Day 5...omg!: Hi everyone, I'm new to the... - No Smoking Day

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Day 5...omg!

nsd_user663_8202 profile image
11 Replies

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum,i had my last cigarette on sunday...i have to say these have been the hardest 5 days ever!

I cannot eat,i cannot sleep and i feel like a total emotional wreck :confused:

My husband and children are suffering but i honestly can't control myself,i'v turned into a really horrible person this week and i dont like myself at all for it....i'm coming to the conclusion that it would be better for everyone if i just gave up,admitted defeat and gave my children their mum back!

Is it normal to feel so bad in the first week?...i feel so ill :(

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nsd_user663_8202 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_5920 profile image

It can be normal for some to have felt/feel that way for the first couple of weeks.

I did and I survived as did my OH and sons, the cats, the neighbours and my friends. Explain to them how it's effecting you, most will understand and give you space. Keep them on your side, you need their support :)

All this will calm down very soon and I honestly believe you are almost through the worst ... things should begin to even out a little.

Your almost at a week, try to keep going forward and just take small steps and believe in yourself. Read in the other areas for two weeks, 1 month, 2 months etc..... get a general feeling for whats possibly ahead. Each quit for each person is different but you can get an idea and be fore warned.

check out links in signatures to understand more of why it's good to quit.

All the best :)

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum,i had my last cigarette on sunday...i have to say these have been the hardest 5 days ever!

I cannot eat,i cannot sleep and i feel like a total emotional wreck :confused:

My husband and children are suffering but i honestly can't control myself,i'v turned into a really horrible person this week and i dont like myself at all for it....i'm coming to the conclusion that it would be better for everyone if i just gave up,admitted defeat and gave my children their mum back!

Is it normal to feel so bad in the first week?...i feel so ill :(

Hi Danni

Welcome to the board,

yep anger, tantrums, hunger insomnia, cravings, tears, wind, coughing,constipation ,welcome to the wonderful world of your first few weeks quitting and it is all normal !!!!!!

Seriously well done on your first 5 days of quitting best decision you will ever make it does get easier a lot easier, what method did you use cold turkey patches champix ? only asking because lots of people on here have all chosen one of these methods and will be best to advise you i used Cold turkey first few days horrible but drank and drank water like it was going out of fashion hang in there Danni you can do this easily if you have done five days so far you can do another 5 then another 5 .....keep coming on here and posting let us all know how you are doing try to read some of the links on people signatures lots of useful info to help you through this ...good luck speak soon :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Dani :D

5 days is good well done you

the way you feel right now is normal many of us feel this way early in a quit

As Pol says sit you family down and tell them it's not there fault and that very soon you'll be back to normal and even better in time

Hang in there it does get so much easier as you go along the road to freedom

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here


Marg xx

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi Dani and welcome, all good advice above, I went cold turkey, and the first week can be hard, it will get better I promise. I also have little kids (my reasons) and having mummy shout of them a bit more than normal for a week or two is so worth them having a healthier mummy, a less smelly mummy and a mummy who will be around a lot longer.

Do the reading of the links, post often, remember why you are doing this. Stay strong, it is worth it, and it will get better.

nsd_user663_8202 profile image

Hi guys,thanks for you're replies :)

I'm doing this cold turkey...i felt that it would prolong the withdrawal process if i used nrt (i could be wrong).

I feel like i have climbed a mini mountain by reaching day 5 but at the same time i feel like the climbing has only just begun and theres a whole mountain range ahead of me before i will feel like i have achieved anything....arghh everytime i open my mouth negative words escape...this i must work on!!!

Anyway thanks for the advice,i will keep on trying and will hopefully gain some inspiration from this sound like a very supportive group and i hope i can be as strong as you guys.

Thanks Danni :)

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Danni, the advice about reading and reading is absolutely true. What I found important also, being like you a busy mum etc. is to find time for things that make me feel good. It doesn't have to take any time, it can be music, a book, bath, anything as long as it makes you feel good about yourself and makes you smile. It can at times seem like walking up a sand dune, but you get to the top soon enough and then you can slide down the other side whooping and laughing.

Take it a day at a time, but do try to do something nice for yourself each day, even if it's getting yourself something nice to eat with a cup of tea.

Five days is fantastic, you are doing really well.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Don't feel alone. My wife's horrible generally; she hasn't smoked for the past 5 years. :)

nsd_user663_7762 profile image


As everyone is saying - you are doing really really well. You should be very proud. Unfortunately quitting is not the most easiest things to achieve - but let me tell you, many many people do achieve it. It takes a bit of will power, a bit of reasoning to why you are quitting, and alot of education of what it takes to get through the tough days of quitting.

IT DOES, AND WILL, GET BETTER. Hang in there. Take one day at a time. REMIND yourself why you made the decision. KEEP to that decision. DO NOT give in to the addiction that is smoking. You will get stronger if you try and focus on your quit.

Take deep breaths, take a long bath, take a walk - do anything that takes your mind off smoking if you get the urge, crave, or 'need' to smoke. This mental craving does pass within a few minutes. BE STRONG and do not let the fantasy idea that smoking will rid you of this tough patch you may be going through - if you do it will only get worse. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh - but I can see you really want to quit, and you are doing so well for yourself and your family.

I'm on day 24, 11 hours, and 16 minutes (sorry for being sooooo specific!!) of quitting and yes I went through simliliar emotions as you on day 3, 7, 11, and only a couple of days ago - but putting these thoughts to the back of your mind and reminding yourself that NO ONE can make you smoke seems to help.




nsd_user663_8202 profile image

Hi Paul,

Thank you,i really found your post helpful...everything you say is right and makes me really think about why i wanted to quit in the first place....yeah ok i think i was rail roaded into it a little bit by my children,my eldest is nearly 13 and he ordered my quit kit online without my knowledge,and even set me a quit date,lol.

So therefore i do feel like i'd be letting them down by giving in...they are aged 13,11 and 7 and totally understand the implications of smoking after my best friend recently died of lung cancer...they were all very close to her :(

I cannot describe how much stronger and determined i feel today having joined this forum...thank you are all doing a great job :)

Danni x

nsd_user663_8202 profile image

Don't feel alone. My wife's horrible generally; she hasn't smoked for the past 5 years. :)

lmao...this made me laugh,lol x:D

nsd_user663_7762 profile image


Its a cracking little place this. It really is - even if you dont post anything read whats posted in weeks 1, 2, month 1, 2 and beyond - and its clear to see were all in this together. We all want the achievable of becoming non-smokers.

There are some dodgy days along the way thats for sure, but if your focused, really really focused, you can do this.

What great kids you have. You should be proud of them. And you should be proud of yourself in understanding their concerns about your health due to the death of someone close to you and them.

Like I say, its not easy sailing by any means. I'm thinking about some of the things that happened to me early on --- the obvious physical 'cravings' 'wants' 'needs' of a cigarette in the early days, the 'cold / flu like symptoms of the early 10 days or so', the genuine euphoria of the next 6/7 days, the 'why am i doing this' (only for a minute or two a day) moments in the following week, the 'i really want one as a reward' the next week every so often, and now the 'im a non-smoker' mindset that I have. I "kind of" still want one, but its just a thought, a passing comment to myself, a glimpse of the past kind of thing -- each day DOES GET BETTER.



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