Celebrity Quitters on 5...: Has anyone been... - No Smoking Day

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Celebrity Quitters on 5...

nsd_user663_4990 profile image
40 Replies

Has anyone been watching this on 5? When you've been quit for some months its a nice reminder of what those early days of quitting smoking was like...

here is the on-demand page for it, so you can catch up if you've not caught it on telly yet...


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nsd_user663_4990 profile image
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40 Replies
nsd_user663_4964 profile image

OOh was this the one that was posted bout on here? Looking for quitters to help? Who are the celebrities? When is it on Jase?

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Oops just saw your link.....

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Wow, didn't watch any of the programmes but...does the guy on the left not have the whitest and scariest set of wallies?

The voters haven't exactly been beating a path....

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

OOh was this the one that was posted bout on here? Looking for quitters to help? Who are the celebrities? When is it on Jase?

Tonights should be interesting aswell as tomorrows, as its the celebs day 3/4 ;)

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Saw the first one, but it got my OH a bit jumpy so we haven't watched it since.

Was a bit cynical about the lung age though, if you were an unfit, overweight, couch potato, but never smoked a day in your life, I don't suppose that lung test would be too complimentary either. :)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I remember my early days of my quit really well, this served to remind me that things did get better as my quit went on. To see the celebs going through the same things just shows that regards smoking.. every can and does have a different experience while quitting, some tend to find it easier than others too.

Quitting smoking is a journey, one i'm glad i started and am still making.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

I caught it tonight. It was quite good actually. Interesting though that they convinced one of them they had to do it with nrt just because they smoked so heavily. Its good to see other avenues of quitting being explored. Not sure on the celebrity quality though!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I stopped seeing them as celebs really, just people with jobs same as you or I. What i did see was one of them get to speak to an old chap who had a pipe feed to his lung.. and thats an experience i've not had myself, but it sure made me doubley certain i don't never want to get to that stage and for that i will remain quit as i have been for these months so far.

Its a good program though, i don't think over the years they've done anything like this so if this is a start, its a good one.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

What i did see was one of them get to speak to an old chap who had a pipe feed to his lung.. and thats an experience i've not had myself,

and i hope you never do either mate!

they just not going to impress the women which ever way you try and dress it up :D

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

It was interesting, caught it tonight, after i realised it was on.

Strange mix of celebs...Chloe Madeley (too young and free and having fun to take it serious, and not really a proper addicted smoker yet ....been there) Paul Danan

(Anyone remember him on the hilarious Love Island? He always seems like a proper waster, and he always looks like he's gonna burst into tears any second for some reason) )

Linda Robson - shouldn't she have given up years ago??

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

cheers for posting this... I didn't even know about the show :( Just watched the first 4 episodes on line and will set my Sky to record the rest of the series.

It's odd watching them guys and thinking " Oh god yeah, I remember that feeling " .... THANK GOD IT GETS BETTER!! :D and is 100% worth every single first days of craving! It's them first few days that keep me quit today, cos I would NEVER EVER EVER want to have to go through them first few days again... especially not the 3rd day :eek:

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Dang it, I wanted to see the show..... says:mad: UK only when I try and watch them BAH

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

If i see it released perhaps as a dvd i'll post info. you are i think region 1 ? for dvd's so will depend if they produce that forum, otherwise it will be region 2 only :/

sorry :/

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

She actually did quit i believe for 17 years, and i think it was some family member illness or I think death? that prompted her to reach for a cigarette and then she was hooked again. So with a 17 year successful quit already done previously, its Linda who i'm most interested to see how she gets on.

beyond the adverts from the NHS though, there really isn't that much focus on the tv for folk wishing to stop smoking.. this program at least goes some way to highlight the process, quit methods and indeed the experience of folk who are using them. Celebs or not, they are still just human and using the same quit methods as alot of people are trying even now.

It was interesting, caught it tonight, after i realised it was on.

Strange mix of celebs...Chloe Madeley (too young and free and having fun to take it serious, and not really a proper addicted smoker yet ....been there) Paul Danan

(Anyone remember him on the hilarious Love Island? He always seems like a proper waster, and he always looks like he's gonna burst into tears any second for some reason) )

Linda Robson - shouldn't she have given up years ago??

nsd_user663_7713 profile image

iv just started watching the first one

who is this chloe and why is she a "celebrity"?

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Yea #1 in the usa, someone will put it out on the web at some point I guess or they will bring it over here which is most prob why they won't let us see it now.


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Your post got me thinking...

what about these youtube links i just found?

Episode 1


Episode 2


Episode 3


Episode 4


Episode 5


nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Thanks a bunch . I did a search but must have not used the proper words.:D

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Bah replyed before I visited the site....

This video contains content from Channel 5, who has decided to block it in your country. :(

Thanks anyway

nsd_user663_4990 profile image


am I good? :)

nsd_user663_4026 profile image


Loving this program, watched Fridays last night on the planner and up for a nice cup of tea and some more viewing of tonights episode........ Not sure they are focusing on the mind bit, other than the hypnosis treatmentb though.....

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Its a ten-parter so this weeks 5 weeknight episodes are the last 5.

