Day 7-so why so flat?: Hi All, I made it to... - No Smoking Day

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Day 7-so why so flat?

nsd_user663_7673 profile image
18 Replies

Hi All,

I made it to day 7, week 2 starts tomorrow, i should be ecstatic right?

I feel like i got run over by something big and heavy. I've been really up and positive all week and so looking forward to cracking my first week, but when this morning arrived i just felt flat and tired.

I know all of this is probably normal and should pass eventually, guess i've just got a touch of the miseries today:(

Is using patches and inhalator cheating do you think? Am i just saving up the real hard work for a later date? I suppose I'm worried that I'm just kidding myself a bit as ok, i'm not smoking a cigarette but even as i write this i have a patch firmly stuck on and the inhalator clenched between my teeth!

Oh where oh where has my sense of humour gone?? Think i'll go and read Davofgy's jokes again:D

Thanks for helping me get this far folks, i'm not giving in, just having an off day.

Jenni xx

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nsd_user663_7673 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jenni :D

Well done you into week 2 tomorrow and that's great Big Hug

I'm sorry you're having a bad day today but all the things you're feeling right now are normal but they will all pass very soon OK

No using Patches and an inhalor is not cheating at all most of us use something to help us I used champix for instance it has after all stopped you smoking OK you're still getting some nicotine for now but nowhere near as much as when you smoked as you work through the the patch nicotine gets less each time so that your body gets used to smaller and smaller amounts until finally you stop using them altogether

So don't worry about that you're not cheating I truly admire the people who go CT but I certainly couldn't and I did try more than once

Love and a Hug

Marg xx

jackieinv profile image

Hi Jenni, sounds like you are having some symptoms of stopping, feeling a bit down. There is a thread in "Other symptoms of quitting", where people shared about emotions, it may help you to read that. Why Quit also have info on emotions and of course lots of other valuable reading.

Don't go looking for bad stuff try to relax and yes read David's jokes, a distraction is a great idea. Don't worry about the patches, you can stay with them while you get over the picking up a cigarette and get used to not doing that. Later you can cut down on the patch either by using a lower nicotine one or by cutting them up, there are some good stories about patches too, put patches in search engine should bring them up.

Best wishes.


nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Thanks Marg, I think i was needing a hug:D

And cheers Jackie, I know all I'm feeling is nothing new and I've never been one for wallowing too long, just having a bit of a "moment" as my friends and I call it!

I'm off to forage for a chocolate biscuit:)

Thanks so much, this forum is invaluable. I know for a fact i wouldn't have even got this far without you all.

Huge hugs right back:D

Jenni xxx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

It really is an emotional rollercoaster, but you are doing really well. Treat yourself to a large bar of chocolate, I honestly found comfort eating to great help.


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

What you just described there hit me just before my 100 days, i should have felt great about the 100 days, but all i felt was.. like it was a bit of an anti-climax.

I sure celebrated the weekend after it though once i'd got through moping for a few days.

It passes and before long you'll realise you've been quit 2 weeks and that will be double the reason to celebrate. Who knows might be you'll relax a bit more during february, and once you do, you'll realise instantly what a great thing this is that you've done.


nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Thanks Christine and thanks Jase,

It is an emotional rollercoaster but yes, chocolate definitely helps!:D

I don't know if having your sleep patterns all messed up has an effect too and possibly leaves you a bit low and washed out.

Cheers for the boost though, i know it gets better, but like you Jase I expected to be celebrating my success today and felt really wrong footed to discover myself decidedly un-chipper this morning:confused:

Ah well, tomorrows another day, I'll just chuck some pizza and salad at the kids tonight as enthusiasm's definitely not on the menu...baaaad mommy:p

Big bar of chocolate,early night, all will be well.

Jenni xx

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Sorry to hear you had a bit of a day Jenni

But pat yourself on the back, you've done a week!

What treats have you got lined up?


nsd_user663_6570 profile image

hey jenni

realy well done

its hard stopping but you will get through it. you are over the worst keep it up

nsd_user663_6238 profile image

Well done! Keep up the great work....keep reading these stories, works for me.

My day 7 today. Tomorrow 2nd week *pats own back* Its tough but i feel great after letting myself down in November.

Smell that lovely clean air in your room! :D

ps- Hoping you will all suceed.

nsd_user663_7673 profile image

What treats have you got lined up?


Gosh I hadn't even thought of that! I have been saving my money in a jar though so I guess I'll need to think of something nice to do with it eventually:)

Looking forward to starting week 2 on a more positive note.

Thanks all and wishing us all success and good health.

Jenni xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Just wondering how you were today Jenni??

nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Hi Christine,

I'm a bit chirpier today, though I do seem to be feeling ridiculously tired all the time but unable to sleep properly at night.

I see some others have experienced similar on the patches, so with any luck i should feel back to normal soon.

Normal???? Sheesh, I've smoked for the last quarter century, I have no earthly clue what normal feels like!:D:D

Here's an odd one though, I felt pretty rough this morning so i didn't put the patch on, fed up with the wide awake/exhausted thing, and I've been craving less, eating less, and not wanting to use the inhalator either:confused:

Any ideas? I'm not thinking I'm cured or anything, i'll put a patch back on later but i just thought it was a bit odd!

How's your day?

Jenni xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hi Jenni

My day is getting better!! I quit on Champix so ironically I slept like a baby in the early days, however I struggled to sleep in month 2 and someone told me about Chamomile Tea (most supermarkets sell it). Have a cup 1/2 hour before bed and it does make me drowsy. Worth a try.

