Is this the beginning of the end? - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Is this the beginning of the end?

nsd_user663_7235 profile image
22 Replies

Today has been a great day, it's the first day I have felt I'm a non smoker.

I have had no triggers at work, I have hardly thought about smoking today only that I don't want to smoke.

I have seen quite a few people smoking today and thought how silly they are and look. My last pupil smoked 2 cigarettes while he was with me (outside the car) and it did not make me even think I was a smoker it did the opposite.

It's really great I finally feel I'm a non smoker Yahooooooooooo!!:p

Has this happened to anyone else like this or is this a nicodemon trick to get me.


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nsd_user663_7235 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Moving on....

Yeah Jack, Thats the best sign u are a "NON SMOKER" now....

Its a great feeling, and when seeing others smoke and u not bothered any more, well thats a result.....

Keep going Strong..... Never let your guard down..... Kaz x x :p

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Hey JAck....

Well done, thats hugely positive that you have banished the demon for the moment! Keep with it.... dont rest on your laurels though, he's a wily sod and may pop up (but less strongly later on again).

Its fabulous that your feeling that way though,,, what a major milestone in your journey!!!!!


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi jack,

Glad to hear you are feeling so strong & doing so well on your journey.

Congratulations :D

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Thanks a lot guys t'is another day and feeling strong again. Had a couple of little triggers but I suppose that was to be expected due to what I had to deal with today. Had my meeting proved I had not done anything wrong and now all is okay.

I had to drive into Perth (30 miles) and Donna was with me. When we were gettiing near Perth I looked at the time and saw we were going to be early. The thought came into my head "I will have time for a fag when I get there" because that's what I normally would have done. Weird isn't it that the thought can still hit you like that.

But no nae fags the day.

Jack xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Jack Jack

Sooooooooooooo glad you had things turn out the way they should and I know today I had lunch went to go out side for a gig so went any way and had some puffs but not of ciggy but of lovely fresh air and then came in and had to pass sink so washed up how good is that but like you I hope the worst is over except for the odd thought not crave, Have a good day speak later xx

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

There'll be no nae nuthin, no nae nuthin nae mair!!!!

An it's smashin'!!!!


nsd_user663_7529 profile image
nsd_user663_7529 are certaily right on top of your quit this time, by the sounds of it. I'm really pleased for you, but have one piece of advice.

I got to this point twice in the past and made the following mistake: I thought quitting was easy.

I got tricked by the old nicotine addiction into thinking I could be a social smoker and just have one. Because I'd done really well and it wasn't as hard as I expected to quit. What harm can one do you, right? You don't NEED to have one, you just fancy one. Didn't you used to enjoy it?!

That happened at three months. So try not to get caught out like I did the last two times.

Stay strong mate!!

nsd_user663_6412 profile image

Eh Jack,

This is what is taught in the Easyway system, is that you are supposed to

feel sorry for smokers. Before I used to envy them, but envy what? Envy

the smell, the health concern, the money, and it does nothing for you


Keep r up

nsd_user663_7235 profile image
nsd_user663_7235 are certaily right on top of your quit this time, by the sounds of it. I'm really pleased for you, but have one piece of advice.

I got to this point twice in the past and made the following mistake: I thought quitting was easy.

I got tricked by the old nicotine addiction into thinking I could be a social smoker and just have one. Because I'd done really well and it wasn't as hard as I expected to quit. What harm can one do you, right? You don't NEED to have one, you just fancy one. Didn't you used to enjoy it?!

That happened at three months. So try not to get caught out like I did the last two times.

Stay strong mate!!

Hi my friend, this is my first quit, no it has not been easy although I think I am finding it easier now. I agree I know there is no such thing as a social smoker, once your an addict your an addict for evermore. I do really appreciate you telling me this because there are many who think they can have one now and stop again. I know if I take one puff I'm back where I started it won't happen unless the world is going to end. Even at that I don't think I would smoke.

I love this no smoking life too much, I jet washed the car today and at the end I was not huffing and puffing. I then vacuumed the car and the same not out of breath. I would always be out of puff after doing them.

Jack :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

There'll be no nae nuthin, no nae nuthin nae mair!!!!

An it's smashin'!!!!


Zozie how can you talk the talk like this?:D


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

I know if I take one puff I'm back where I started. It won't happen unless the world is going to end. Even at that I don't think I would smoke.

Oh I would smoke again if the world were about to end........ knowing my luck there's be no baccy in the house, or even worse, baccy but no papers.