It does say 'series 1' on the on demand programme links, so hopefully this will continue to a second series. If they run out of celebs, i'm certain there is many folk who would participate.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Well just watched it

Hey Jase

Just watched all 5 episodes and can I just say thank chrunchie I've stopped smoking, the first 2 episodes reminding me of the first days of the quit.

How unsupportive was the chef's partner - wanted to smack her!

Well done everyone who's stopped,just watching the first week again reminds me how hard this was.


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Oh gawd yeah.. that chef's missus really is one of the most unsupportive 'other halfs' i think i've seen/heard of. I literally shouted at the screen (mad i know), 'give him a bloody break!!!!' she hadn't a clue what he was truly going through, and that lack of support is part of the reason why he's probably not succeed to quit in the past. It doesn't help with a work colleague who had no faith either but at least he's seeing that the chap can probably do it now.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Freedoms a state of mind and im ready for loony bin

When you think they have doctore psys and all sorts helping them and most of us are on our own if they fail they are weaker than most of us and we should see them get to 12 weeks and then it would be real but think they are only going to 10 days and as far as I can see thats not essentially the hardest part and I didnt seem to notice a CT is there one????

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I think chloe madeley the young blonde lass on it started cold turkey then realised it was alot harder than she thought so in fear of fail she opted to try some of the nrt on offer.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Didn't the hypno bloke (help with name jase please!) Take his nicotine cartridge out his puffer thing last night?

nsd_user663_3617 profile image

I am really enjoying this series. Tonight's programme says one of the celebrities cracks and has a smoke. I wonder which one? I think it will be Chloe, she doesn't seem quite as committed as the others.

Watching makes me remember the initial pain and the hard work that goes into quitting but now 16 months in it is so worth it. It's quite hard to stop myself cheering at the telly, come on, come on you can do it!!!:D

Agree about John doo-dah's wife - what a so and so she is, no support at all.:(



nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Day 7

So did everyone watch last nights?

Hi Bernie, so it was Paul who smoked.

The chef was desperate, thought the narrator was unfair to Paul following his blip ..... bouncing back like it never happened was a bit harsh, esp. as the told the chef to not do it and how angry he was with himself.

From a very postive start this seems to be becoming about ratings. Is intersting though epecially 8 mths down the road. Wonder if any of them have done that thing yet where they're so desperate they curl into a ball and scream - perhaps that was just me.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

I was surprised he did, but then again, he seemed a bit complacent about it pre crack. I wonder if there will be a follow up in a few months.

I enjoy this program. I really hope John does it. He seems to be the one who has his head around it the most. The orangey looking man i'm not so sure about!

Not sure I agreed about the pack of ten thing they did the day before.

MAH, I too have done the screaming thing. Had to pull over at about two weeks quit and sobbed and screamed my head off!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

yeah i really would like to see john succeed, out of all of them i think he's had the most stress in his job too. I'd like to see him succeed so he can shove it back at his OH and say 'who's laughing now?' :)

nsd_user663_3617 profile image


Not sure about screaming but I certainly had a good cry now and again!

I also want John to succeed, hope his wife supports him abit more and that the other chef gives him a break, although I think last night he realised that John was pretty serious about his quit.

Looking forward to tonight. This is so much better than Celebrity Big Brother.


P.S. I thought the packet of fags was downright cruel !! :eek:

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

See you all tomorrow for next installment

Fi, orange person? Derek Acorah?

Also I am expecting Chloe to give in - thought I saw a taster where her dad asks her if she's cheated. Gawd being a celebrity and being followed is awful, she does have a boyfriend who smokes though, always admire people who give up when their partner continues to chuff away.



nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Wait till they get further along will see the lesser mortals lol

I bet that even the weakest of us would quit if we got paid for it, well I would have loved them to pay me to do it.

But do think it is funny should be good one tonight and its on at 7.30pm every week night.

Should have made them all quit CT or is that toooooooo cruel, I think it makes resolve stronger.

The makers should get some real people to do it.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

episode 8 is on youtube only at the moment (they haven't updated the 5 on demand site yet)


nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Hi Jase,

I am completely hooked on it, haven't watched it when it's on at 7.30pm but been catching up on line. Thanks for making me aware of it.


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

last episode was shown tonight. I'm hoping for another series and will definitely tune in if they do one.

Paul Danan was predictable with every one of them tests he did though :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

The first sensible reality show I have ever seen. I'm sure this is going to help some people who may want to stop.


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Well that was.....

Only watched the last episode last night.

Paul, bless him, he's not ready to stop yet - well is he!

Zee chef has gone evangelical - kinda resemble that.

Chloe - is trying to convert everyone too, hope she keeps it up.

Derek, with his wife smoking really feel for him (she's doing that will quit soon thing most of us has done) although he did say he wished he done it ages ago and anyone who still smokes is a fool - she looked like she was sucking on a melon at that point -unsurprisingly :D

Linda, not sure, don't think she will start again.

So are they gonna do another set of follow ups when peeps quit the NRT - now that will be interesting, wonder if Paul will still be smoking!

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