Promoted...well that'll mostly..: 2... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Promoted...well that'll mostly..

nsd_user663_7318 profile image
7 Replies 28 days completed. Not sure how months are measured here...I may have arrived a little prematurely.

Not bad going for somebody who wanted to stop at some point but didn't actually plan to. Pretty chuffed with myself but can't decide whether I'm a lifer quitter or not. Strange as I'm not craving but I did enjoy a smoke on occasions. This also conflicts with my views after the first week or so where I thought I had the "eureka" moment.

I guess we'll see what happens. I've never made any promises to myself about this so I'm not about to start now.

Looking forward to to my 10 days without work though! Started this evening so the mobile can be off until 10th Feb...YIPPEEEEE!

Hope all the peeps in Quittersville are doing exceedingly well.

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nsd_user663_7318 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Accidental quitter

Funny you should someone asked me today if it was a lifetime quit and my OH answered before I had the chance ( bear in mind he has never smoked in his life) he said she can not smoke or smoke whichever she wants to do its her call, funny that took the pressure right off but cant swear I will never smoke again just will try not to and hope that I will continue not to, so good luck and follow your heart LOL

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Yeah to me it is an interesting point. My issue has never been with me smoking, it has always been with how much I was smoking. I also like a beer, beer in large quantities is addictive and can cause cancers etc. I know the addiction levels are different but in my mind it's the same thing. The difference is I can moderate my beer intake; something I wouldn't do with smoking. I'm not sure if that's a wouldn't or couldn't.

My dad died of a heart attack which was linked with smoking, that tells me that I shouldn't smoke. However; my dad smoked on average 40 a day for the 28 years since I was born, I think he was a smoker from his mid teens bit I'm not too sure how heavy (he died at 58). That's a lot of years smoking a lot of cigarettes.

I'm not smoking now as I know I can't control it, controlling it is what I (think) I want...not to stop.

Maybe that's just the demon though! Who knows.

Thankfully it's not something I'm dwelling on too much...still not craving which is a sign of comfort.

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

I'm not craving but I don't like the thought that I will never have another cigarette, and I would love the thought that I could have one every now and then, but being realistic, knowing everything I know after reading everything i've read, I don't think it's probable.

Like you, i'm not sure if it's just the addiction talking. I don't know if i'm facing a lifetime of not craving, but fancying just one (in a not craving kind of way?), or if at some time i'll just notice that I don't fancy one any more.

Time will tell, but for now, i'll stick with abstaining.

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

It's good to know peeps feel the same. The one thing I know is I never want smelly clothes/hands again. The thought of that makes me feel sick

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hello Mart and all, I am probably different. I don't want to ever smoke again maybe because this was my master for 52 years and now as long as I stick to not smoking it will never master me again. I still get times when I think I could smoke but it's something I can quickly say "no" to now.

Mart thank you for your kind offer and S you too.:)

Well done on 28 days.


nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Hi Uncle Jack...good to see you around tonight.

That's what I'm wary of...I feel it's just my mind playing games. I've no plan to try another at any stage soon so we'll see how we go. Day by day as they say!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Stav :D

Well done 28 days is great as to how we count months here that is up to you

I always went by calendar months but some use the 4 week month so your shout on that one

The Demons will try mind games with you foa while yet but the more you say NO the easier it is to say it OK

Love and a Hug

marg xx

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