Octoquits Feb Roll Call: To all you quitters... - No Smoking Day

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Octoquits Feb Roll Call

nsd_user663_2040 profile image
38 Replies

To all you quitters in October 2009, where are you now?

Three months done and dusted for us all now and 4 months tomorrow for Sue...woo hoo and pats on back all round. We are moving from 1/4 of a year to 1/3 of a year in February. :)

The clipboard is out again...:rolleyes: SO hands up, "here Miss" please my lovely's.

Lornaj and Mr Lornaj both here and still strong....

Love N hugs xx

PS....Penthouse update....the building in St Barts is still on schedule, roof goes on this month and should be wind and water tight by end of February. Looking good!!!!!!!!! :D :D

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nsd_user663_2040 profile image
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38 Replies
nsd_user663_5920 profile image

*Hand up* "Here Miss* *passes the obligatory red wine to Dux so as not to get swiped*

I read free drinks for early attendance for registration or in order :) So, to celebrate all us Octo's being together one day of each Month, I'll have a double Black Russian. If Dave has any of that Russian drink left, then make it with that please.

Rum and fruit cocktails in St Bart's right now would be wonderful, with or without walls and ceiling. Sand, Sea and ........ is it just us? Sand and sea and rum cocktails..... bliss:cool:

I look forward to seeing the names on the clipboard grow over the coming days/weeks and seeing whose still going strong and smoke free...... cheers all.

Pol x

nsd_user663_6090 profile image

here miss waddling through the door and not because of my name ! feeling alot better about my quit and preparing to tackle the weight but hey... free drinks... Ill have a bottle of white , weight can wait !!!


nsd_user663_5649 profile image

I'm here... I'm still here :D .... Pepsi Max for me ;)

nsd_user663_6358 profile image

Im here miss :D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hello my lovelies, I'm here and finally hang over free!! Loving our work girls and boys, loving our work!

Let's group hug:D

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

"Present" (feels so good to be able to say that)

nsd_user663_5859 profile image

still goin strong ere ladies n gents :cool:

nsd_user663_1719 profile image


I've got no idea if that worked or not, just trying out different sizes and colours in celebration of the amount of us still going!

Oh yeah, and.....



nsd_user663_5879 profile image

present if a little quiet these days.... hope we are all doing well you lovely people xxxxxxxxxxx 16 weeks today !!!!!!

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Present and fat!

Been lying on my back with legs up in the air as directed by Brad, cos of the fat ankles ;)

nsd_user663_6301 profile image

Still going strong although haven't quite been able to stop the Champix yet bit nervous and because I'd started only really taking one a day instead of two have loads left. Anyone got any encouraging comments to make me take the plunge and stop taking them :eek: Well done though everyone xx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hey good to see so many, some old faces too still strong, that is great news.

Well done to us all....what a group.... :D

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

here miss

Dee xx;)

nsd_user663_5812 profile image

Tick me in

Cyprien profile image

Hi all,

Well done us! I'm here present and correct.

Lucanlass, you asked about stopping Champix. I found it easier to cut down gradually, went to one a day - half in morning and half at night; then just the morning half; then every other day; then nothing. It wasn't a problem, I'm sure you'll be fine


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Yes I'm here.. although a long way behind you guys but I'm here...


nsd_user663_5977 profile image

I'm here... yesssssssssssssssssssssssss well done to us all ;)

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Still going strong although haven't quite been able to stop the Champix yet bit nervous and because I'd started only really taking one a day instead of two have loads left. Anyone got any encouraging comments to make me take the plunge and stop taking them :eek: Well done though everyone xx

In all fairness I think I may have stopped too soon, however why don't you go to 1/2 a tablet a day and then every other day and so on. I understand why you are nervous but I think you will be ok my lovely.


nsd_user663_5557 profile image

4 months done now, innit

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

4 months done now, innit

Sure is my love....well done you. 1/3 of year....let hope this is the turning point eh.

keep strong...xx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

KTBird, good to see your still quit, hope things are eased up for you :) If not, then soon with luck.

Dawn, hope you get 'connection time' soon and let us know your still going strong.

Kay, woooh, good to hear from you chick.