Another day nearly done, well done you.

nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Cheers Christine,

I'll give that a try tonight. I've got some in the cupboard, it's a chamomile blend called Night Time so it might just do the trick. I'd pay good money for a decent night's sleep!:D

Jenni xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

In that case if you sleep tonight I will accept a cheque.:D

Good luck and let me know.


nsd_user663_7959 profile image

Hi All,

I made it to day 7, week 2 starts tomorrow, i should be ecstatic right?

I feel like i got run over by something big and heavy. I've been really up and positive all week and so looking forward to cracking my first week, but when this morning arrived i just felt flat and tired.

I know all of this is probably normal and should pass eventually, guess i've just got a touch of the miseries today:(

Is using patches and inhalator cheating do you think? Am i just saving up the real hard work for a later date? I suppose I'm worried that I'm just kidding myself a bit as ok, i'm not smoking a cigarette but even as i write this i have a patch firmly stuck on and the inhalator clenched between my teeth!

Oh where oh where has my sense of humour gone?? Think i'll go and read Davofgy's jokes again:D

Thanks for helping me get this far folks, i'm not giving in, just having an off day.

Jenni xx

Hey, Jenni. I stumbled upon this forum accidentally while searching for an old post I made on a no smoking forum years ago. I cannot remember the name of the forum, and thought I would just get lucky. I am wanting to access that old post so that I can share it with another forum I'm on. After perusing this one, I am certain that this is not where I posted -- however, I spotted your post and registered here for the sole purpose of responding to you in hopes of offering some encouragement and sharing some extremely important information for anybody in your/our/my shoes.

I won't go into a lengthy accounting of all of my quitting experiences, but suffice it to say, I have been as much a career quitter as I was a smoker. For over 30 years, I have spent an enormous amount of time and money quitting. I have also stayed off for 2-3 years at a time. My downfall was getting over-confident and thinking that "just one won't hurt." Each and every time I had that mentality, the next puff threw me back into being a full-time smoker, needing to quit once again! I used nearly every possible method to cease the habit: hypnosis, acupuncture, aversion therapy, cold turkey, etc. The method of delivery provided with the patch, gum and meds never made sense to me, so those are the only methods I have never used. One common thread in all of my attempts has been that cold turkey was always the easiest and I always stayed quit longer when I quit cold turkey. If you really think about it, no matter how you ultimately quit, it's going to be cold turkey eventually.

Anyway, I decided last week that I was going to quit (again, and for good). I am 53 years old and enough is enough! I have always been puzzled how I could be off for so long, years at a time, and pick it up with just one puff. I thought it was a malfunction with me -- I didn't realize that all ex-smokers are only one puff away from being a smoker again.

Knowing that I had had my most success with cold turkey in the past, combined with the fact that finances are too stretched now to waste on another clinic, I smoked my last cigarette on January 20, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. I decided to do a Google search for smoking cessation videos to have something to play in the background during the day as reinforcement. Wow, what a gold mine I discovered! I was lead to, which took me to a wealth of information. I got bored with the videos very quickly, but the site, along with the forums, is chock-full of everything anybody wanting to stop smoking could ever ask for.

Please visit the site. I promise you will be so happy you did. Please particularly read the information on NRT (nicotine replacement therapies) at This link will really help you understand what you've been going through this past week.

Read Bryan's story:

Read the forum:

From someone who has spent a fortune in smoking cessation over the years, I can confidently tell you that the WhyQuit site is priceless. There is no charge for anything and no solicitation whatsoever. I can't even figure out a way to donate to the site! I haven't posted there yet (you can't even register until you've been nicotine free for 72 hours), but I am registered under the same user name. I hope to see you there!

nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Hello FreeToBeMe,

Thanks for your post, sounds like we have a CT advocate here! The site you mention is very good, I agree. I discovered it and others about a year ago and have been educating myself since. I've also read Allen Carr's Easy way and Only way books.

I appreciate what you are saying but I've tried Cold Turkey previously and it's really not for me. The patches help me to do it gradually and without committing any murders:)

My cousin quit using patches, she's been quit over 8 years now and hasn't slipped once, so I guess it's whatever works for each of us, we are all different.

Thanks again though and welcome to the forum.

Good luck with your own quit this time!

Jenni x

nsd_user663_7959 profile image

Hello FreeToBeMe,

Thanks for your post, sounds like we have a CT advocate here! The site you mention is very good, I agree. I discovered it and others about a year ago and have been educating myself since. I've also read Allen Carr's Easy way and Only way books.

I appreciate what you are saying but I've tried Cold Turkey previously and it's really not for me. The patches help me to do it gradually and without committing any murders:)

My cousin quit using patches, she's been quit over 8 years now and hasn't slipped once, so I guess it's whatever works for each of us, we are all different.

Thanks again though and welcome to the forum.

Good luck with your own quit this time!

Jenni x

LOL ... I actually read some of your other posts after I posted this to you, so I was expecting your response. I'm an advocate of whatever works; CT has proven to be the easiest for me.

Allen Carr's forum is the one I was speaking of earlier. After I read his book, I was positive that was it. I became active on the forum and wrote some really good posts. Of course, after I lost my quit, I was too ashamed to go back and have since forgotten the web site.

But, yes, let's be supportive of whatever works for each individual to quit, remaining mindful to "never take another puff."

Not what you're looking for?