Your Perfect Quit Scenario: I was thinking... - No Smoking Day

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Your Perfect Quit Scenario

nsd_user663_7674 profile image
15 Replies

I was thinking today at work about my perfect quit scenario, you know, that environment and set of circumstances that would make it sooooooo much easier.

So I'm on Day 19, and here's the reality of today - I get up this morning, get in the car, tackle the London South Circular at rush hour, everyone is stressed in their cars. I drive 45 minutes to work and get cut up by drivers in the usual places (I just anticipate it now). I don't smoke. I get to work and the guys in my team are stressed. I don't smoke. My new boss is a complete tool. I still don't smoke. I have a heavy workload, I don't get to take lunch, I don't get out the office until 7pm and by that time I'm too tired to get to the gym (or some other excuse). I feel like my whole day I'm surrounded by stuff that is stressful! Driving home I had a "Reggie Perrin Dream Sequence" of my perfect quit...

...the Polynesian Islands for a couple of months with my own beach hut. I'd like a nutritionist organising my meals everyday and a personal trainer who will take me for a run along the beach every morning and motivate me. Then I'd spent the rest of the day at some sort of spa retreat getting covered in mud treatments and wrapped in seaweed. I'd do an Open University module in something or other and study from my sun lounger Etc. etc. etc.

Seriously if I had the cash and the time I'd go away, surely it would be easier!

Back to reality ...

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nsd_user663_7674 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hey polster.

Im hearing you. every day stresses are relentless in the day to day battle against it all sometimes.

Have you seen the film Colateral (2004)? Was thinking you could do the trick that the taxi driver does - i.e could get a postcard of your polyenisan island and have it under your sun flaps or in even in your pocket and when you get a moment just have a zone out time and go there in your head. sounds stupid but might work?! :D

keep going mate. your doing grand and the benefits are really worth it I promise.

nsd_user663_7674 profile image

Hi Bman,

Thanks appreciate the words. I'm probably just forgetting the fact that life IS stressful anyway. It was stressful when I smoked and it's stressful when I don't smoke. My boss was prawn when I smoked and still is when I don't. So I mustn't fall into the trap of blaming the fact I've stopped smoking.

I haven't seen Colateral. I'll see if I can dig that out. Right now I feel like Michael Douglas in Falling Down.

Thanks for the support.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

Right now I feel like Michael Douglas in Falling Down.

I want breakfast!

haha. havent seen that in ages. Might have to give it another run.

yeah, I wouldnt recommend the shotgun approach with your boss, or for getting breakfast for that matter :)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

The road to smoke free is round the corner

Hi all

Polman perfect quit sonario

Go to bed go to sleep wake next morning and know I have NEVER smoked

Beat that LOL

nsd_user663_7674 profile image

I want breakfast!

haha. havent seen that in ages. Might have to give it another run.

yeah, I wouldnt recommend the shotgun approach with your boss, or for getting breakfast for that matter :)

Bman, for you ...

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

lol - the amount of burgers ive had that look like that!

cheers polster, definately gotta watch again :)

jackieinv profile image

Would like to join you in that perfect dream please.


nsd_user663_6327 profile image

I was thinking today at work about my perfect quit scenario, you know, that environment and set of circumstances that would make it sooooooo much easier.

So I'm on Day 19, and here's the reality of today - I get up this morning, get in the car, tackle the London South Circular at rush hour, everyone is stressed in their cars. I drive 45 minutes to work and get cut up by drivers in the usual places (I just anticipate it now). I don't smoke. I get to work and the guys in my team are stressed. I don't smoke. My new boss is a complete tool. I still don't smoke. I have a heavy workload, I don't get to take lunch, I don't get out the office until 7pm and by that time I'm too tired to get to the gym (or some other excuse). I feel like my whole day I'm surrounded by stuff that is stressful! Driving home I had a "Reggie Perrin Dream Sequence" of my perfect quit...

...the Polynesian Islands for a couple of months with my own beach hut. I'd like a nutritionist organising my meals everyday and a personal trainer who will take me for a run along the beach every morning and motivate me. Then I'd spent the rest of the day at some sort of spa retreat getting covered in mud treatments and wrapped in seaweed. I'd do an Open University module in something or other and study from my sun lounger Etc. etc. etc.