Lorna, pass me the clip board please. Just for tomorrow :) Someone needs to keep Christine in check :cool:

nsd_user663_5128 profile image

100 days or just over three months for me now without a ciggarette :o

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Lorna, pass me the clip board please. Just for tomorrow :) Someone needs to keep Christine in check :cool:

Put the clip board down and back away slowly:eek:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

No point in backing away..... I have the clipboard :p

Oh the power :cool:

Msyvonned, good to see your still going strong :)

Duckling...... you move into Month 5 today. Hope Feb sees you waddling less :) I'm hopeful and off to an encouraging start..... how about you?

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

No point in backing away..... I have the clipboard :p

Oh the power

Msyvonned, good to see your still going strong :)

Duckling...... you move into Month 5 today. Hope Feb sees you waddling less :) I'm hopeful and off to an encouraging start..... how about you?

Tut Tut Pol...I shall have that back now please....pulls up to full height Thanks you.

I only asked you to hold it while i was balancing two glasses of wine last night...normal service is resumed.

whack for Pol :eek:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

:( Some thanks.....

The entertainment last night, ticking off some Octo's today, safeguarding your wine from Christine..... and you whack me?

I hope your train has a small but subtle tilt :p

nsd_user663_7154 profile image

I'm here too miss!

Sorry I don't enter the forum every day... but I really don't think about the cigarettes very often! I have completed 100 days without the smoking-slavery!!!

Happy for all of you!

Smoke-free kisses from Greece!

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hey Smokefree :)

Great to get your update and hear your passed the 100 days too - congrats.

Well, aren't we the lucky group? French hugs from our French neighbour (but living oooop North) Corrine and then we receive smoke free kisses from Smokefree in Greece..... what more can a group ask for :cool:

nsd_user663_2658 profile image

whoa! sorry I am late. been enjoying my life so much that I've been forgetting to come on!! Glad so see you all.

for the poster (Luchan??) who needs encouragement coming off the Champix, I was a wee bit apprehensive, as well. But -- don't worry -- it is a doddle and nothing but good news. The only change for me was getting rid of annoying side effects (headache and stomach upset for me). I am still dealing with feeling neurotic, but, for me, that was bc of giving up the fags and how my brain reacts to that -- not the drug. No real change in coming off Champix.

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Julie

Great to hear from you and brilliant to hear life is busy and enjoyable.

Move into Month 5 for you and I on Monday :)

My brain and it's strange thought processes isn't happy either with how it/I'm feeling even this later on with quitting.

All the best to you for staying strong and staying quit

Pol :)

nsd_user663_2658 profile image

Hi Pol

Nice to see you, too! Most of the time, I am so happy to be quit and really enjoying my life. But, I still tend to have panic attacks and 'anger attacks', etc. However, I really do think it is getting better. I am on full throttle most of the time; I don't know if this is good or not. I am rarely sat down and relaxing. Something I need to work on!!

Month 5 here we come -- ready or not!! :)



nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi again :)

You mention anger attacks.......... was that just part of dealing with the emotional aspects that are linked somehow, to anxiety?

I've noticed an underlying anger bubbling away of late. I know it's not quit related but I do wonder if it's being intensified by not having the smoking comfort blanket or excess caffeine..... yes, life is part of it, but working out what other things re quitting may or may not be effecting it, is proving necessary.

Busy/flat out....... got to be good and certainly better than sitting around moping or thinking tooo much. Just know when you need to 'stop and stare and relax'

Pol x

nsd_user663_3910 profile image


You have done a fine job, keep at it.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_5977 profile image

I'm here... I'm still here ....

nsd_user663_6064 profile image

I'm here - just!

nsd_user663_5920 profile image


I'd been wondering where/how you were.... great to hear from you.... keep going chick xx


Just.... or strongly with happy buzziness............ your here and that's what is counting :cool:

Keep being here :) xx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Evening ladies glad you are still with us....


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hi Pol

Nice to see you, too! Most of the time, I am so happy to be quit and really enjoying my life. But, I still tend to have panic attacks and 'anger attacks', etc. However, I really do think it is getting better. I am on full throttle most of the time; I don't know if this is good or not. I am rarely sat down and relaxing. Something I need to work on!!

Month 5 here we come -- ready or not!! :)



Hello my lovely

I understand these anger attacks or in my case mood swings as I am up and down recently. I was like this month 2 and I just do not understand why at 4 months am I reliving my teenager years (except the snogging of Paul Dickens!!)

Nice to see you though Julie, chin up (which one I ask myself:D).

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