what am I doing wrong....: I tried to quit... - No Smoking Day

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what am I doing wrong....

nsd_user663_7391 profile image
8 Replies

I tried to quit 3 weeks ago and have broken my reslove twice and am back on it (cigs that is) today.......

First attempt ended after a argument with hubby, second because I was feeling low ( and also downed a couple of whiskies and a few too many glasses of wine) and today because i felt a bit rough on the shit in my sysyem again and the alcohol.

Actually felt really unstaedy today(fuzzy head,slightly nervous,headaches, eyes bleary +) and had to go to college and bummed a cigarette.

Am a bit concerned about the wat Im giving up- patces.In one article I read is said 98% of people fail....Now, thats not encouraging.Can anyone throw some light on this,should I just trust the patches and wean myself of them.It didnt help that my dad told that of friend of his is on patces 2 years later.

And how can I give up again with this horrible feeling of keepwith the effects of the last couple of days feelinf like ,well awfull.

On the first week of giving up I felt ok but wtih the withdrawl and back on(and alcohol- feeling shit) not sure when I can brave it again.Maybe I'll feel better 2morrow....?

They wouldnt give me zyban(is that the Name) as Im on anti psycotics(at least I think that was the reason)......Thanks...

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nsd_user663_7391 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_7361 profile image

Hi Sasser,

I am in the same situation...failed may times, but will giving up soon with champix.

I have tried to give up and failed miserably....About 3 weeks ago I tried to stop 3 times the same week and made it about half day each time.It broke my moral in half!!!

You said that you take other medications and as Zyban, probably Champix won't be the best option for you.However, there are many other alternatives, and support (as this FANTASTIC forum, NHS....) is available.

As I said, I understand you completely and, although I have no stopped yet, I feel I am arming myself with the best tools around: support and knowledge!

Here all the members are very supportive and understand addiction inside-out.

Give yourself the time to prepare, belive in yourself and remember that you are not alone.



nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Well i quit in July last year, i used patches only, and nothing else.. just Niquitin CQ step 1's for 8 weeks, step 2 for 2 weeks and step 3 for 2 weeks to finish off.. exactly as they specified on the packet and I am still quit now over 6 and half months later and I do not plan on smoking either.

For me patches were not the means of my quit, they were not the reason for the success i've made of it so far, the success comes from you. Its possible that the 98% of which you speak expected the patch to be like the proverbial magic bullet to get them off the cigs, when really the majority of the work is done by you. The cravings will not be as intense using patches, but they won't go away altogether.

You take determination to the table for your quit, and take a good proportion of stubbornness and there is no reason why you would not stand a big chance of being a part of the 2%.

in fact, why don't you make a pact right here.. right now, and be part of that 2% right now? You are not going to let this addiction beat you now are you? You're bigger than this right?

Well come on then? what you waiting for.. beat this thing and prove to you, your family and friends that you can and will do this.

good luck and i hope to see you where i am now in 6 months.


nsd_user663_4367 profile image


Hi, Yeah as with Jason, I am another winner with the patches. I have been quit nearly 11 months, and do not intend smoking ever again.....

Patches only assist in your quit, u still have to have a lot of willpower.

The forum was also a massive help to me in the early days.....

Keep strong u can do this.... Kaz :cool:

nsd_user663_6734 profile image



I'm with Jason aswell. I have quit for 8 weeks with the patches. They have worked for me. But you need some will power aswell.

I can't tell you it's going to be easy, but once you get over the first couple of weeks the fuzzy head will go so will the headaches and feeling sick etc.

Keep writing and reading the posts on this forum as it will help you, as it has help many people on here. You will get loads of support, help, advice and friendship on here.

Good luck and think positive.

looking forward to reading your messages.:)


nsd_user663_5325 profile image

I say it all the time .... You have to want to quit really want it. Then you have to accept its going to be hard very hard. Then you have to realize life is going to happen while you quit,its not going to stop because you have to take a bad day. Read about what cigarettes do to you. Check out utube and watch some of the vids there. Smoking is a addiction, it does not kill you over night, it doesn't make you not able to function in life but it does make you lie to yourself. It tells you you need it on a bad day, it tells you you cant be yourself without a smoke. It makes you rationalize anything so you continue to smoke. Untill you realize this and fight the thoughts when they come you will have problems in your quit. Accept the want and need, fight through it and then be proud you did. Beat it because you can, you just have to make the decision and stick to it.

ALL the best in your quit, Sorry I tend to be a bit dramatic but I feel very strongly about quitting and want everyone to be be able to do it as well.

Come to the site often and post, help others and make friends of people that are quitt:Ding as well. It helps it really does

nsd_user663_7503 profile image

Hey Sasser,

Chin up matey. You are trying to make a huge life change and it is hard. You sound really down on yourself about it all so why not give yourself a break for a few days or a week or two and read up about quitting.

Sometimes I think getting your head in the right place beforehand is just as important as actually quitting. Maybe reading through a lot of the posts on here and all the really helpful links first will help get you in the right frame of mind. It does help to prepare for whats to come and have a plan for the hard times beforehand.

I am on the patches too and have quit for 3 weeks. Its not a magic cure (I wish lol) but it does help take the edge off the cravings while you get used to not physically smoking.

I wish you all the luck in the world with your next quit but give yourself a break and remember most of us on here have had a few failed quits too.


jackieinv profile image

Hi and welcome.

I agree with all the others who stopped with patches. If you want to stop and stay stopped we suggest you read as much as you can about the nicotine addiction so that you can change your ideas about what you believe about smoking. There are several good websites in our signatures which talk about everything you can imagine about the addiction, this is where we got our strength to stay stopped.

Wishing you all the best.


nsd_user663_4026 profile image


I'm also a succesfull patch quitter. I used them to get my head in the right place. Its true, they are not a magic bullet. They should be used with the knowledge that the mental issues need to be dealt with. You will get there, just keep on pushing and posting and reading xx

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