Seriously if I had the cash and the time I'd go away, surely it would be easier!

Back to reality ...

Hey Polster, thats a nice almost perfect quit senario, but hey, how about this? Same Polynesian Islands for a couple of months, same beach huts, and all the gubbins, personal trainer, personal cook etc., and the spa and mud treatments, add in good friends for company yadder yadder and what else is the secret ingredient missing here? FAGS thats whats missing!! Not the horrid sort that cause damage and harm us, but a new batch that have just been invented by me, actually so new I only invented them in my dreams last night.

They cost just 29p per pack of 20. They have NO bad things in them at all and they taste and smoke just like the real thing. They dont smell of anything to other people walking past. Anyone wanna join me in going into production right now? Zozie hun, you reading this, maybe this will be a quicker route to us being millionaires!! :D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

FAGS thats whats missing!! Not the horrid sort that cause damage and harm us, but a new batch that have just been invented by me, actually so new I only invented them in my dreams last night.

They cost just 29p per pack of 20. They have NO bad things in them at all and they taste and smoke just like the real thing. They dont smell of anything to other people walking past. Anyone wanna join me in going into production right now? Zozie hun, you reading this, maybe this will be a quicker route to us being millionaires!! :D

Please do not shout but I so want one today, I am loving your idea Viv!!:)

nsd_user663_7769 profile image

Hi Polster

Good going was it day 19 you had a derailment last time I hope you feel a lot stronger this time.

Would seem you have a pretty stressed work life coupled with an hour or so of Ben Hur chariot racing every day.

Just think with the dosh you save you could make the picture in your mind come true for a small time at least but hurry up because all the pacific island's are disapearing.

As we have a film theme going here I think this one fits a few bills its called Cold Turkey 1971

warning a small dog gets kicked but the film is very funny I will have to find a full version to watch soon,


nsd_user663_7674 profile image

Hey Gary,

Thanks for remembering Day 19 was my derailment day 2 years ago. It's Day 20 today and amazingly (for me) I've been in a really upbeat mood. Dare I say it, but I've been laughing in the office AND smiling at people. Hope you're doing ok as you're only a couple of days behing me (I'm so pleased to see the back of Week 2).

Day 19 last year involved getting blown out on a date, ringing a friend, persuading her to come clubbing in East London with me instead, I got immensely trashed because I felt sorry for myself and had a cigarette (just one or two, just that night, you understand...)

That was February 9th 2008 and by my calculations that ONE cigarette was actually a ball park figure of... 18,250 cigarettes (@15 a day) ... until I stopped again 19 days ago.

Looking forward to viewing your link at home later... my boss is stalking about at the mo.


nsd_user663_7529 profile image

Do they have Sausage Rolls and Sky Sports at this Polynesian resort Polster?I'd have to reserve my support until these points are clarified.

nsd_user663_7674 profile image

Do they have Sausage Rolls and Sky Sports at this Polynesian resort Polster?I'd have to reserve my support until these points are clarified.

As I told my flatmare, I mean flatmate... last night "If you want Sky Sports that's absolutely cool by me, but don't go and order it, get it installed, spend £77 on ALL the packages that YOU watch, that YOU want and THEN present me with a backdated bill for it 3 months later when you never asked me if I wanted it. Which I don't. What the feck?!"

So yeh go for it! Ha ha ha.

Bring the sausage rolls along too.

(Edit: I told him that if he wants me to contribute towards HIS Sky, then I've got no problem with that if he'd like to contibute towards my gym membership. Cheeky *&^%!)

nsd_user663_7529 profile image

OK, I'll back away from the Sky issue very slowly. Hopefully you'll be too distacted be the pastry to notice and I'll make a clean getaway.

I had read about your flatmate back in week one..sorry forgot about that! :)

nsd_user663_7674 profile image

Ha ha it's all good. I would like to say Sky is sorted but my flatmare wrapped up this weeks "Sky Meeting" by suggesting we all meet up again next week to discuss it again. I'm not sure what part of "I DO NOT WANT TO PAY FOR YOUR SKY TV" he doesn't get but I'll be sure to keep you all posted ;) I might buy some shoes tomorrow and tell him he owes me £80. Just to re-inforce the point.

Anyway... I've just been distracted by a passing pastry :)

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