Jack :) Could this be the light at the end of the tunnel getting brighter.

And you had some bad days when your tunnel didn't have any light and you really wanted reassurance that the light would grow.

There you go............. miracles do 'appen :cool:

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Eh Jack,

This is what is taught in the Easyway system, is that you are supposed to

feel sorry for smokers. Before I used to envy them, but envy what? Envy

the smell, the health concern, the money, and it does nothing for you


Keep r up

Hey Mike, how's things in Canada? I'm not being funny when I say this but that is how I'm feeling. I know there is many out there that want to stop and feel they just can't. I do feel sorry for them, I know I'm not completely out of the woods yet but I do feel I can see some sky through the trees.

I was speaking to a guy today who works in a filling station that I go to and I said look what I bought it only cost £1.45 (extra stong mints, chewing gum and a bar of chocolate). I said if I'd bought fags it would be alot more, he said it's great to go out and have a cig and said come on have one. I said no way, I must add we were both joking around. He's very happy with me that I have stopped smoking. But envy what they smell like, their cough, and what it is costing them? My ex brand is £6.20 a packet of 20 no way!!


nsd_user663_7503 profile image


Hi Jack,

So pleased your quit is going strong and you are starting to have days where you don't even think about it :) Something for those of us behind you to look forward to!

Well done you fella.


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Deb, It's great feeling like this and it just came all of a sudden. I don't know if I'm lucky or if I was just very positive that once I started I would see it through. I don't even know if I could relaps yet but I don't think so. I don't know if it will or could happen and I hope it won't.

I kept going trying to go through this "when is it going to stop this feeling, I want something feeling", then it just stopped.

I hope this will happen to you soon keep going strong Deb and you will get there.

Jack xx:)

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Jack, it is great to hear you sounding so up beat and positive. Keep smiling, it's contagious you know :D

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Good I wish everyone on this forum could feel as I feel now. I want to stick my head out the window and shout and tell the whole world how I feel.

Everone who is trying and struggling you will get here if you just keep following that long road ahead.

What a wonderful world this is how I feel.

Jack xx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Jack it is lovely to see you feeling so good as I know what a rough time you have had....

I wish you this feeling for always...xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Jack it is lovely to see you feeling so good as I know what a rough time you have had....

I wish you this feeling for always...xx

Lorna, with love thank you.

Jack xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Today has been a great day, it's the first day I have felt I'm a non smoker.

I have had no triggers at work, I have hardly thought about smoking today only that I don't want to smoke.

I have seen quite a few people smoking today and thought how silly they are and look. My last pupil smoked 2 cigarettes while he was with me (outside the car) and it did not make me even think I was a smoker it did the opposite.

It's really great I finally feel I'm a non smoker Yahooooooooooo!!:p

Has this happened to anyone else like this or is this a nicodemon trick to get me.


Morning Jack :D

Sorry I've only just found this was AWOL most of yesterday [yes again]

I think you've turned that corner we all have to turn from being an ex smoker to a non smoker

You may for sure still have a few tough days to come but now you know full well you can and will get through them

I'm so pleased that you feel great about the way you saw those smokers

Love and a Hug

Marg xx

nsd_user663_7529 profile image

Jack - have you noticed yet how much better your car smells? I need to vac mine out properly (I'm not as concentious as you!), but it already has started to smell - well - not like an ashtray!

Good to here you're getting your breath back. I went for a very long walk on Sunday and wasn't out of breath. The next step is starting to get rid of the crave-feeding weight. If only there was a forum for that too!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image


Sure sounds like you've broken through a major barrier that was holding you back in your quit.. I think there is another factor too.. spring is arriving, dunno if you've seen some of the recent sunshine up there, but there are signs of spring arriving all around now, and thats gonna be sooooooo good :)

Keep on this positive kick now though m8y, there is no reason at all why you can't keep this feeling going now. You are free and breathing real unspoilt air for a change.


Atomicguy profile image


Congratulations mate - well done. I love your messages in this string.

Early month 3 for me was a b**tard but by the end I really started getting positive feelings - and sort of waves of euphoria - very much like what you're describing. Its great isn't it.

I'm with a lot on here on the "just one puff". I know that for me one puff will lead to one cig then to one packet and I'm back at Day 1 again - somewhere I REALLY DON'T WANT TO BE!!

And it gets easier still now (but as some have said - no complacency)


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