats for getting back up Defrog...I'm sure that Demented will be back and giving his all soon :cool::cool:

nsd_user663_5329 profile image

I know exactly where your at guys, I am currently on quit number 5 and thats just within the last 6 months!! Day 9 for me though and (fingers crossed) going well.

The only advice I can offer to help get you back on track is to have some serious motivation for this quit. Whenever I lapsed my wonderful brain gave up and reasoned that seen as I had smoked a couple, I might as well keep smoking them for the time being so I allowed myself to go back to 25 a day in the blink of an eye.

I feel different this time though as for the first time in years I actually have some money in the bank with 3 days to go until payday!! I know that health should be my motivation and it is but seeing my hard earned cash still sitting in the bank so close to payday has made me realise I would rather be solvent than a smoker and has boosted my resolve no end!!

Find your big motivation and keep it in your head each time a craving hits. Don't beat yourself up about the lapse, most of us have them, it's the getting back on track that counts.

Very best of luck!!

nsd_user663_7727 profile image

I think that it is key not to beat ourselves up about it... That's exactly what I thought this morning and am a non smoker once again... It would be easy to dwell and use it as an excuse to carry on smoking...

nsd_user663_7906 profile image

Thanks for all your support

Dont know where I am at the moment

Back to day one again

Need a new plan of attack

going to keep trying anyway

Thanks again all

nsd_user663_6238 profile image

Hey demented, quitting is in your head now. You dont stop thinking about it. Thats how i stopped and when i failed :mad: after 3weeks the thought was still there...quit quit quit quit 24/7 until i did again....22 days ago! Yep, you tripped, dust yourself down and try again (that sounded like a Hollywood musical line):rolleyes:

Its in your mind now! Good luck, you can beat this stinky thing!

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hey guys I've put a post to you both on defrog's thread.

Don't let things get you down just get up agian.


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